Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

95th Cong.  ↑  92 Stat.  ↑  Nov. 10, 1978  ↑  95–625 95–626 95–627
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1(a) 3551 42 201 nt
101 3551 42 201 nt
102(a) 3551 42 254b Elim.
102(b)(1) 3551 42 218
102(b)(2) 3551 42 300e–14a
102(b)(3) 3551 42 1396b
103(a)–(j) 3551–3556 42 254b, 254b nts Elim.
104(a)–(g) 3556–3559 42 254c, 254c nts Elim.
105(a) 3560 42 247e
105(b) 3560 42 prec. 255
105(b) 3560 42 256 Rep.
106(a) 3560 42 256a Rep.
106(b), (c) 3561 42 256a nt Elim.
107 3562 42 300e–12
111 3562 42 201 nt
112 3562 42 254a–1 nt Elim.
113(a)(1) 3562 42 prec. 247e
113(a)(2) 3562 42 254a
113(a)(3) 3562 42 prec. 254a–1
113(b) 3563 42 254l
113(b) 3563 42 254m
114 3563 42 254a–1 Rep.
115 3567 42 256 Rep.
116(a), (b) 3569 42 256 nt Elim.
116(c) 3569 42 254d nt Elim.
121 3570 42 295h–1 Rep.
122 3570 42 254k
200 3570 42 201 nt
201(a) 3570 42 246
201(b)(1) 3570 42 246 nt
201(b)(2) 3570 42 246
201(b)(2) 3570 42 246 nt
202 3574 42 247b
202 3574 42 247b nt
203 3578 42 247 Rep.
204(a) 3582 42 247c nt
204(b)(1) 3583 42 247c
204(b)(2) 3583 42 247b
204(c), (d) 3583 42 247c
205(a) 3583 42 300b–1 nt
205(b) 3583 42 300b Rep.
205(c) 3584 42 300b–3
205(d)(1) 3584 42 300b–6
205(d)(2), (e) 3584 42 300b Rep.
206(a) 3584 42 300c–21 Rep.
206(b) 3584 42 300c–22
207(a) 3585 42 255 Rep.
207(b) 3586 42 1395x nt Rep.
208(a) 3586 42 247a Rep.
208(b) 3588 42 4801, 4801 nt, 4811, 4844, 4845 Rep.
208(b) 3588 42 4846
209 3588 42 247a nt Elim.
210(a) 3588 42 300d–2, 300d–2 nt Rep.
210(b) 3588 42 300d–3, 300d–3 nt Rep.
210(c), (d) 3588 42 300d–5, 300d–6 Rep.
211 3588 42 289d nt Elim.
301 3590 42 300a–29 Elim.
401, 402 3590, 3591 42 247b–1, 247b–2 Rep.
403 3591 42 287b nt Elim.
404 3591 42 242p
501 3592 42 300u–5 Rep.
502 3593, 3594 42 300u–6 to 300u–9 Rep.
601–608 3595–3601 42 300a–21 to 300a–28 Rep.
701 3601 42 300a–41 Rep.
801 3602 42 300a–21 nt Rep.