Dr. Burgess on the Floor: Flat Tax
Posted by Whitney Thompson on March 07, 2012
Dr. Burgess and Rep. Allen West spoke on the House Floor about having a flat tax. You can watch the video below.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • SB from FORT WORTH commented on 3/9/2012
    Although I back Congressman Burgess most of the time, I do not see how this tax code will include those that receive welfare and do not pay taxes to be a part of the tax system. They are part of the percentage that do not and have never paid taxes. I am for a flat tax but make it real time tax on your purchases, then everyone pays, poor, rich, middle class, whores, druggies, terriorist, tourist, etc....everyone pays based upon your purchases and not your income.
  • James Beardsley from North Richland Hills commented on 3/10/2012
    YES- Do It - Let's stop talking about it just for political capital. Using the tax code for social engineering is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong on every level. While you're at it take special interests out of government --- OUTLAW any type of lobbying - for any reason OUTLAW political contributions - for any reason - fund legitimate candidates (by test), equally for tax funds. - level the playing fields And finally - elected official are NOT Royalty- and should not be treated as so. You MUST abide by all laws you pass and transgressions should be harshly treated.
  • Sean Ragan from N Richland Hills commented on 3/19/2012
    Dr. Burgess, I applaud your work on the Federal Tax code, and am extremely hopeful you have success in changing it. I personally not only find the facts of working for the Federal Government 2 hours/day unfortunate, but also find the amount of time required to gather, sort and prepare all the documentation for annual filing a nightmare. I am a very orgaized person and despise spending the additional 2 to 3 weeks of time simply preparing the paperwork for our CPA. I'm convinced the current tax code (as are most Federal Laws are) is 70,000 pages of smoke and mirrors, simply designed as another way for the Fed's to hide more decieteful ways to steal from the general public, to waste on their own special pet projects. Hypathetically, "Could someone explain how this is any different than organized crime"?
  • Gary from The Colony commented on 5/14/2012
    A national flat sales tax is the fairiest approach to take! With all the recent talk from the president about making the rich pay their fair share, what better way than by a sales tax, the more you buy, the more tax you pay! Why not call his bluff, and pass a bill that does exactly what he and the democrates having been crying for, "more tax'es paid by the wealthy". I think everybody would love to see true fairness implemented. An I agree we James above, there should be a new law passed making it mandetory that US politicians (congress, senate, executive branch) must all follow ANY AND ALL laws passed!
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