Rep. Terri A. Sewell

Rep. Terri A. Sewell


Proud to represent the 7th Congressional District of Alabama

Washington, DC ·

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

  1. Delighted to join local officials for the groundbreaking of the Tuxedo Terrace Homeownership Community in Ensley today!

  2. Honored to be sworn in as Representative of Alabama's 7th District in the 113th Congress with my mom & dad at my side!

  3. Delighted to present Rev. Reese with his "Alabama Shining Star" Award today since he was unable to attend 2012 CBC ALC.

  4. My heart goes out to the families of the victims & all of those affected by the senseless violence in , CT today.

  5. Our thoughts & prayers go out to the family of Lt. Col. Herbert Carter, one of the 33 original Tuskegee Airmen, who passed away today.

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