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Protecting children from exploitation
Posted by Randy | December 14, 2012
While all eyes in Washington are rightfully focused on the fiscal cliff, I want to take a moment to update you on an issue that has always been a top priority of mine: protecting children. Last week, President Obama signed into law the Child Protection Act (H.R. 6063), legislation I cosponsored, to increase protections for innocent children against exploitation and bring their abusers to justice. 

The purpose of the Act is twofold: to curb the spread of child pornography while also aggressively punishing those engaged in child abuse.  This legislation increases the punishments for possession or creation of child pornography, raising the maximum penalty from 10 to 20 years.  The bill also employs protective orders to shield children serving as witnesses from intimidation, coercion, or threats of violence.  Further, the law reauthorizes and provides funding for training programs for regional Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces, which since 1998, have reviewed more than 280,000 complaints of alleged child sexual victimization resulting in the arrest of more than 30,000 individuals.  Finally, the Act gives law enforcement authority to prioritize cases linked to crimes such as human trafficking, which often fuel the production of child pornography.

I think we can all agree that protecting children from abuse is an unquestionably worthy cause and is one of the many issues in which both Democrats and Republicans can find common ground. I am hopeful we can do the same with our budget deficit as we approach the fiscal cliff.

For more information on the fiscal cliff and how it will affect you, click here.
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  • Thomas G commented on 12/14/2012
    Mr. Forbes...the American people are on common ground that they want tax rates for millionaires and billionaires to raise sir. Are you on common ground with the rest of the country?
  • Thomas G commented on 12/15/2012
    Randy, do you honestly believe you are protecting children by opposing a ban on assault weapons in the District of Columbia? Honestly sir, please tell your consitituents how this advances the health and safety of children in the District and the millions of children who visit the District every year.
  • Gregg J commented on 12/15/2012
    Great, good job protecting children from predators, I support this 100%. When will you cosponsor legislation to prosecute banksters that committed the largest fraud against taxpayers in the history of this country? The evidence cannot get any more obvious. What are you waiting for? Please do your job protecting all citizens from predators (financial or otherwise). Get to work drafting legislation to prosecute these financial sector criminals. Additionally, I've read your Primer on Taxes and there's a few clear conclusions. First, it's clear taxes need to be raised on the wealthy. This increase amounts to 3% to 4.6%. These tiny increases are what republican gridlock is about? What a stupid position. Secondly, how is it that businesses earning more than $18M per year pay 35% corporate tax rate however businesses that earn between $100K and $334K pay 39% tax rate. Who voted for that? Its clear--just like individual tax rates--corporate rates need to be adjusted. Corporate rates should start at 10% and go up at 3% increments with the top tax rate being 31%. This is a much better plan than what republicans are currently proposing and shifts the tax burden to businesses that can most afford it. Where is the leadership in congress?
  • Thomas G commented on 12/15/2012
    Congressman Forbes, Can I count on you to be the first voice forward, given your involvement with the congressional prayer caucus, to take the floor of the House and speak out in affirmation support of desperately needed sensible gun control legislation? Can I sir? Just this once sir, would you please act for American families?
  • Thomas G commented on 12/17/2012
    Congressman Forbes, could you please tell us why for months now there has been refusal of the republican leadership to respond on the Violence Against Women Act that a long time ago passed the Senate? It's a simple question sir, why?
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