
Lamborn Statement Reacting to President Obama's Health Care Address

What the American people need is a new plan, not new rhetoric
Tonight, Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) responded to President Obama’s address to the Joint Session of Congress with the following statement:
“What the American people need is a new plan, not new rhetoric.  The President tried to repackage his plan tonight, but what he doesn’t realize is that the package isn’t the problem – it’s what is inside that’s the problem. He didn’t say anything tonight that will get me to support a government takeover of health care in this country.   
“House Republicans have a plan, H.R. 3400 Empowering Patients First Act, which provides refundable tax credits for health insurance costs to low-income individuals.  Additionally, this plan allows for improvements in the individual market by pooling mechanisms and opens opportunities for individuals to shop for insurance across state lines.   By giving choice and portability, this bill addresses many of the problems currently facing our health care system without government intrusion. 

The American people need health care reform, but what the Democrats’ plan proposes is a government takeover of the entire health care industry that will force Americans out of their own plans, and will have a tremendous cost that can only result in higher taxes and a larger deficit.”—Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
