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  • Colorado Congressional Delegation Statement Concerning the CT Shootings
    Dec 14, 2012  - Washington, DC -- Below is a statement on behalf of the Colorado Congressional Delegation concerning the tragic school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut this morning: "We are angry and heartbroken at the news of another horrifying and senseless school shooting. Our deepest and heartfelt prayers and t... More
  • CU Federal Funding Unaffected by Amendment 64
    Dec 8, 2012  - Congressman Jared Polis issued the following statement in reaction to University of Colorado President Bruce Benson’s claim in an email sent on Friday night that Amendment 64 would impact federal funding. “The University of Colorado is not in jeopardy of losing a single dime of federal funding due t... More
  • Statement on Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Cases
    Dec 7, 2012  - Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) released the following statement on the announcement that the Supreme Court will hear two cases related to same-sex marriage. Hollingsworth v. Perry challenges California’s Proposition 8, which reversed a California Supreme Court decision allowing same same-sex marriag... More
  • Polis Advocacy Helps Deliver $30 Million Early Learning Grant
    Dec 6, 2012  - Colorado today won a $30 million early childhood education grant that will help prepare all young people for kindergarten and for future success in school, thanks in part to the leadership and advocacy of Congressman Jared Polis. Over the next four years, funding from the U.S. Department of Educatio... More
  • Polis, Quigley Welcome New DHS Detention Guidelines to Prevent Abuse
    Dec 6, 2012  - Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) and Congressman Mike Quigley (D-IL) released the following statements in reaction to the release of new regulations by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intended to prevent sexual abuse in detention facilities. In January 2012, Polis and Quigley were joine... More
  • Members of CO Delegation Urge President, Congressional Leaders to Support Emergency Disaster Relief after Wildfires
    Nov 30, 2012  - Members of the Colorado Congressional delegation are urging the White House and House and Senate committee leaders to include wildfire recovery assistance in an emergency appropriations measure for Hurricane Sandy. The Colorado members are seeking a boost to resources for the Emergency Watershed Pro... More
  • Polis, Colleagues Urge Feds to Respect State Marijuana Laws
    Nov 16, 2012  - Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) today in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and Drug Enforcement Administration Administrator Michele Leonhart urged that federal law enforcement take no action against anyone who acts in compliance with the laws of Colorado, Washington and any other states that ... More
  • Metro State DREAMer Tuition Supported by Independent Legal Analysis
    Nov 15, 2012  - With the goal of ensuring that every Colorado student receives an excellent education, Congressman Jared Polis today released a Congressional Research Service (CRS) analysis providing legal support for Metro State University of Denver’s decision to offer the Colorado High School/GED Non-resident Tui... More
  • Polis, Hinchey Urge Environmental Assessment of Natural Gas Exports
    Sep 26, 2012  - With experts stating that increased liquid natural gas (LNG) exports will expand the use of hydraulic fracturing (or “fracking”) in gas drilling, Congressman Jared Polis (CO-02) and Congressman Maurice Hinchey (NY-22) wrote to U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today urging the completion of an Enviro... More
  • Polis Helps CU Students ‘Know Before They Owe’
    Sep 25, 2012  - With millions of Americans paying more for college loans than necessary, and families confronting a more than $1 trillion avalanche of student loan debt, Congressman Jared Polis visited the University of Colorado, Boulder today to discuss his Know Before You Owe Act (H.R. 6273) with school and state... More
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