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Rep. Louise Slaughter

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Renew the Violence Against Women Act -- Now!

Posted: 12/12/2012 10:33 am

Rape. Stalking. Verbal Abuse. Intimidation. These are not the words that the holiday season should bring to mind. But because Congress has so far failed to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), millions of Americans face the prospect of losing programs that help victims of domestic violence find safety and rebuild shattered lives.

One in every four women and one in every seven men have experienced severe physical violence in their lives, and stalkers victimize approximately 5.2 million women and 1.4 million men each year. When I joined with a bipartisan coalition to write and pass VAWA in 1993, a woman was raped every six seconds, and a female was beaten every 15 seconds.

As we sat down to write the law, it was clear that something needed to be done. The results since then show that our actions have saved lives. Since VAWA was signed into law, more than one million women have used the justice system to obtain protective orders against their batterers, and cases of domestic violence have dropped by 67 percent.

Despite the very real impact of VAWA, this year Congress has failed to reauthorize the law. As I write, the protections that have prevented millions of cases of domestic violence are at risk.

Instead of simply and quickly reauthorizing a law that has saved lives, some in Congress decided to put politics first. They opposed an updated version of VAWA because the updated version would expand protections for the LGBT community, Native American populations and immigrant communities.

Excluding communities of people from protection under VAWA is not only dangerous, but morally wrong. Many of these communities are among the most likely populations to face the threat of domestic violence. For example, statistics gathered by the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network reveal that thirty-four percent of Native American women are victims of attempted or completed rape -- a figure far higher than any other demographic group.

We should be providing more protections to victims of domestic violence, not denying assistance to those most in need. Fortunately, like-minded Members of Congress are fighting hard to overcome the extremists who stand in our way. Yesterday, I led a coalition of 120 colleagues -- including many prominent Republicans -- to demand our Congressional leaders reauthorize an inclusive and comprehensive VAWA as soon as possible.

In an age where gridlock and partisanship seem to rule the day, our bipartisan coalition believes we can succeed in passing a bill that protects every victim of domestic violence. For no matter our differences on issues like the fiscal cliff, there is no disagreement when it comes to saving lives.


Follow Rep. Louise Slaughter on Twitter: www.twitter.com/louiseslaughter

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10:40 AM on 12/17/2012
Let's include men in this. Violence against All Act is how it should read.
03:16 PM on 12/16/2012
So, male victims do not count?
08:41 PM on 12/16/2012
Yup. That about sums it up.
the pariah
Author of "The Lean Pocket Diet"
12:14 PM on 12/16/2012
I thought there were already lots of laws in place that said you weren't allowed to be violent towards woman or men for that matter. Have I missed something?
08:43 PM on 12/16/2012
There are. But they are, you know, regular laws. Not feel good, politically correct legislation.
09:37 AM on 12/16/2012
You've regurgitated every lie in the book. For instance if a woman is "beaten" every fifteen seconds, that equals 2.1 million women a year yet you said it's 5.2 million a year. Further, you say a woman is "raped" every 6 seconds? That means a woman is 2 and 1/2 times as likely to be raped as she is to even be "verbally" abused. And what is "verbal" abuse? A man and woman yelling at each other? Rediculous.That's not violence.

According to the CDC stats, it's impossible for me to even go to a mall without seeing hundreds of women beaten bloody. When everywhere you go every woman looks like she just stepped out of a salon without so much as a single hair out of place, how can anything you so be believed?

The "official" stats also tell us that one out of four women are raped in college. Which would make US colleges, over four years, the most dangerous place for women in the world. Don't worry about war zones, impoverished ghetto's, it's colleges that are the most dangerous place for a woman to be raped.

Stop the lies.
08:43 PM on 12/16/2012
Very well said.
Gone Fishing
09:16 AM on 12/16/2012
Three very informative books to read on the subject are "Defending Our Lives" "Moving Out Moving On" and "Times Up" by Susan Murphy Milano who had been an advocate for many years on Intimate Partner Abuse. The Times Up book has the Evidentary Abuse Affidavit that anyone who has been abused needs to file. It is Susan who wrote this and it will hold up in a court of law. Susan spent years helping women get out of these volatile situations personally and saved many lives in her efforts. Her last book "Holding My Hand Through Hell" is her story and was published October 4. We lost Susan October 28, 2012 to a courageous battle with cancer. RIP Susan Murphy Milano, You are loved!!
09:20 AM on 12/14/2012
VAWA is a discriminatory law, which does more harm than good. It needs to be scrapped or rewritten......
10:26 PM on 12/13/2012
Make no mistake, VAWA is nothing but a rabid wolf dressed up as a pretty lamb.

Imagine a country where
you could be forced from your house and kids based solely on a lie.
you appear in court, guilty until you prove yourself innocent.
you if you cannot afford and attorney, one was not provided to you.
you cannot subpoena evidence by those that accused you.
your “Trial” is not done by a jury of your peers.
where even if you prove yourself innocent, your accuser is never held accountable for their actions.
You don’t have to imagine, it is the USA under VAWA.

VAWA has ruined more innocent lives than it has saved.
10:06 PM on 12/13/2012
If Democrats actually cared about women they wouldn't hold up a the VAWA with an illegal immigration power play. They care more about their agenda than they do about domestic violence victims. Republicans are going to object to anything that puts illegal immigrants ahead of legal immigrants on the wait list for citizenship.

Unlike what HP wants you to believe, there's no argument over renewing the current VAWA. The argument is about the new provision granting visas to illegal immigrants that the Democrats just added. The Democrats know Republicans will object to that new provision and the Democrats are willing to let the VAWA expire to make their political point.

I challenge the Dems to ask for a vote on a straight renewal of the VAWA and introduce their new amendments for vote separately. Afterall, they claim to care about women. Show it by renewing the bill everyone already agrees on.
09:49 AM on 12/14/2012
Dem's also care more about making do nothing jobs than they do about civil rights.
04:21 PM on 12/13/2012
We need "binders full of women" to fight this
04:19 PM on 12/13/2012
Vote off these people in Congress! Paul Ryan first!
truth only comes in one flavor
11:54 AM on 12/13/2012
This should be a no brainer. Why is it taking so long..??
09:53 PM on 12/13/2012
Because of the sneaky immigration power grab. The new provisions allow any illegal (of either sex) who alleges domestic violence to be granted a visa. Remove that and the law would be a no brainer.
12:28 AM on 12/16/2012
It is being delayed because men in power in this country don't want to give protection to women who may be illegal immigrants or native american women who are assaulted by white men on the reservation. These women are seen as less than human which is why the same men who believe in "legitimate" rape believe that there should be women they can assault with no ramifications.

All this stuff about men being treated wrongly is just plain wrong - there is no evidence in this crime than it is in others that people lie. No one wants to do away with all other criminal prosecutions just those that women are the victims or if they are LBGT or if they are men beat by women (also covered in the law), or children who have been assaulted, etc.

I work with programs supported by this funding and it is a VERY rare occurrence that we find that someone lied. Usually they are in the hospital, beat up, raped, terrorized and sodomized. The perpetrator, usually a man, tries to terrorize the hospital, the workers, etc.

The workers who are trained are on to the scams and do everything to make sure their services and grant money is going to someone who deserves it.

More women are killed by their significant other, husband or boy friend than for any other attacks.
Mike Dehart
Hold the kool-aid.
09:18 AM on 12/13/2012
A couple more items for thought:

One of the leading causes of injury to women in domestic violence incidents is their own initiation of violence. She hits first and he retaliates with far greater force. Dr. Sandra Stith of Kansas State University has called it “a dramatically more important factor than anything else.” Studies conducted for the Centers for Disease Control show about 70% of reciprocal DV to have been initiated by the female partner. Meanwhile, about half of non-reciprocal violence is committed by women. But VAWA is based on the political ideology that men alone commit DV. The unsurprising result is that female perpetrators find it all but impossible to get the treatment they need to stop the behavior that often results in their own injury.

The Inspector General conducted a review of 22 VAWA grantees from 1998 to 2010. Of these 22, 21 were found to have some form of violation of grant requirements ranging from unauthorized and unallowable expenditures, to sloppy recordkeeping and failure to report in a timely manner.In 2010, one grantee was found by the Inspector General to have questionable costs for 93 percent of the nearly $900,000 they received from the Department of Justice. A 2009 audit found that nearly $500,000 of a $680,000 grant was questionable. We should make sure that VAWA money goes to the victims.
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06:08 AM on 12/16/2012
I would appreciate a link to the CDC. The only thing I could find with a 70% figure was reference to a Harvard study, not the CDC and I was not able to actually find the Harvard study itself. What I did find was

It indicated a 70% number that was for non-reciprocal cases only. Reciprocal cases numbers were lower.

...Speaking as a woman, I know I've always wanted to hit someone who was considerably bigger and stronger than myself so he'd think he was justified in beating me up. (irony laced with acid)

VAWA needs to be renewed.
09:22 AM on 12/16/2012
Click the link in the atricle labeled "have experienced" 2nd paragraph. As a male who was abused throughout my marrage, and knowing many other men who went through the same afterwards, their stats seem to be about the same. Its a good read and the stats, I do consider to be accurate. Please be wary of Feminist sights whose stats are normal used in the media, and Mens Rights sights that seem more to try for equality in these situations, regardless of the truth. I have based my assesment of domestic violence on the CDC report for some time.. helped me try to make some kind of sense of it all. Hope this helps
Mike Dehart
Hold the kool-aid.
04:19 PM on 12/16/2012
So youre saying because hes bigger than you its ok for YOU to hit him but for him to hit back is wrong. Just proves youre a hypocrite.
Mike Dehart
Hold the kool-aid.
09:09 AM on 12/13/2012
The law needs to be scrapped and rewritten. The title, findings, and programs of VAWA violate men’s constitutional right to equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment. None of the billions of VAWA dollars have been spent to help heterosexual male victims of DV. Imagine a federal law designed to protect white victims from criminal acts, while ignoring black victims.

VAWA allows women to make false allegations of domestic violence, and then petition for divorce and custody of the children. In some states, a father who has ever had a restraining order filed
against him is automatically rendered ineligible for joint custody of his children. Even though stats show 90% of the TRO's are uneeded and simply used as weapons in divorce and custody hearings.

The National Academy of Sciences recently concluded that domestic violence programs are frequently “driven by ideology and stakeholder interests rather than by plausible theories and scientific evidence of cause.” [Advancing the Federal Research Agenda on Violence Against Women, http://books.nap.edu/catalog/10849.html, p. 6]

VAWA funds educational programs that consistently depict men as perpetrators and women as victims of domestic violence. Most educational programs refer to the perpetrator as “him” and the victim as “her.”
They think tax cuts caused it, LOL
08:52 AM on 12/13/2012
Really, we need special laws for this?
08:49 PM on 12/16/2012
That is the same question many of us have. The answer is, yeah, because the ordinary laws are just that, and what we need is statutes that provide feel good politically correct grievance justification to key Democratic constituencies.
07:38 AM on 12/13/2012
Violence against women is like drugs. As long as Hollywood promotes it, it will be a growth industry regardless of what anyone else says.
12:29 AM on 12/16/2012
There was violence against women long before hollywood existed.
05:58 PM on 12/16/2012
Well I obviously didn't say Hollywood caused all violence against women, but it is the main force in American culture and it certainly isn't helping. I would note how many movies choose to portray terrorists and assassins as women from Europe or America. There are terrorist attacks and assassinations every day and the number of the perps who are women from Europe or America is very low (like about zero). Not too supportive of women's rights since most of the world associates feminism with Europe and America. What man in the Middle East would want women's rights given the slanderous image of Western women Hollywood serves up in its action adventures (the movies most likely to be exported.