
Excerpts of Lamborn speech to NOIA

On October 9th, 2009, I gave an address at the National Ocean Industries Association’s annual Fall meeting at the Broadmoor Hotel. Following as some highlights from my speech.

“We all agree that America is too dependent on foreign sources of energy. We can and should determine the most responsible way to develop our OCS resources. Finding solutions to developing those resources should be our ultimate goal. That will require flexibility in regulatory structures. And it will require policy continuity for huge investments in financial capital, human capital, and time.”

“According to a recent American Energy Alliance report, drilling in the OCS areas previously under moratoria would generate:

Ø    $8 trillion in economic output to the GDP

Ø    $2.2 trillion in total tax receipts

Ø    1.2 million jobs annually across the country

Ø    $70 billion in additional wages each year

That is what I am working to promote with my fellow Republicans in Congress. It’s a message that needs to be echoed. And I will continue talking about it. Off shore energy development delivers jobs, economic growth, and a secure energy future for our nation.”

“In September, we held hearings on the CLEAR Act (HR 3534) introduced by Chairman Rahall from West Virginia. At a time our nation should be focused on creating jobs and producing more energy here in America, this legislation erects more roadblocks to energy job creation and production. For example, it creates a new bureaucracy, the Office of Federal Leasing, separating leasing from land stewardship at both MMS and BLM. The bill also raises the costs of producing energy with higher fees and new fees, including the establishment of a ‘non-producing fee’ which you have to pay even if the lease you bought doesn’t have any oil or gas underneath.” 


“H.R. 2846, the American Energy Act, was introduced in June and is an “all-of-the-above” plan. While many in Washington, DC want to pick and choose which energy jobs to create, The American Energy Act is focused on creating ALL of the energy jobs we can: green jobs, solar jobs, wind jobs, drilling jobs, nuclear jobs, and clean-coal jobs.”


“In closing, let me state that the development of a greater domestic American energy supply is critical to freeing America from our dependence on foreign energy. It will liberate our economy. The real question is ‘Will America develop these resources?’ This choice isn’t just about energy, the choice is also about creating good American manufacturing jobs to build the infrastructure to harness this energy.”