2012 Races

The NRCC is working to strengthen the Republican Majority in November. Efforts like the Patriot Program and the Young Guns Program will help Republicans win this fall.


The Patriot Program, formed by NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions in 2009, empowers incumbent Members to build strong and winning campaigns through goals, benchmarks, and accountability. In 2010, 40 Members successfully completed the Patriot Program and went onto help Republicans win the majority in the House of Representatives.  To learn more about the Patriot Program click here.


The Young Guns Program, formed by Co-Founders: Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Budget Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), helps Republican candidates to build strong and winning campaigns through goals, benchmarks, and accountability. In 2010, 62 of more than 90 Young Guns candidates were elected to the US House of Representatives helping Republicans win the majority. To learn more about the Young Guns program click here.