Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

83d Cong.  ↑  67 Stat.  ↑  June 30, 1953  ↑  1953:169 1953:170 1953:171
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 121 12 1701 nt
2 121 12 1706c
3 121 12 1709
4 122 12 1711
5 122 12 1713
6 123 12 1715e
7, 8 123 12 1715h, 1715j Rep.
9 123 12 1735
10 124 12 1748b
10(c) 124 12 1750g
11 124 12 1750b
12 125 12 1716
13(a) 125 12 1716
13(b) 125 12 1717
14 125 12 1716–1 Rep.
15 125 42 1591
16 125 42 1591c
17 125 42 1592d
18 126 42 1592n
20 126 50 App. 2166
21 126 12 1463 nt Elim.
22 127 42 1456 Elim.
23 127 12 1701j Rep.
24(a) 127 42 1460 Elim.
24(b) 128 12 1749 Rep.
24(c) 128 42 1402 Elim.
25(a) 128 12 1715d
25(b) 128 48 724, 1426 Rep.
25(c) 128 12 1715d