Rep Joe Heck
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  1. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Americans who were taken hostage today during an attack in Algeria. We should take appropriate steps to ensure their speedy return to safety.
  2. In the end, I could not in good conscience vote for the final bill, which wasn't paid for and wasn't going solely towards direct Hurricane Sandy emergency relief. As we work to rein in our spending and debt, government should be doing fewer things well, not lots of things poorly.
  3. As long as people are willing to benefit from making false claims about receiving our nation's highest military honors, I will stand up to defend the honor of the soldiers who have earned the awards and the sanctity of the awards themselves.

    Click the link below to learn more about a bill I introduced today to protect the integrity of military awards.
  4. It’s tough to be serious about reducing spending if you aren't able to get your budget proposal in on time. I look forward to again working with my colleagues to enact a budget that cuts spending, reduces the deficit, and addresses the majo...r drivers of our debt.

    "The White House has informed House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) that it will miss the legal deadline for sending a budget to Congress....Under the law, President Obama must submit a budget by the first Monday in February, but he has met the deadline only once."

    Read more by clicking the link below.
    See More
  5. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) latest FluView report, influenza activity continues to increase. It's still not too late to get vaccinated! You can find more information on the flu at:
  6. Great tour of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) yesterday. CES is not all about entertainment - I saw great products to improve chronic disease management and decrease health care costs (but the 3D TV was awesome!)
    Photo: Great tour of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) yesterday. CES is not all about entertainment - I saw great products to improve chronic disease management and decrease health care costs (but the 3D TV was awesome!)
  7. The SGR is the single greatest threat to Medicare. Click the link below to learn more about what I am doing to protect Medicare for our seniors.

    "This bipartisan bill, introduced by U.S. Reps. Allyson Schwartz (D-Pa.) and Joe Heck, DO (R-...Nev.), would repeal the SGR, stabilize payments at current rates for 2013, replace scheduled reductions with positive and predictable updates from 2014 to 2017, and set an aggressive timetable for testing and evaluating new payment systems focused on improving quality and reducing costs."See More
  8. I co-sponsored a commonsense balanced budget amendment to the Constitution which requires that Congress not spend more than it receives in revenues, requires the President to submit a balanced budget to Congress, and requires a 3/5 majority vote to increase the debt limit, while also providing an exception in times of national emergencies.

    LIKE this post if you think the we need a balanced budget amendment.
  9. CBO confirms we are on our way to a fifth straight trillion dollar budget deficit. We have a spending problem and I am committed to fighting for serious spending cuts as the debt limit and federal budget debates play out.

    From the story: ..."The federal government ran up a $293 billion deficit in the first quarter of fiscal 2013, which ended Dec. 31....At this pace, the deficit would be on pace to top $1 trillion for the fifth-straight year in 2013."See More
  10. The President’s own debt commission recognized that we have a major spending problem. With increasing revenue off the table, we must continue to work to address our spending problem by immediately cutting the fat out of the federal budget a...nd making long-term reforms to autopilot government spending.

    From the article: "Indeed, anyone who has looked at the federal budget can quickly see that out-of-control spending, not insufficient revenues, is the problem."
    See More
  11. Had a great visit with the folks at Select Physical Therapy in Las Vegas. They are doing great work to help people with their physical rehabilitation programs.
    Photo: Had a great visit with the folks at Select Physical Therapy in Las Vegas. They are doing great work to help people with their physical rehabilitation programs.
  12. Today I visited and toured Gaming Laboratories International in Las Vegas. GLI has invested $7 million in the local economy and supports 93 permanent jobs!!
    Photo: Today I visited and toured Gaming Laboratories International in Las Vegas. GLI has invested $7 million in the local economy and supports 93 permanent jobs!!
  13. Just cosponsored a bill to audit the Federal Reserve. This bill would bring much-needed transparency/accountability to our fiscal and monetary policies.
  14. The fiscal cliff was a combination of tax hikes and indiscriminate spending cuts set to kick-in in early 2013. I supported the legislation to avoid going over the cliff and to prevent significant tax increases on middle class families and family-owned small businesses. The bill was not perfect, but it was needed.

    Click the link below to read the rest of my eNewsletter.
  15. An unemployment rate close to eight percent is nothing to celebrate and I am hopeful that the permanency of tax rates resulting from the fiscal cliff deal will allow us to build on this modest gain.

    Click the link below to read the rest of my statement on the latest jobs report
  16. An additional note on the House fiscal cliff vote last night: This was NOT a vote for a tax increase. This was NOT a spending bill. In fact, it was a tax policy bill and a vote for a massive, permanent tax cut that locks in lower rates for 98% of Americans. Tax rates for ALL Americans went up at midnight on Jan 1, 2013 - that was the law of the land. The House passed legislation to LOWER tax rates... to 01/03 levels permanently, something that eluded Republicans even when they controlled the House, Senate, and White House. Now that we have locked in the amount of revenue government can bring in, we can fight for real spending cuts as we continue to try to balance our budget and reduce our debt. There will be opportunities to reduce spending in the near future (debt limit and appropriations bills) and I am as committed as ever to enacting the most meaningful spending cuts we can get given our divided government.See More
  17. "Markets breathed a huge sigh of relief Wednesday that U.S. lawmakers agreed on a budget deal that will stop hundreds of billions of dollars in automatic tax increases and spending cuts that risked plunging the world's biggest economy into recession."
  18. Tonight, the House has passed legislation to permanently lower tax rates for 98% of Americans while also providing certainty to family-owned businesses by permanently locking in the rates for the estate tax.

    Click the link below to see the rest of my statement on supporting legislation to avert the fiscal cliff.
  19. President Obama recently issued an Executive Order to increase pay for Members of Congress. I will not accept a pay increase while so many Nevadans continue to struggle with unemployment and the daily challenges of making ends meet. Tonight, I voted for a bill (H.R. 6727) to override the President’s Executive Order and freeze the salary of Members of Congress.
  20. Best wishes to everyone for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2013.
    Photo: Best wishes to everyone for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2013.
  21. As the clock ticks down, the House still waits on the Senate....
  22. It is encouraging to see that progress is being made on the fiscal cliff negotiations. I look forward to reading the details of the current proposal as we continue to seek a solution that protects as many Americans as possible from a tax hike and focuses on a long-term strategy to nurse our nation back to fiscal health.
  23. Tonight, While waiting for the Senate to act on the fiscal cliff, the House passed three bipartisan bills (yes they do exist!) to 1) increase accountability and transparency of foreign aid, 2) ensure returning veterans who use their education benefits are not exploited, and 3) ensure that every veteran receives a dignified burial, and restore the Clark Veterans Cemetery and place it under the American Battle Monuments Commission.
  24. I am back in Washington waiting for the Senate to act, like the House, to avert the fiscal cliff.
  25. We didn't get into this situation overnight, and we are certainly not going to get out of it overnight! But unless we stop the 6-month and one-year stop-gap measures and "temporary" tax cuts we will never have a long-term strategy to nurse our nation back to fiscal health. We need to increase revenue through tax reform that limits the ability of the wealthy and large corporations to get out of paying the taxes they owe, we need to enact pro-growth economic policies that will get people back to work and more people paying taxes, and we need to implement prudent, deliberate spending reductions that will compound over time. It must be a holistic approach.
  26. The "senate bill" remains in the Senate and has not been sent to the House for action. In accordance with the Constitution, all revenue bills must originate in the House. The Senate has the House-passed bills and needs to act - they can pass it and send it to the President for his signature, they can amend it and send it back to the House, or they can continue to do nothing.

    "LIKE" this post if you think the Senate should act!!
  27. Comparison of annual revenue from President's proposal vs. annual deficits. It is not about a "balanced approach" - it is about a "balanced budget." Time for sound bites and symbolism is over - its time for solutions!
    Photo: Comparison of annual revenue from President's proposal vs. annual deficits. It is not about a "balanced approach" - it is about a "balanced budget." Time for sound bites and symbolism is over - its time for solutions!
  28. The House has passed two bills to avert the fiscal cliff by extending current tax rates for all Americans and replacing the economically harmful sequester. They remain in the Senate without action. It is time for the Senate to act.

Earlier in January

Earlier in December

Earlier in 2012