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Kevin Brady's Biography


Kevin Brady is a pro-family, pro-small business conservative representing the 8th District of Texas in the U.S House of Representatives.

Kevin holds key leadership posts in Congress including Deputy Whip and top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee.  He is a senior member of the House Ways & Means Committee - - considered by many to be the most powerful committee in Congress with jurisdiction over taxes, health care, Social Security, Medicare, international trade and welfare.

A champion of free enterprise and American-made energy, Kevin’s focus is creating jobs, reducing Washington spending and sunsetting obsolete federal agencies.

As leader of the Trade Subcommittee, he recently led the successful effort to pass new sales agreements with Panama, South Korea and Colombia – and he served as the White House point man on the successful passage of the Central American Free Trade Agreement.

As the second highest Republican on the Social Security Subcommittee, Kevin is fighting to preserve this important program for future generations once and for all.

And as vice chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, he has been a GOP leader on economic issues – opposing the President’s stimulus and fighting White House efforts to raise taxes on families, small businesses and American energy producers.    

Prior to his election to Congress, Kevin worked as a chamber of commerce executive for 18 years and served six years in the Texas House of Representatives where he was named one of the Ten Best Legislators for Families & Children. In 1994 he was named one of Five Outstanding Young Texans.

In order to stay close to the people he represents, Kevin never moved to Washington. He lives in Montgomery County with his wife Cathy and his two sons Will (14) and Sean (11) – and has logged nearly two million miles on Continental Airlines commuting to Congress each week.

Kevin is an original Hometown Hero of The Woodlands, a Paul Harris Fellow in Rotary and a Distinguished Alumni of the University of South Dakota. He and his family attend Saints Simons and Jude Catholic Church.


Congressman Brady's major legislative accomplishments include:
•    Restoring the federal sales tax deduction which saves Texas taxpayers over $1 billion a year.
•    Passing new trade agreements that have created new sales and thousands of new jobs for Texas workers in manufacturing, agriculture and technology.  
•    Passing the Teacher Liability Protection Act to protect teachers against frivolous lawsuits when they maintain order and discipline in the classroom.
•    In the wake of 9-11, establishing a national network of university homeland security research centers to prevent and respond to future terrorist attacks, including the center at Texas A & M.
•    Championing the Federal Sunset Act which forces agencies and programs to regularly prove their value to taxpayers or face elimination.  
•    Authoring the MAP Act which President Reagan's former budget director lauded for its "smart spending caps and innovative guardrails."
•    Helping create the Texas Institute of Genomic Research, a cutting-edge research center that will accelerate new medical discoveries and create 5,000 new Texas jobs.
•    Spearheading House efforts on Hurricane recovery in the wake of Rita and Ike.


In Congress, Kevin has been repeatedly named Hero-of-the-Taxpayers, Small Business Champion and Super-Friend of the Seniors. He has received the Golden Bulldog Award by Watchdogs of the Treasury, special recognition by Citizens Against Government Waste, and is a perennial winner of the Guardian of Small Business, Taxpayer Hero and Spirit of Enterprise awards.
Kevin has been honored as Outstanding Texas Political Leader-of-the-Year and Deep East Texas Legislator-of-the-Year and was recently named as having one of the Top Five Spending Cut Agendas on Capitol Hill.

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