
Lamborn Statement on President Obama's Promotion of Overseas Abortions

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Retain Mexico City Policy Letter


Last Friday Lamborn authored a bi-partisan letter, signed by 78 Members of Congress, urging President Obama not to overturn the Mexico City Policy, which separates abortion and family planning in America’s foreign aid programs.

This policy, first established by executive order in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan, draws a bright line between family planning activities and abortion.This ensured that United States family planning funds are not co-opted by groups that promote abortion as a method of family planning.

“I am deeply disappointed that President Obama is using the opening days of his administration to overturn a long-standing ban on using taxpayer dollars to promote abortions in overseas clinics.

"President Obama’s decision to kill the Mexico City Policy will allow clinics in foreign countries to fund abortions using U.S. aid dollars. The controversial debate of abortion has no business being included in foreign aid programs.  The Mexico City policy makes it clear that abortions are not to be funded overseas with US tax dollars.

"Because I believe in the sanctity of human life, I will continue to oppose the practice of elective abortion, especially when taxpayer money is used to fund this abhorrent practice abroad.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)


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