Off-Topic and General Interest
Bill Quick

Please add your off-topic and general interest items here.

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Naked, Impoverished, Helpless, Unarmed, and Starving: Enjoy the Mercy of the State, Citizens!
Bill Quick

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Latest From The Sucker State: An Illinois Bill to Register Buyers of Gold and Silver Coins

From a reader: 

It had to come. It has been introduced in Illinois, the most anti-gun state in the USA. Creates the Precious Metal Purchasing Act. Provides that a person who is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall obtain a proof of ownership, create a record of the sale, and verify the identity of the seller. 

Beans, bullets, and bullion. They’re coming after bullets, and now bullion. Can beans be next?  I wouldn’t put it past them.  Watch out, “hoarders!”

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Courting Weirdness
Bill Quick

The Clue Meter: How very special

President of the National Assocation of Police Officers and Boston
Police Officer Thomas Nee is a member of Vice President Joe Biden’s gun
control task force, which was created by President Obama in the
aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Nee’s son,
Joseph Nee, was convicted in 2008 for planning to commit mass murder of students and teachers at
Marshfield High School in Massachusetts, similar to that of Columbine in
1999. After spending nine months in prison, Nee’s conviction was upheld by the Supreme Judicial Court.

Well, I guess Nee is certainly qualified for his role as “an expert on gun violence”, huh?

Frankly, the case against that Nee kid sounds pretty hinky to me.

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Pathetic: These Tools Actually Trusted Big Honest AlGore!
Bill Quick

Current TV staffer: Al Gore sold out to Big Oil |

The New York Post’s Linda Stasi quotes a highly upset “high placed Current staffer” in a story today on the fallout of the channel being sold to Al Jazeera. The story notes that part-owner Al Gore did not show up at the first all-staff meeting since the sale to discuss the future (or lack thereof) of the cable newtwork:

“Of course Al didn’t show up,” said one high placed Current staffer. “He has no credibility.

“He’s supposed to be the face of clean energy and just sold [the channel] to very big oil, the emir of Qatar! Current never even took big oil advertising—and Al Gore, that bulls***ter sells to the emir?”

The meeting, while not contentious, was, according to staffers who spoke on the condition of anonymity, miserable.


The displeasure with Gore among the staff was thick enough to cut with a scimitar.



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The Crushing Burden of Forced Compassion
Bill Quick

Against Compassion @ AMERICAN DIGEST

once gave to all who asked. Now I give to none. Once a year I write checks to funds for widows and orphans of police, firemen, and soldiers killed in the line of duty. Beyond that, I find I can no longer spare a quarta. And when I hear, in the back of my mind, the old Depression anthem “Brother Can You Spare a Dime” I find that although I can spare it, I no longer want to give it.

It has taken decades of ceaseless hectoring but at long last my compassion account in the Bank of Human Kindness is overdrawn. I’m tapped out. I still try to care but I find, if I am honest, I couldn’t care less.

I suppose this makes me a bad person. In the land that is more and more ruled by those eager to cadge money from me or pick my pockets “for the common good” I’m just no damned good to any of them. It doesn’t bother me any more. I have become, as the song says, “comfortably numb.”

I’ve been told, so often and so stridently, to feel this and to feel that and to feel for the downtrodden of the world, that I find I no longer feel anything at all. I don’t think I’m alone in not caring. I think caring and compassion, now that it has been institutionalized enough to demand caring and compassion, has finally found its limit.

It’s really quite simple: Ayn Rand had it figured out a long time ago.

Altruism — Ayn Rand Lexicon

What is the moral code of altruism? The basic principle of altruism is that
man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only
justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral
duty, virtue and value.

Do not confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of
others. These are not primaries, but consequences, which, in fact, altruism
makes impossible. The irreducible primary of altruism, the basic absolute, is
self-sacrifice—which means; self-immolation, self-abnegation, self-denial,
self-destruction—which means: the self as a standard of evil, the selfless
as a standard of the good.

Do not hide behind such superficialities as whether you should or should not
give a dime to a beggar. That is not the issue. The issue is whether you do
or do not have the right to exist without giving him that dime. The issue
is whether you must keep buying your life, dime by dime, from any beggar who
might choose to approach you. The issue is whether the need of others is the
first mortgage on your life and the moral purpose of your existence. The issue
is whether man is to be regarded as a sacrificial animal. Any man of
self-esteem will answer: “No.” Altruism says: “Yes.”

Forced altruism turns everybody involved into slaves.

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Did You Know that We Have an Influenza Pandemic Underway?
Bill Quick

America’s North Shore Journal

Just three months into the 2012-2013 flu season, it appears that the United States will experience one of the most severe outbreaks this century. Data released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) suggest that the annual outbreak of respiratory illness has arrived earlier, and with more severe illnesses, than at any time since 2003-2004. Only the pandemic flu outbreak may have produced more illnesses and deaths when this season ends in May.
More on page 21109

This is getting almost zero coverage in the MSM, which is completely occupied with helping Obama grab American’s guns.

Luckily, we have real journalists and reporters like Chuck Simmins to keep us up to date on news that is actually important, rather than functioning as propaganda whores for the Obama regime.

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Don’t Mess With….
Bill Quick

RR: Map of Texas Gun Owners Published

I’m looking at Austin, myself.

Why? Because if we’re going to fight a civil war, I want to be living in the territory that’s fighting for liberty.

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The Mask Comes Off
Bill Quick

EXCLUSIVE: Cuomo Close To Announcing Massive New Gun Control Laws « CBS New York

It would be quite a coup for Cuomo, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, to show progress on gun control while Washington dithers.

Quite a coup? I think it would be a death sentence for Cuomo’s political career.

For decades, these gun-grabbing slimebags have uttered soothing platitudes about how “they aren’t going to try to take your guns.” And now Cuomo is going to try to take your guns.

I don’t think he has the slightest clue what sort of firestorm he’ll set off coast to coast if he actually manages to push this through. But one good thing: At least we’ll finally see the face of Democrat gun-grabbing tyranny plain.

For some odd reason the Democrats seem to be choosing this hill to die on. Let’s make sure they’re buried on it.

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Club for Growth Putting Boehner, RINOs on Short Leash, Lefty Jornolisters on Medication
Bill Quick

Behind the Curtain: The ‘hell no’ caucus –

You need to understand how Cotton won in November to appreciate how the modern Republican Congress works. The guy is a smart Harvard Law grad and former McKinsey & Co. consultant who likes to quote Socrates and The Federalist Papers. He is a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan who hired a fellow Iraq vet to mount an insurgent campaign for the Republican nomination in a vast rural district the size of West Virginia.

He is neither a hick, nor a blowhard. But he was virtually invisible until he won an audience with the Club for Growth. The Club has pioneered a technique that has helped make Congress an even more polarized mess. Instead of wasting time on high-profile races, the group intervenes in contested Republican primaries, often putting its money on the most conservative of a conservative bunch, like Cotton.

Note the barely concealed spittle-flecked rage from the DNC hacks at Politico. I think what pisses these f-tards off the most is that Cotton has a Harvard Law degree. That joint is supposed to be their own private club, or so they think.

I need to start donating to the Club for Growth. Looks like they’re doing more effective work for liberty than most.

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Irony at MDCAN

Islamist thugs and terrorist support group CAIR objects to Pamela Geller speaking.

The Maryland chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MD) today called on several state officials to withdraw from the upcoming Maryland Conservative Action Network Conference in Annapolis at which the leader of a designated anti-Muslim hate group will speak.

CAIR-MD said Dels. Nic Kipke and Neil Parrott will join County Commissioners Richard Rothschild and Blaine Young at the Saturday event featuring a keynote address by Pamela Geller. Geller is co-founder of an organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and author of a book offering step-by-step instructions on how to stop mosque construction in America.

One hate group uses another hate groups designation of a third group as a hate group to justify Jihad in the USA.
The Irony?

Topics and Speakers

In Defense of Free Speech

Pamela Geller

So the terrorist support group CAIR will be protesting free speech in accordance with the dictates of the Qur’an and some syphilitic child molester.

Posted in Assholes, Dhimmi, Hypocrisy, Islam, Islamofascism, Jihad, Sharia, Terrorism, Tyranny | Leave a comment

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I wonder if Sheriff Joe has a permit and has payed for  the tax stamp for that class III device he is holding. And now the rest of the story.

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Hound Dog
Bill Quick

Happy birthday to the King! » Cold Fury

No, not that one, damn him to Hell. This one:

Still the coolest motherfucker who ever lived. Or ever will. 

Instapundit adds:

What if I told you that there was a man who was worshipped by millions before he died, who’s often sighted by followers today, post-death, whose home is a shrine and whose relics are eagerly sought and traded? Whose acolytes take on his attributes before adoring and transported crowds? Whose followers attribute miracles to him? Isn’t that a religion? (That’s when I tell them it’s Elvis).

I was a pre-teen when The King was large and in charge, and I could – and did – take him or leave him. A lot of the boys I knew felt the same way – Elvis seemed to be the province of screamy, weepy little girls, not manly little boys. Or so we viewed him.

It wasn’t until I was considerably older that I began to appreciate the sheer talent of the guy.

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At Amazon: The Digital Dime Store
Bill Quick

Here are several links that feature the equivalent of the Amazon Digital Dime Store (for you geezers old enough to remember what a dime store was….).

The Kindle Daily Deal

This Week’s Featured .99 Songs

100 Albums for $5

100 Kindle Books for $3.99 Or Less

Remember – anything you buy from Amazon through any link on this site puts a commission in my pocket, at no cost to yourself, so thank you very much! Also, arf! from the Presidential Pomeranian.

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All Hands On Deck…
Chef Mojo

Here comes the first wave over the waist, as gun grabbers begin their attempt to board.

EXCLUSIVE: Cuomo Close To Announcing Sweeping New Gun Control Laws

A deal to give New York one of the toughest gun control laws in the nation is being negotiated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who, sources said Tuesday, is hoping to announce the plan Wednesday during his State of the State speech in Albany.

Cuomo hopes to jump-start the 2013 legislative session with a big deal that could dramatically alter gun control laws across the state.

It’s coming, and it’s going to hit hard. They will deprive you of your rights by any means available.

Prepare to repel boarders!

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Posted in America and Americans, Firearms, Gun Grabbers, Second Amendment | 6 Comments

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Fractionally Fractured Thinking
Bill Quick

View From The Porch: Political calculus:

But that’s not the important point, here. The important point is that now we know that in the Inside-The-Beltway mind, Sandy was far more devastating than Katrina, despite the latter killing 1833* to the former’s 113.

This provides us a handy metric for future use: If you live in flyover country, you’re right around 1/16th of a real person to the bicoastal power elite.

Democrats have always been good at this sort of thinking.

Although they did think that slaves were 3/5 of a real person for quite a long time. Just so you flyover Hobbits know where you stand.

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Maybe If You Wave This Unicorn Wand At the Shooters….
Bill Quick

Alabama Teachers Undergo School Shooter Training After Newtown Massacre

But the simulation wasn’t meant to train educators on how to attack or defeat a school shooter, Jefferson County Chief Deputy Randy Christian told TIME.

“They were allowed to take on the role of law enforcement so they could understand the need to relay accurate and timely information to first responders,” Christian said.

Which they likely won’t be able to do because they are still unarmed victims waiting to be slaughtered by shooters, or already dead in the attack.

All of this is CYA Kabuki designed to minimize as much as possible the financial fallout from massive lawsuits aimed at school districts. “We did everything we could possibly do.”

Uh huh.

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I thibk that this was irresponsible of the nespaper
Bill Quick

Instapundit »

WELL, ANTI-GUN SENTIMENT IS MOSTLY A PRODUCT OF THE BOOMERS AND THE SIXTIES. Meryl Yourish sends a link to this piece on the NYT student website and says, “Don’t think the Times expected kids to be pro-gun — Read the comments to the blog. They’re all in favor of gun rights.” Practically.

Frankly, after reading the comments, I’m less worried about their stance on gun rights than I am that a large majority of them seem relatively illiterate – and these, I suppose, are our future NYT readers, the best of the best and the brightest of the bright.

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Deals on Tax Software for 2013
Bill Quick

Deals on All Kinds of Tax Software for 2013

Yes, it’s that time of the year again. And given the havoc the feds and the states have wreaked on the tax codes that affect everybody, you need something beyond a pencil and a calculator to do your taxes these days. I use the Turbo Tax stuff, which is nicely integrated with the Quicken accounting program I use to keep track of things, but you can find H.R. Block and other packages here as well.

Remember – anything you buy from Amazon through any link on this site puts a commission in my pocket, at no cost to yourself, so thank you very much! Also, arf! from the Presidential Pomeranian.

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Ipso Meets Facto, Gets Anally Raped
Bill Quick

“Rockland County Clerk Claims ‘Gun Maps’ Outdated, Inaccurate” | protein wisdom

Because with progressives, it’s always the thought that counts.

And besides, it’s silly to declaim as horrible something done by good people with good intentions. Good people do good things.  By definition.  And progressives, we all know, have decided that they are good.

So. QED.

Live with it, Hobbits.

I’m not yet convinced that “progressives” are the only people permitted to participate in such decisions. But that’s just me.

And Samuel Colt. And John Browning. And when we make a decision, it is often the final one.

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Dependency: Feature, Not Bug
Bill Quick


MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER ARE “MENTALLY ILL.” But this has more to do with criteria than with an increase in craziness.

Yep. And more programs than ever before now exist to make these new mentally ill folks dependent on government.


One of the biggest mistakes conservatives make when constructing arguments against liberal programs is attempting to make the point that these programs actually make things worse, and drive more people into dependency.

And thus, unwittingly, they confirm the biggest, most attractive justification for them in the liberal statist mind.

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Today’s Bike Ride Pic: The Annual Bay Herring Run
Bill Quick


Gulls, pelicans, and local fisherman vie with each other for the bulk of the catch from the annual Bay Herring Run, which lasts for only a handful of days out of the year. From what I saw, the birds were winning, two to one.

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