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WordPress Plugins

WordPress Plugins

When it comes to WordPress W3 currently focuses on two prominent blog concerns:

  • Characterizing the content that grows your readership,
  • Optimizing WordPress for high traffic and user experience

We currently offer and configure two plugins for our clients, W3 Total Cache a performance optimization suite for WordPress and W3 Social Stats, the definitive analysis tool for measuring content engagement trends.

Used together these two plugins simplify the content production process and allow authors to focus on “what works” rather than undergo fruitless experimentation.

Ask us how to get more out of W3 Total Cache or W3 Social Stats!

February 7, 2011 97

Optimize the Performance of Widgets, Buttons & More

Too much 3rd Party content can slow down the growth of your site, reduce engagement, conversions and more. Learn how you can still incorporate widgets, plugins etc and still have a site that does not force your visitors to leave and never return.

March 9, 2009 81

Do's and Don'ts to Improve Google Ranking

Google Ranking Factors, The Good and the Bad. There are lots of opinions on how Google actually ranks your web site in the search result pages — take a closer look at what matters and why.

February 25, 2008 90

Get Your Blog Google Ranked in 30 Days or Less

Blogs are great for updating content quickly, creating a site community, and they even make search engines happy. Unfortunately, many site owners mis-use or under-utilize their blogs so here are 50 tips to boost your blogs performance.



My custom wordpress theme came out as I described to a T. It's perfect!

Neil Patel, QuickSprout