Votes for April 2012
  Question Bill Result Date
195 On Passage H R 4628
To Extend Student Loan Interest Rates For Undergraduate Federal Direct Stafford Loans
Passed 4/27/2012
194 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 4628
To Extend Student Loan Interest Rates For Undergraduate Federal Direct Stafford Loans
Failed 4/27/2012
193 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 2096
To Advance Cybersecurity Research, Development, and Technical Standards, and For Other Purposes
Passed 4/27/2012
192 On Passage H R 3523
To Provide For the Sharing Of Certain Cyber Threat Intelligence and Cyber Threat Information Between the Intelligence Community and Cybersecurity Entities, and For Other Purposes
Passed 4/26/2012
191 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 3523
To Provide For the Sharing Of Certain Cyber Threat Intelligence and Cyber Threat Information Between the Intelligence Community and Cybersecurity Entities, and For Other Purposes
Failed 4/26/2012
183 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 631
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 3523) Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act; Providing For Consideration Of Motions To Suspend the Rules; Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 4628) To Extend Student Loan Interest Rates For Undergraduate Federal Direct Stafford Loans
Passed 4/26/2012
182 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 631
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 3523) Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act; Providing For Consideration Of Motions To Suspend the Rules; Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 4628) To Extend Student Loan Interest Rates For Undergraduate Federal Direct Stafford Loans
Passed 4/26/2012
181 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 1038
To Authorize the Conveyance Of Two Small Parcels Of Land Within the Boundaries Of the Coconino National Forest Containing Private Improvements That Were Developed Based Upon the Reliance Of the Landowners In An Erroneous Survey Conducted In May 1960
Passed 4/25/2012
180 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 3336
Small Business Credit Availability Act
Passed 4/25/2012
179 On Motion To Instruct Conferees H R 4348
To Provide An Extension Of Federal-aid Highway, Highway Safety, Motor Carrier Safety, Transit, and Other Programs Funded Out Of the Highway Trust Fund Pending Enactment Of A Multiyear Law Reauthorizing Such Programs, and For Other Purposes
Failed 4/25/2012
178 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 2157
To Facilitate A Land Exchange Involoving Certain National Forest System Lands In the Inyo National Forest, and For Other Purposes
Passed 4/24/2012
177 On Passage H R 9
Small Business Tax Cut Act
Passed 4/19/2012
176 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 9
Small Business Tax Cut Act
Failed 4/19/2012
175 On Agreeing To the Amendment H R 9
Failed 4/19/2012
174 On Approving the Journal Journal
Passed 4/19/2012
173 On Agreeing To the Resolution, As Amended H Res 620
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 9, Small Business Tax Cut Act
Passed 4/19/2012
172 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 620
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 9, Small Business Tax Cut Act
Passed 4/19/2012
171 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 2453
Mark Twain Commemorative Coin Act
Passed 4/18/2012
170 On Passage H R 4348
To Provide An Extension Of Federal-aid Highway, Highway Safety, Motor Carrier Safety, Transit, and Other Programs Funded Out Of the Highway Trust Fund Pending Enactment Of A Multiyear Law Reauthorizing Such Programs, and For Other Purposes
Passed 4/18/2012
169 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 4348
To Provide An Extension Of Federal-aid Highway, Highway Safety, Motor Carrier Safety, Transit, and Other Programs Funded Out Of the Highway Trust Fund Pending Enactment Of A Multiyear Law Reauthorizing Such Programs, and For Other Purposes
Failed 4/18/2012
167 On Approving the Journal Journal
Passed 4/18/2012
166 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 619
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 4348) To Provide An Extension Of Federal-aid Highway, Highway Safety, Motor Carrier Safety, Transit, and Other Programs Funded Out Of the Highway Trust Fund Pending Enactment Of Multiyear Law Reauthorizing Such Programs, and For Other Purposes
Passed 4/18/2012
165 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 619
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 4348) To Provide An Extension Of Federal-aid Highway, Highway Safety, Motor Carrier Safety, Transit, and Other Programs Funded Out Of the Highway Trust Fund Pending Enactment Of Multiyear Law Reauthorizing Such Programs, and For Other Purposes
Passed 4/18/2012
164 On Passage H R 4089
Sportsmen’s Heritage Act Of 2012
Passed 4/17/2012
163 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 4089
Sportsmen’s Heritage Act Of 2012
Failed 4/17/2012
157 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 1815
Lena Horne Recognition Act
Passed 4/17/2012
156 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 614
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 4089) To Protect and Enhance Opportunities For Recreational Hunting, Fishing and Shooting, and For Other Purposes
Passed 4/17/2012
155 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 614
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 4089) To Protect and Enhance Opportunities For Recreational Hunting, Fishing and Shooting, and For Other Purposes
Passed 4/17/2012
154 On Question Of Consideration Of the Resolution H Res 614
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 4089) To Protect and Enhance Opportunities For Recreational Hunting, Fishing and Shooting, and For Other Purposes
Passed 4/17/2012
153 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 4040
To Provide For the Award Of A Gold Medal On Behalf Of Congress To Jack Nicklaus In Recognition Of His Service To the Nation In Promoting Excellence and Good Sportsmanship In Golf
Passed 4/16/2012
152 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 3001
Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Act
Passed 4/16/2012