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Renee Ellmers

Renee Ellmers
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  1. It was an honor to take the oath of office today. I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to serve the people of North Carolina's 2nd District in the 113th Congress.
  2. My NC-2 district office in Asheboro, NC opens today, January 3, 2013.
    Photo: My NC-2 district office in Asheboro, NC opens today, January 3, 2013.
  3. For the convenience of constituents in the newly added western part of NC's Second District, I now have a district office at 222 Sunset Avenue, Suite 101, Asheboro, North Carolina 27203. You can find additional contact information for my Washington and District offices, as well as view the new NC-2 map, at
  4. "We must get serious about addressing the true driver of the fiscal mess that our nation is in. Our out-of-control spending does nothing to help American families and only exacerbates the problems facing our country. I look forward to working with my colleagues to address the real sources of this crisis and continuing the fight against government waste in the 113th Congress."
  5. Joined with the majority in the House to freeze Congressional pay.
    Photo: Joined with the majority in the House to freeze Congressional pay.
  6. Best wishes to you and your family for a safe and happy New Year. It has been an honor to represent North Carolina’s Second Congressional District for the past two years and I look forward to serving in the 113th Congress.
  7. Now is the time for the President to lead, not cast blame. "The House has passed legislation to avert the entire fiscal cliff, and the president has never called for the Senate to act on those bills in any way. He instead has simply allowed the Democratic-controlled Senate to sit on them and lead our economy to the edge of the fiscal cliff."
  8. The House has passed two bills to avert the fiscal cliff - one bill to keep tax rates low for all Americans & one to replace the sequester. Now the Senate and President need to act to avoid the largest tax hike in American history.
  9. Earlier this month, Erskine Bowles (President Clinton’s former chief of staff and co-chair of the Bowles-Simpson Commission) said, "If we’re going to raise revenue, if we’re going to raise it in any form, then we darn well better cut, because spending is the biggest part of this problem..."

    The House has acted to avert the tax hike that will hit every American family on January 1 with a balanced approach that cuts spending. Like this post if you think it's time for the Senate to take up the House's legislation to stop the tax hikes.
    See More
  10. Merry Christmas and happy holidays from me, my family and my staff! Best wishes for safety to all those traveling over the holidays. Our prayers are with the men and women of our armed services who will not be with their families and friends this year. We are thankful for their sacrifice to protect this nation and our freedoms.
  11. The House has passed legislation to stop all of the January 1 tax rate hikes from going into effect and cut spending. Now it is time for the President and the Senate to act to avert the largest tax increase in American history and address our nation's spending and debt problem.
  12. Manufacturers call on the President to DO THE RIGHT THING: Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline
    Manufacturers call on the President to DO THE RIGHT THING: Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline

    Join Manufacturing Works and urge the President to permit the entire Keystone XL Pipeline:
    Photo: Manufacturers call on the President to DO THE RIGHT THING: Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline 

Join Manufacturing Works and urge the President to permit the entire Keystone XL Pipeline:
  13. Please watch and share this new video from House Republicans of the "Protecting America's Future" press conference I participated in last week at the U.S. Capitol.
  14. Via House Committee on Small Business Chairman Sam Graves: The SBIC Modernization Act “will help infuse much needed investment capital into the private sector, at a time when our economy needs small-business growth most. In the midst of a federal spending problem, this bill is the type of policy Washington should be producing, as there is no additional cost to the taxpayer.”
  15. Some photos from Wreaths Across America at Sandhills Veterans Cemetery in Spring Lake (attended by a member of my staff on Saturday) have been added to my December album.
    December 2012 (8 photos)
    Wreaths Across America, Sandhills Veterans Cemetery, Spring Lake, December 15, 2012.
    Photo: Wreaths Across America, Sandhills Veterans Cemetery, Spring Lake, December 15, 2012.
    Photo: I joined other GOP House women at the "Protecting America's Future" event at the United States Capitol to talk about the need to protect America's children and middle-class families from out-of-control spending and a growing national debt, December 12, 2012.
    Photo: Goodies prepared by students in the Wake Tech Culinary program, December 6, 2012.
    Photo: Wreaths Across America, Sandhills Veterans Cemetery, Spring Lake, December 15, 2012
  16. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of the horrific violence in Connecticut. May God watch over them as we struggle to cope through this tragedy.
  17. Must read from the Wall Street Journal on implementation of Obamacare - "For sheer political farce, not much can compete with ObamaCare's passage, which included slipping the bill through the Senate before dawn three Christmas eves ago. But the madcap dash to get ready for the entitlement's October 2013 start-up date is a pretty close second."

Earlier in January

Earlier in December

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