
Lamborn Fighting to Lower Spending in Washington

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today voted against yet another massive increase to the federal government’s debt limit. Today the House of Representatives voted to increase the amount of money the federal government can borrow by $1.9 trillion. This action will bring the total national debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion.

“Today’s vote shows that Democrats in Congress are still ignoring the voters who are outraged with Washington’s continued spending spree. This is the sixth time the Democrat majority has increased the debt limit since gaining control of Congress in 2007. We must make some tough cuts in our spending and stop borrowing. We are on an unsustainable course that will bankrupt our country.

“Democrats claim their PAYGO scheme will keep deficits under control. The fact is PAYGO does not work. The deficit has increased by $1.4 trillion, or 866.5%, in the little more than two years since the Democrats adopted the PAYGO rule at the beginning of the 110th Congress. PAYGO will actually have the effect of preventing tax cuts to stimulate the economy. This scheme is little more than a cynical political move for Democrats to claim they are fiscally responsible, when in fact, they are on a course to bankrupting our country."– Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

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