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Government Staff

The Government Relations department is Congress’s link to the policy recommendations, in-depth analyses, and conservative ideas expressed in Heritage’s articles, publications, blog posts, and other products.

Obama Is Still Wrong on Tax Rates

The good news is that President Obama apparently truly believes what he is saying. The bad news is that what he is saying is flat-out false. Read More.

Obama Tax Hikes: Bad for All Americans

President Obama’s tax plan will, famously, end the 2001 and 2003 tax relief for Americans earning $250,000 a year or more. But, far from raising taxes only on the “rich,” the widespread effects of the Obama plan will hurt Americans at every income level. Read More.

Federal Spending by the Numbers

Find out how the federal government is really spending your money, review budget trends, and learn where to cut billions of dollars in federal spending. Read More.

Saving the American Dream

The Heritage Foundation offers a detailed plan to redesign entitlement programs, guarantee assistance to those who need it, and save the American dream for future generations.
Read More.

What Tax Day will be Like in 2013

American households can expect to face an average tax increase of $3,800 and that 70 percent of Taxmageddon’s impact will fall directly on low-income and middle-income families, leaving them with $346 billion less to spend. Read More.

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