
Lamborn Issues Statement on Latest PCMS Development



In response to recent press reports on a possible land lease offer which would allow the Army to expand its training facilities near Pinon Canyon, Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) issued the following statement.

“I continue to stand by the Army in its efforts to expand and improve training for our men and women in uniform.  Opponents have in the past tried to frame expansion of the Pinon Canyon training site as an issue of private property rights, because the Army then was contemplating the use of eminent domain. Private property rights, however, absolutely include an owner’s right to put his land to what he believes is its highest and best use. If a landowner wishes to lease his land to the Army, he has the right to do so. The U.S. Constitution guarantees this.


“The one-sided view of property rights taken by opponents of this plan is inconsistent and hypocritical. A property owners’ right to lease land cannot be trumped by outside neighbors and politicians. To do so is a taking of property every bit as objectionable as an eminent domain taking.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

