Blog Posts from September 2010

"On the Record": Pence Discusses the Need to Stop Democrat Tax Hikes (VIDEO)

Watch it here:   More

Paul Ryan on the Year's Fiscal End: Failure

At The Hill, Rep. Paul Ryan blogs: The fiscal year will end much as it began, with Congress exacerbating our unsustainable budget trajectory.  Consumed with their reckless borrowing and spending spree, House Democrats called it quits after failing to send any of the annual Appropriations bills to the President’s desk and failing to [...]  More

Democrats Struggle to Define Their Own Agenda

The first line of this Politico story says it all. Democrats may be complaining about the GOP Agenda released last week but what other alternative have they offered? Read an excerpt of this must-read piece: House Democrats have spent the past week dismissing the Republican agenda, “A Pledge to America,” as a budget-busting, irrespons [...]  More

WSJ: More Democrats Urge Broad Tax Breaks

In another sign that Democrats are struggling, the Wall Street Journal notes that 47 Democrats have now broken with President Obama and Speaker Pelosi in the issue of tax hikes. See an excerpt of the piece: Forty-seven House Democrats have signed a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging that tax rates on capital gains and dividends be maintained [...]  More

Rural American Solutions Group Forum on Job-Killing EPA Regulations

Rep. Frank Lucas (OK), Rep. Sam Graves (MO), and Rep. Doc Hastings (WA), co-chairs of the Rural America Solutions Group, will host a forum to discuss Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations and initiatives that are hindering job creation and economic expansion in America’s rural communities.  The forum, entitled “The EPA [...]  More

Fortenberry: Americans Calling for Bold Leadership

by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (NE) Members of Congress returned to Washington recently after the late-summer district work period.  What those who chose to do town hall meetings heard during that time, and what I heard from Nebraskans throughout the First District during community meetings, were clear concerns about our nation’s economic sta [...]  More

Upton: Dems' campaign to silence dissent

Rep. Fred Upton (MI) published an op/ed in Politico today. Read an excerpt here: “What are we doing about the financial  contributors?...We have all this  power and we aren’t using it.” This is  how President Richard M. Nixon  expressed his frustration in the months  before the 1972 election. Soon  a [...]  More

Watch GOP Contest Videos Here!

House Republican Member offices are participating in a special video contest this week. Check out some of their videos -- the contest ends this week. Videos will be rated by the most views, comments and ratings combined. We encourage you to watch, share, rate and dicuss! Winners will be announed next week. The below video includes a playlist that [...]  More

Read The Pledge Here!

Read the full text of "A Pledge to America: The 2010 Republican Agenda" here: A Pledge to America   More

Flatlines: Day 1 Under ObamaCare's Patients Bill of Rights: 25 Percent Rate Increase in NYC

The New York Post reports that a 62-year-old man in New York City received a 25 percent rate increase on the first day of ObamaCare’s mandates.   According to the story, ObamaCare mandates are forcing this New Yorker to pay $1,680 more a year for his health insurance.      For previous Flatlines, click here.  More

Pence Discusses A Pledge to America on Fox and Friends (VIDEO)

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence spoke about the GOP Pledge to America on Fox News this morning. Watch the clip here:   More

Bloggers Cover the Pledge!

Bloggers and more have been covering the GOP's Pledge to America all day. We wanted to share a few links so you can get their take:Human EventsAmerica's RightLiberty PunditsNational Review OnlineThe Weekly StandardFreedomWorksFaith and Freedom CoalitionNational Right to Life Stay tuned for more links as they come in!      More

A Pledge to America: The 2010 Republican Agenda

This morning, House Republicans revealed their 2010 Republican agenda via press conference in Sterling, VA at Tart Lumber Company. Read the first part of the pledge below and visit the website to read the whole thing and download a copy of the agenda: America is an idea – an idea that free people can govern themselves, that government’ [...]  More

Flatlines: Parents With Sick Children Will Have Fewer Choices Under ObamaCare

The Los Angeles Times and other media outlets are reporting that parents with sick children will have fewer health insurance choices under ObamaCare.   President Obama’s administration promotes this policy as “A New Day for American Consumers.”   ObamaCare’s mandate that healthy children can wait until they [...]  More

New Video: Stop the Bailouts!

House Republican Conference Vice-Chair Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA) has lead the charge against the Greek bailout for months now. Along with House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence, she has made the issue loud and clear: we shouldn't bailing out Greece. Her message prevails in a new video:   More

ObamaCare: Myths and Realities

There has been a lot of confusion regarding ObamaCare and what it will do for health care in America. Since it's passage earlier this year, Americans have increasingly disapproved of the legislation. The House Republican Policy shop wanted to clear up a few of the myths floating around about this bill. Read a couple to get you started below and fo [...]  More

Democrats Struggling for Outside Support

With low approval ratings, diminishing love for ObamaCare and Democrats running against their own Party leaders, it's no surprise that they are struggling to find outside support. Politico reports that House Democrats have approached Speaker Pelosi behind closed doors with this message: "They’re being crushed on the airwaves by outside grou [...]  More

Rep. Todd Akin on Military Abortions

Rep. Todd Akin (MO) published an op/ed today in Big Government on the subject of American tax dollars funding abortions in domestic and overseas military medical facilities. See an excerpt of this piece: Should military hospitals be used to save lives or to kill unborn babies? The U.S. Senate may soon take action to overturn long-standing polic [...]  More

NY Times: Recession May Be Over, but Joblessness Remains

Americans still want to know: Where are the jobs? As President Obama continues his political rhetoric, Democrats are backing away from his policies because they have done nothing to create new jobs in the country. The New York Times made it clear today from the first line of this piece: The United States economy has lost more jobs than it has adde [...]  More

Bilbray: Something to consider before casting a vote for the DREAM Act

Rep. Brian Bilbray (CA) is often passionate about immigration issues. See the following blog post from The Hill: The recent murders of 72 migrant workers in northern Mexico highlight one of the main immigration issues in the United States: before we see a peaceful and secure border, our southern neighbor must get control over the violent cartel [...]  More

Forbes: GOP Mobilizes Constituents With Reddit-like Social Media Site

AmericaSpeaking Out has been a GOP success this year and Forbes is taking notice. The web site is a forum for Americans to speak out online when they can't do it in person. Read an excerpt for the Forbes piece: While the Tea Partiers may be getting some of the worst press coverage these days on Youtube, not all right-wingers are marching on D.C [...]  More

Rep. Greg Walden (OR) To Deliver The Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Rep. Greg Walden (OR) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address this weekend. Check back at on Saturday for the first look at this video.Rep. Greg Walden (OR)  More

Good Idea: Don't Raise Taxes on Job Creators

Scott Hodge, President of the Tax Foundation -- a little group that knows something about taxes -- wrote an op/ed on CNN today urging Democrats not to raise taxes on the nation's job creators. In a time of record high unemployment, his wisdom would be smart to abide by. See the following excerpt: Imagine the media and public outrage if President O [...]  More

ASO Report: "What We Heard"

From America Speaking Out: Following a months-long dialogue with the American people, House Republicans today released a summary report of the America Speaking Out project entitled, “What We Heard.” America Speaking Out has been an effort of the House GOP to engage the American people and allow them to participate in the creation of a [...]  More

Flatlines: Obama's Job Loss Program Gets Worse—50 Million Americans Uninsured in 2009

Yesterday, the Census Bureau indicated that 50.7 million Americans were uninsured in 2009, up from 46.3 million in 2008.  Specifically, the number of people with private health insurance dropped to 253.6 million from 255.1 million—the first year that the number of people with health insurance has decreased since 1987.      [...]  More

NY Post: Pelosi defies Dems who want Bush cuts

As we noted yesterday, at least 31 Democrats have spoken out to the Obama Administration, asking that they extend tax cuts to all. In an ailing economy, this is best option and House Republicans agree. However, Speaker Pelosi is not listening. The New York Post today reports her opposition to the request. See an excerpt: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi [...]  More

President Obama, Are You Listening?

If only one or two Democrats were speaking out against tax increases, perhaps the Administration could turn a blind eye. However, 31 and counting Democrats have now spoken out against tax increases across the board. See the letter these Democrats sent to Speaker Pelosi and Leader Hoyer here (PDF). A host of articles demonstrate the outcry these De [...]  More

More Dems Now Calling For Tax Cuts and Buying Anti-ObamaCare Ads

Democrats are getting scared. Though Republicans have been consistent on their support of tax cuts for all and the repeal of ObamaCare, many Democrats are just now getting around to similar positions. The American people have made it clear what they want and finally, some Democrats are listening. Read an excerpt of the latest piece regarding Democ [...]  More

Roe: Laying the Foundation For Long-Term Growth

Rep. Phil Roe (TN) published a blog post today in The Hill. Please see an excerpt of "Laying the Foundation for Long-Term Growth": It’s that time of year again – it’s back to school for families across the nation. Education is the centerpiece in the development of our mind. A high-quality education is critical for our children&rs [...]  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference Today (VIDEO)

Did you miss today's House Republican leadership press conference? We've got it for you here: See photos here. Listen to audio here.   More

Schock: Signs of a Failed Stimulus (VIDEO)

Congressman Darrell Issa (CA) and Congressman Aaron Schock (IL) have recently made waves over the cost of stimulus recovery signs seen across America touting projects funded by "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act." A little research uncovered how costly the signs themselves are to taxpayers -- not to mention the projects they claim to repr [...]  More

Democrat Division on Tax Cut Plan Increases

There has been much division in the Democrat Party for sometime now but with November so close, those disagreements are amplified. Here are just a handful of House Democrats speaking out against raising taxes: Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT): "The economy has by no means fully recovered, so my bias is that those high-end tax cuts should be extended." Rep [...]  More

Secret Ballot Watch: "Predictable"

The Education and Labor Comittee Republicans are always on the lookout -- and they've done it again today. Their "Secret Ballot Watch" took on the jobs issue with this excerpt: Last Friday, President Obama pledged to “keep on trying to stimulate growth and jobs” as long as he is in office. Unfortunately, his actions don’t square [...]  More

District Work Period Ends. House Republican Events Continue (PHOTOS)

Rep. John Boozman (AR) honors veterans at a medal presentation at Fort Chaffee in Arkansas.Rep. Lee Terry (NE) speaks with students in Omaha, Nebraska.Rep. Mike Rogers (AL) speaks with constituents at Lakeside Marina in Wedowee, Alabama.Rep. Howard Coble (NC) visits a daycare center at the Cornerstone Church of Many Nations in Salisbury, North Caro [...]  More

Flatlines: President Obama Admits ObamaCare Will Increase Health Care Costs

Today, President Obama admitted ObamaCare will increase health care costs.  When asked by a reporter about bending the health care cost curve, President Obama said this about ObamaCare:  “That's going to increase our costs. We knew that.”  In early March 2010 as he was trying to convince members of Congre [...]  More

Flatlines: New CMS Report: ObamaCare Will Increase Health Care Spending More That It Previously Estimated

In a new report, President Obama’s own actuary at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has concluded that health care spending will increase 6.3 percent per year and total health care spending will hit $4.6 trillion by 2019.  The new numbers, as reported in today’s Wall Street Journal, are even higher than CMS&rsqu [...]  More

House Republicans Continue to Hold Town Halls and Events Across America (PHOTOS)

Rep. Rodney Alexander (LA) talks to students about the duties of the federal government and the importance of the U.S. Constitution.Rep. David Dreier (CA) talks to constituents in San Dimas, California at a National Night Out block party.Rep. Walter Jones (NC) talks to employees at the National Spinning Company’s plant in Beulaville, North Ca [...]  More

ObamaCare Rate Increases - Up to 20 Percent - About to Hit The Public

Self-employed Americans, early retirees, and small businesses are about to see huge rate increases—as much as 20 percent for some—because of ObamaCare.   Today’s Wall Street Journal reports that several ObamaCare mandates will increase prices and force hard-working Americans to send more of their take-home pay to large insu [...]  More

Weekly Republican Address 9/4/10: Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY)

Rep. Davis: “The sooner we rein in the red tape factory in Washington, DC, the sooner small businesses can get back to creating jobs and helping more Americans find an honest day’s work.”  Full Text: “Hi, I’m Geoff Davis, and I work for the people of Kentucky’s Fourth Congressional District.  “ [...]  More

ASO: Price Says You Cannot Address Health Care Costs Without Addressing Lawsuit Abuse

From America Speaking Out: Americans recognize that health care costs are being inflated by lawsuit abuse. Rep. Tom Price, a former physician, has seen firsthand the destructive impact of these junk suits and the defensive medicine that they compel doctors to practice. Rep. Price is proposing a solution to rein in frivolous lawsuits so health care [...]  More

House GOP Events Across the Country Continue (PHOTOS)

Rep. Steve Austria (OH) holds a small business roundtable in Lancaster, Ohio, to discuss issues important to small business owners:Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) speaks with members of the Cutler Bay Women’s Club:Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC) holds a town hall for constituents in Denver, North Carolina: Rep. Frank Lucas (OK) hosts a town hall meeti [...]  More

ASO: Kline Says Increase Purchasing Power for Small Business To Lower Health Care Costs

An excerpt from America Speaking Out: Rep. John Kline, the top Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee, says that to help spur the economy and improve our health care system, solutions are needed to bring down health care costs for small businesses. He’s on today proposing that we allow small businesses t [...]  More

House Republicans In the District, Continuing Local Events (PHOTOS)

Rep. Charles Djou (HI) meets with restaurant owners about how taxes will affect their businesses:Rep. Dave Camp (MI) meets with constituents at a town hall in Reed City, Michigan:Rep. Steve Scalise (LA) discusses the government takeover of health care with St. Tammany Parish residents at an America Speaking Out town hall:Rep. Sam Graves (MO) visits [...]  More

Pence Discusses President's Iraq Speech on Fox News' "Hannity"

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on "Hannity" last night to discuss reaction to President Obama's speech on Iraq last night. Watch it here:   More