• Subcommittee Exposes Harmful Impact of Non-Tariff Barriers to Farm Exports and Rural Economic Growth
    Jul 26, 2012 - The Small Business Subcommittee on Agriculture, Energy and Trade, under the chairmanship of Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO), today held a hearing on the impact of foreign sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures on small family farms and agriculture exports. SPS measures are non-tariff food requirements f... More
  • Committee Examines Small Business Participation in the U.S. Trade Strategy
    May 16, 2012 - The House Small Business Committee, led by Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO), today held a hearing to examine the role of small business in the U.S. Trade Strategy and the challenges that lay ahead for small businesses who want to enter the trade marketplace. The Office of the United States Trade Represent... More
  • Graves & Tipton Introduce Small Business Trade Legislation
    May 7, 2012 - House Small Business Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) and Small Business Agriculture, Energy and Trade Subcommittee Chairman Scott Tipton (R-CO) will today introduce legislation that will strengthen the coordination of the federal export promotion agencies and help more small businesses export. ... More
  • Chairman Graves in Politico: What Small-Business Owners Want to Hear in State of the Union Speech
    Jan 23, 2012 - What Small-Business Owners Want to Hear in State of the Union Speech By Chairman Sam Graves January 23, 2012 What do small-business owners want from the government? The short answer: Move out of the way. Eight out of 10 small-business owners say they want the government to stay out of the way inste... More
  • Graves Statement On President's Decision To Elevate SBA, Proposal To Consolidate Agencies
    Jan 13, 2012 - House Small Business Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) today issued the following statement on the President's decision to elevate the Small Business Administration (SBA) to Cabinet-level status and reorganize several commerce and trade-related agencies into one department: “I hope that by elevat... More
  • Washington Post: Small Business Committees, Advocates Hesitant to Back Obama’s Restructuring Proposal
    Jan 13, 2012 - Small Business Committees, Advocates Hesitant to Back Obama’s Restructuring Proposal By J.D. Harrison, Washington Post Lawmakers and small business advocacy groups today applauded the President Obama’s decision to add a cabinet seat for the head of the Small Business Administration, but many were h... More
  • Chairman Graves Statement on The Free Trade Agreements
    Oct 12, 2011 - Graves: “Small businesses have been waiting on more exporting opportunities for far too long” House Small Business Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) today issued the following statement on today's House vote on the three pending free trade agreements, H.R. 3078 - United States-Colombia Trade Prom... More
  • Wall Street Journal: Firms Face Hurdles Overseas
    Aug 25, 2011 - Firms Face Hurdles Overseas By Angus Loten, Wall Street Journal August 25, 2011 When Nancy Simmons was contacted by customers in Brazil about buying refurbished aerospace parts from her Orlando, Fla., plant, she wasn't sure how to handle the language barrier. None of her eight employees spoke Portu... More
  • Chairman Graves in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Small Firms Need New Markets
    May 10, 2011 - Small Firms Need New Markets By Rep. Sam Graves May 9, 2011 Navigating the trials of international trade barriers is akin to “watching a cow poke its head through a sharp barbwire fence and struggle to get that next piece of greenery,” said John Taylor, President of T-Tech Inc., a leading manufactu... More
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution
    May 10, 2011 - Small Firms Need New Markets By Rep. Sam Graves May 9, 2011 Navigating the trials of international trade barriers is akin to “watching a cow poke its head through a sharp barbwire fence and struggle to get that next piece of greenery,” said John Taylor, President of T-Tech Inc., a leading manufactu... More