Thursday December 06 2012

Murkowski Commends Cable Box Energy Efficiency Agreement

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today lauded the Set-Top Box Energy Conservation Agreement, which will make television cable boxes more energy efficient. The agreement, announced by the Consumer Electronics Association and the National Cable and Telecommunications Association, will take effect next month.

“I commend the industry for proactively developing a consensus agreement that will save their customers money, and not waiting for a federal mandate that forces them to act,” Murkowski said. “This agreement is a wonderful example of how we can capture the benefits of energy efficiency without relying on top-down government, where Congress chooses the winners and losers instead of the market.”

The agreement was signed by 15 leading industry multichannel video providers and device manufacturers, which deliver service to more than 90 million American households. The agreement is anticipated to result in annual residential electricity savings of $1.5 billion.


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