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Energy & Environment

Congresswoman Ellmers firmly believes that the United States should pursue a comprehensive policy toward energy production. Because of this, she supports an all-of-the-above energy approach which includes development of alternative energy sources such as nuclear, wind, solar, and biomass, along with drilling for oil and natural gas.

 As the world’s third largest producer of crude oil, largest producer of natural gas, and second largest producer of coal, our domestic production of traditional energy sources will continue to play an important role in our energy supply. Congresswoman Ellmers believes we must increase access to all domestic oil and natural gas resources, and unleash the power of American enterprise to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

 At the same time, abundant energy need not come at the expense of the environment. Developing carbon capture and storage, clean coal, biofuels, and other clean fossil fuel technologies will help us use our critical fuel stocks in a more environmentally responsible manner, while providing critical increases in production capacity.

 Renewable resources hold great promise to diversify our energy supply.  Just as we have in North Carolina, Congresswoman Ellmers feels that our nation needs to continue to invest in renewable resources to make them more competitive, available, and affordable. However, as we continue to search for new energy alternatives, she knows that we cannot ignore the vast resources at our disposal now.