Dr. Burgess on CNN: Fiscal Cliff Deadline - Today
Posted by Whitney Thompson on December 31, 2012
Dr. Burgess appeared on CNN to discuss the fiscal cliff deadline which is midnight today, December 31, 2012. You can watch the video below.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Eva from San Carlos commented on 12/31/2012
    Shame on the dysfunctional Congress: it is unacceptable that your inaction will cause a self-inflicted wound on all of us. 1. Expand unemployment benefits. 2.Expand tax cuts. 3. Raise taxes on those who earn more than 400,000 per year. ACT NOW!
  • sonya kennedy from keller commented on 12/31/2012
    Dear Dr. Burgess, I'm loyal Republican, but I'm sooooooo upset with all you GOP senators and congressmen. enough is enough. Go ahead and protect your 2% and see if their votes will be enough to get you all re elected?? I'm very disappointed with all, you just cant see it. so sad. respectfully,
  • David from Columbus, IN commented on 1/1/2013
    Please do not pass the Senate Fiscal Cliff Bill. From what the news is reporting, this bill contains no spending cuts. Or if any at all, they are delayed and most likely will never happen. I am against tax increases of any kind as they target the wealth and job creators that drive the economy. However even more important than this is that government spending is out of control and ruining this nation not only in spending money we do not have but in encouraging a culture of dependency that dooms this nation to collapse. There is nothing in this bill that Republicans can brag about. There is nothing in this bill that solves the root issue of spending. It is time that congress stood up and had the courage to do what is right for this nation regardless of political consequences. It is often said that a lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. The democratic congress and president have failed to plan. They have not passed a budget as required by law and have left negotiations on sequestration until the last minute. This should not constitute an emergency on the part of the House. It is time to stand ground and fight this battle. If not now, when? Will we delay this until we face raising the debt ceiling yet again, having already ceded the moral ground if we vote for the Senate fiscal cliff bill? I pray that House Republicans will have the courage to do this now. Going over the cliff that forces the issue of spending cuts will be better for this nation that a moral compromise that does not address this issue and carries us further into debt. Respectfully, David
  • Robert Berko from Valparaiso, IN commented on 1/1/2013
    Fiscal Cliff Bill passed by Senate on 12/31/2012 is a sham because it does not include any spending cuts only spending increases. Republicans should not cave in and approve this bill. Republicans need to stand firm and not give in on future promises that have proven to be worthless in the past.
  • Jim from Lewisville, TEXAS commented on 1/1/2013
    $1 in cuts for $1 in taxes, not $41of tax in mostly for mostly NEW SPENDING for $1 in cuts to our national defrense. Hold your ground.
  • Sheila from Gainesville, TX commented on 1/3/2013
    I vote Republican and I've voted for you, but voting against the fiscal cliff bill when it affects so many Americans, that's unacceptable. Why be a part of the most disfunctional, unproductive congress ever. I know the bill isn't perfect, but at least it's something until more work can be done. How about some statesmanship instead of worrying about the rabid Tea Party threats?
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