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Washington, DC– Rep. Pete Olson (R-Sugar Land) issued the following statement in response to today's announcement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the new Space Launch System (SLS) that was expected almost a year ago:

"Today's SLS announcement is long overdue, reflecting this Administration's lack of commitment to ensure the next generation of American human space exploration. Nearly a year ago, Congress ordered NASA by law to decide on a new SLS.  America and the aerospace industry have been in a holding pattern waiting for NASA and this Administration to display the leadership required by the law.

"Their failure to act forced unnecessary layoffs and a longer gap in America's ability to get our own astronauts to  Low Earth Orbit and beyond, making us further dependent on the Russians for access to space.  While I am pleased that the new system has been announced, it was long past due and I will continue to push this White House to comply with the law of the land and get America back into space."


Media Contact: Melissa Kelly
