U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham
United States Senator, South Carolina
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On The Benghazi Report

Posted by Tate, Deputy Communications Director

12/21/2012 2:32:00 PM

Congressional Report Details NLRB Abuses

by Senator Lindsey Graham

12/18/2012 10:59:00 AM

Under the Obama Administration, the NLRB has become a tool of the unions and lost all semblance of being a fair, deliberative bodyThe report is a stunning record of how the NLRB is connected to and actively promotes the union agenda.


In the report, I found the actions taken by the NLRB and its General Counsel in this debacle incredibly disturbing.  I hope this report leads to corrective action which prevents these types of blatant abuses in the future.


Hats off and much appreciation go to the Oversight and Government Reform Committee for exposing the serious abuses by the NLRB.  I truly fear that what happened to Boeing South Carolina could easily happen to another company in the future, particularly one which locates in a Right-to-Work state.


Click here to read the report. 


Ambassador Susan Rice Has Withdrawn as a Candidate For Secretary of State

by Senator Lindsey Graham

12/13/2012 4:12:00 PM

I respect Ambassador Rice’s decision.  President Obama has many talented people to choose from to serve as our next Secretary of State.


When it comes to Benghazi I am determined to find out what happened – before, during, and after the attack.  Unfortunately, the White House and other agencies are stonewalling when it comes to providing the relevant information.  I find this unacceptable.


The story of Benghazi is a story of national security failure and we must work to prevent it from ever happening again.  I will continue working diligently to get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi.

Graham on Fiscal Cliff, Debt Ceiling

posted by Tate, Deputy Communications Director

12/10/2012 10:55:00 AM

Remarks On The Retirement of Senator DeMint

Posted by Tate, Deputy Communications Director

12/06/2012 2:16:00 PM

I Oppose President Obama's Plan to Raise the Debt Ceiling

by Senator Lindsey Graham

12/05/2012 2:22:00 PM

Mr. President, I will not support increasing the debt limit until we address why we’re in debt.

I will never vote to raise the debt ceiling unless we produce real structural reforms to save Medicare and Social Security from bankruptcy and prevent our country from becoming Greece.  It is now time for you to demonstrate leadership and embrace big ideas in a bipartisan way.

America is on an unsustainable path. To continue borrowing money without addressing our entitlement problems is irresponsible

Why I voted against the United Nations Disabilities Treaty

by Senator Lindsey Graham

12/04/2012 5:09:00 PM

I have serious concerns about the treaty's impact on the pro-life and pro-family communities. In addition, the construct of this treaty creates a precedent that would be unhealthy for our nation. The treaty could allow individual groups to challenge sovereign governments. That's a slippery slope for the United States to go down and among the reasons I voted against this treaty.

'On the Record' with Greta van Susteren

posted by Tate, Deputy Communications Director

12/04/2012 9:06:00 AM

On The Mike Huckabee Show

Posted by Tate, Deputy Communications Director

11/19/2012 3:21:00 PM

'I Blame the President Above All Others'

Posted by Tate, Deputy Communications Director

11/15/2012 10:29:00 AM

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