6/22/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

June 22, 2011

Republican Leadership Press Conference

June 22, 2011


Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)

Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA)

Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)

Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)

Conference Vice Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)

Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI)  

Chairman Hensarling:

“Good morning, everybody. We all know the sad facts about the economy; 28 months now of 8 percent-plus unemployment, the longest period of sustained high unemployment since the Great Depression. We just got the news that new business start-ups are at a 17-year low. 

“One in seven [Americans is] now on food stamps. Business confidence is down. We have a deficit of jobs because job creators have a deficit of confidence in this president’s economic policies. They have no confidence in his health care program, as we continue to see more waivers; no confidence in his tax plan, the largest single tax increase in America’s history written into his budget; no confidence in his spending plan, which has us drowning in debt; and certainly no confidence in his energy plan. 

“House Republicans have a Plan for America’s Job Creators and we have yet another bill this week to help job creators do their job. H.R. 2021 is going to help clear out the red tape to help open up more energy in Alaska to give confidence to our job creators to move forward on what they do best. Again—another week, another jobs bill by the Republican Conference. We hope at one point the Senate will actually take it up and the president will sign.”


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