Burgess Named Vice Chair of Two Energy and Commerce Subcommittees
Posted by Whitney Thompson on November 28, 2012
Burgess Named Vice Chair of Two Energy and Commerce Subcommittees

Washington, D.C.
– Today, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) was named Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and will continue to serve as the Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Health. Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI), announced the members who will serve atop the six subcommittees in the 113th Congress. As the only Member of Congress serving as the Vice Chair of two subcommittees, Dr. Burgess will continue to vigorously push health care issues, work to cut wasteful federal spending, and perform oversight of the executive branch, including overseeing the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

“As a doctor and as a legislator I know the impact Washington has on doctors, hospitals, and patients, and I have been a strong advocate for health care legislation aimed at reducing health care costs, improving choices, reforming liability laws to put the needs of patients first, and ensuring there are enough doctors in the public and private sector to care for America’s patients,” said Dr. Burgess. “As Vice Chair of two Energy and Commerce Subcommittees I will continue to push these important issues, including the critical oversight of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.”

Chairman Upton named Dr. Burgess for the key slot on the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, in addition to his current role as Vice Chair of the Health Subcommittee, because of this medial background and his extensive oversight experience.

“The Energy and Commerce Committee will continue the critical oversight of the Affordable Care Act, and as Vice Chairman of both the Health Subcommittee and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, Dr. Burgess will be at the forefront of our aggressive efforts,”
said Chairman Upton. “He has the legislative expertise, the medical background, and the oversight experience that will ensure the Obama administration is held accountable.”  

Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) notes that Dr. Burgess has been at the forefront of the health care debate from the beginning.

“As the Vice Chair of both the Subcommittee on Health and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, Dr. Burgess will continue to lead House Republican efforts in crafting health care legislation and overseeing the implementation of the Affordable Care Act,” said Speaker Boehner. “He’s been here every step of the way in holding the Obama administration accountable, and in supporting legislative efforts that will bring real reform to our health care system. As the only House member that is a Vice Chair of two subcommittees, he will continue to play a vital role.”

Dr. Burgess will serve on the Health Subcommittee with Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA) as Chair, and on the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee with Tim Murphy (R-PA), who was named the Subcommittee’s Chair.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • June from Cypress commented on 11/29/2012
    Congratulations Mr Burgess, I can only pray you help educate fellow members of the importance of the patients voice in this tug of war .. I will continue to pray that we can get Our Asthma Inhaler Bill HR 6190 passed and get these very effective Primatene Mist inhalers made available again to the Asthmatics that have depended on them for years .. Sir they are truly the only thing that works for me ..The suffering and stress this ban has caused is tremendous .. I am not alone , millions are suffering as the prescription inhalers come with so many side effects and do not work well if at all . I would love for someone with a voice to step up and look at this ban again , Really look at this , it is not fair .. The small amount of CFC's released are not harming the Ozone . We need our inhales back .. Please revisit this problem that so many that do not have a voice are suffering terribly from .. I feel like we have a rogue FDA and EPA , our government should be there for the people , we should not be begging and pleading for a safe medication that works ...
  • Jeanie from Baton Rouge commented on 11/29/2012
    Thank you for your support of HR6190. It has been almost a year now since the ban and we asthmatics are more worried than ever. We desperately need our Primatene Mist OTC to be available soon.
  • Tom from Pilot Point, TX commented on 12/14/2012
    Obama's big agenda is to Bankrupt America. He wants to be the controller of every aspect of our lives. He will use the Presidential Mandate to get his way. I suggest very strongly that the Republicans let the Fiscal Cliff happen rather than fold to Obama's ways. We on this earth, Americans, will suffer either way it goes but for the most part we would rather suffer nowO than suffer years and years of pain for many years. Jan. 1, 2013 will cause an uproar from those who voted for Obama "dole." The Republicans must let the Fiscal Cliff happen. It may hurt the Republicans some but it is the right thing to do and will hurt Obama's chances for a third term which is his plan.
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