Friday, 4 January 2013

Bedtime Totty...........

What's Your Reaction To The Fiscal Cliff Agreement?...from TPC

This is my response to the question 'What's your reaction to the fiscal cliff agreement'? My opinion ends with the phrase G-D help us all!

Late News.............

CDR Salamander​: Fullbore Friday

Insoluble Syria

Egypt says it seized US-made missiles near Gaza

What some liberals really think of gun owners

ACLU: 'Obama Has Utterly Failed the First Test of His Second Term'

Has leverage switched to Republican​s on spending cuts?

We're now one step closer to America's coming civil war

Return of the Real Obama

The $100 million arm-twist: How Al Gore closed the deal with Al-Jazeera​; Update: Time Warner drops Current/AJ

Cuccinelli​: The EPA would do well to remember that we're a nation of laws, not men

The time is right and we are ready: mission to find lost Spitfires of Burma launches

Taxpayer Bill for Obama’s Hawaii Vacations: $20 Million

Obamanomics: More Mediocre Job Growth

Morsi in 2010: No peace with descendants of apes and pigs

Useful or Useless?................from Rico

If you ask almost any "low information" US person you will be regaled with their media-induced 'opinion' of Sandy Hook and Gun Control.
- In another time and place they would be called "useful idiots."

None of these morons can tell you one thing about Gun Walker, and even fewer can find that toddlin' town Chicago on a map ...much less explain how it can be possible that in a city where law abiding citizens cannot legally own a gun, 532 people were murdered (a little over seven a day) in 2012.

Not that there is any "agenda" in the MSM or the current Democratic (C) regime.
- I call them "useless idiots."

Finally a well dressed Wal-Mart shopper.

H/T 45 Govt

Will The Real Mohamed Morsi Please Stand Up..................from Dan Friedman

Have a look at this. Then chew on this.
By now it’s a rhetorical question, but what is Obama thinking?

Classic! Timeless!..............from Rico

Gee, THANKS Congress for 'saving' everyone in the US from the bogeyman of the 'Fiscal Cliff!' You deserve a raise! (Oh wait, Barry just gave you one.) Americans were obviously too 'skeered' to look under the bed for themselves, and took your 'word' for it that some sorta monster lurked there. Suckers. Mugs. Timeless comedy rampant.
- And just like with Obamacare, you didn't even 'read' the pork-stuffed law you enacted (well, you only had three minutes from receiving the bill to voting on it).

The consequences? Debt and spending were NOT addressed, much less resolved.
- One notes that while 80% will now pay MORE taxes to the Federal Government, and middle earners take the biggest proportional tax "hit." The result? "No Hawaiian vacations for YOU!" [In my best Seinfeld soup-Nazi voice.]

This at a time when US median net worth is the lowest since 1969 (after Barry's first term which 'shrank' US family net worth 38%), it looks a lot like the classic game of Communists vs. Kulaks.
- While 'saying' things like 'fair share' and 'eat the rich' what this Marxist cabal is actually 'doing' is 'killing the middle class.'

America will not look the same without them, and is approaching the status of Amerika rapidly.
- You will not like it.

Bonus Totty.............

NewsBusted 1/04/13

Cartoon Round Up....

Pic Dump.............

Two politically incorrect posters!

Two great politically incorrect posters. One compares Barack Obama to a popular day that predicts weather patterns while the other compares an Obama supporter to an idiot.  


First Drone Strike of the Year, Maulvi Nazir Down

U.S. Marine to diane feinstein: "i am not your subject -- i am the person you serve" .... leave it to the marines, to say it absolutely right ....

Low river levels reveal WWII boats

Do Republican​s really have leverage now?

Reasonable Reid threw Obama cliff offer into a fire after he was booted from negotiatio​ns

NASA mulls plan to drag asteroid into moon's orbit

The EPA: Rogue and Dangerous

The culture war is over, and conservati​ves lost

CDC: 1 in 24 admitted falling asleep while driving

Editorial: Sick of Congress?

Diners beware: Black youth trying to upgrade their cell-phone plan at your expense

Hmm: Utah's existing health exchange gets conditiona​l nod from feds

California​: Invasion of the job-snatch​ers

The Greece of Asia Japan's Growing Sovereign Debt Time Bomb

European Court of Justice "Lacking Any Foundation in Law"

Will Iran’s Nuclear Program Kill Millions Without Launching a Missile?

A ‘Sudanese Genocide’ in Egypt?

The New Eyes in East Asia’s Skies

Meet Microsoft, the world's best kept R&D secret

New Hampshire is for ladies: How did the state come to be ruled by women?

Law Center Warns Congress Not To Certify 2012 Election Due To Obama Election Fraud

Record number of women in Congress out to change tone

The Cover, not the Cause. Again.................from Rico

It's hard to take the Financial Media with any seriousness these days, not with a grain of salt, nor even a mouthful.

I'm reading absolute drivel like "Gold Tanks After Fed Minutes."
- Puh-lease!!!

NO, this was merely (a) "cover" for, (b) an "excuse" for, (c) the "signal" for (pick one, several, or all of the preceeding) the USUAL, expected, typical, orchestrated, pre-planned Cartel paper raid on the spot markets timed around the NFP release (which happens tomorrow...and YES, I already had my calendar 'flagged' many days ago for both events: "NFP report & expect RAID").

Only a moron, or the bought-and-paid-for CFTC regulators could not have 'seen' this coming. Again.
- Forgive the redundancy.

Achmed's Weekly Bombs - Jan 4, 2013

Auto-pen and Teller

Red Friday Totty............

PJTV: The Fiscal Cliff Drama Played Like A Saturday Morning Cartoon

The fiscal cliff negotiations unfolded like an episode of the Road Runner, except in this episode, the Road Runner was played by the private sector, and Wylie E. Coyote was played by the federal government. Hear more about how the Republicans negotiated a deal that resulted in more debt and higher taxes, on this ZoNation.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

PJTV: Credibility Cliff: Americans Have Lost Faith in Their Government

President Obama, the Republican controlled congress and Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) hammered out a compromise on fiscal cliff: Higher taxes, increased debt and more spending. Is America so apathetic that voters do not care about the future of the American balance sheet? Will voters kick both incumbent Democrats and Republicans out of office? Scott Ott, Steve Green and Bill Whittle discuss the fiscal cliff deal on this episode of Trifecta.

Bedtime Totty...............

Who Will Stop Hagel, Gays or Jews?.................from Dan Friedman

Now that Obama has revived the possibility that Chuck Hagel will be his choice for Secretary of Defense, Mr. Hagel must be prepared to overcome at least two obstacles if in fact he gets Obama’s nod. First, while still a Senator, Hagel apparently twisted some gay noses out of joint. A big no-no in today’s political correct society with its gay-approved military. Then there are the Jews - or more precisely - the “Jewish lobby,” which then-Senator Hagel said “intimidates a lot of people up here,” but not him because “I’m a United States senator. I’m not an Israeli senator.”
Whether either of the two offended constituencies, or a combination thereof, is angry enough or strong enough to put the kibosh on Hagel remains to be seen. Though one thing is certain. Gays and Jews lost much of their leverage by being all in for Obama in November. Being taken for granted is never smart politics.

Late News.............

Indonesia city to ban women 'straddling motorbikes'

Illinois decides to lead the way...

Tourism Official Slams Bulgarian President for 'Colorado' Blunder

U.S. Military Divorcing Afghanista​n For Hotter, Sexier War

Hugo Chavez 'living his last days'

Syria 'would not join Iran in war against Israel'

'Corruptio​n Chronicles​': WH Alternativ​ely Leaks, Hides OBL Raid Secrets

California teen slips parents sleeping pills so she could use internet

Why Economists Are United in Their Dislike of the Fiscal Cliff Deal

What’s Hot on the Dating Scene? Good Credit

As US Electricit​y Use Stalls, Utilities Scramble - Household use to expand just 0.7% per year: feds

Nicole Dobol Set Fire To Mattress Where Ex-Boyfrie​nd, Another Woman Were Sleeping

Golden Arches and Broken Dreams - American Cities Drown in Debt

Why Does Anybody Need a 30-Round Magazine?

Famed Roman shipwreck reveals more secrets

Surprise: Obamacare-​wary employers not hiring, cutting hours

Shooting from the Hip: The Media’s Inaccurate Gun Reporting

Icelandic Girl Fights For Name

3 star general O'Reilly, accused of bullying, allowed to retire without demotion

The Eight Percent: Sleeping Naked Is One Of The Rarer Sleep Quirks

FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year than Rifles

Meet your new IRS withholdin​g tables

Match-fixing scandal in South Africa overshadows Africa Cup of Nations

Obama Wastes No Time Getting on the Golf Course

Obama Uses Autopen to Sign Fiscal Cliff Bill

The View from the Bottom of a Fiscal Abyss

Police Told To Leave Denny's For Carrying Guns

N.Y., county officials vow action after gun data published

Late Pic Dump...........

Innovative Fire-Fighting Techniques

The endangered boat was destroyed by the fire, but the quick thinking speedboat pilot prevented a possibly devastating gas-tank explosion.

See: "Speedboat Puts Out Boat Fire."

Hot Audrina Partridge 2013 Bikini Calendar

She's lovely.

See: "Audrina Partridge Sizzling Calendar 2013."

Now That's Ringing in the New Year!

I love it: "Hot Jenny McCarthy Kisses Navy Officer on New Year's Eve 2013!"

NRA LIFE OF DUTY | Patriot Profile Feature "Untold Resistance: The Guerillas of Luzon"

NRA Life of Duty presented by Brownells and Smith & Wesson have teamed up to release this month’s Patriot Profile “Untold Resistance: The Guerrillas of Luzon” – the true story of two unlikely friends who escaped the infamous Baatan Death March on the island of Luzon and found a way to fight on despite overwhelming odds. View more documentaries like this on the NRA Life of Duty Patriot Profiles channel sponsored by Smith & Wesson at

H/T Jeff

Victoria's Secret Swim 2013 Sneak Peek

UP or DOWN, it depends................from Rico

Looking at this chart of Gold vs. Fiat currencies for the past decade, probably the first thing one 'sees' is the double-digit 'rise' in the price of Gold in all currencies represented.
- That is exactly what all the Central Bankers want you to 'see' and that is how the public has been 'conditioned' to see things.

- An ounce of Gold remains an ounce of Gold. It is constant. Unlike fiat currency, it can not be debauched and debased, which is why the Keynesians (bankers and politicians alike) hate it so. It does not change like their funny money does. It cannot be 'gamed' by the crooks.

Look at it instead as 'this is the decline in the purchasing power of these currencies against the constant value of gold in the last decade."
- This is the amount of purchasing power LOST across fiat currencies in the past decade, and this is what you are NOT supposed to 'see' or 'think' because taking this view robs the Central Bankers of their power to rob you.

So, is the price of Gold UP, or is the value of Fiat money DOWN?
- In my view, holding Fiat for the past ten years has been a losing proposition and things are not about to change for Fiat. Got Gold yet?

Bonus Totty..............

Hilary Clinton out of Hospital and back in the Saddle............

Cartoon Round Up....

Pic Dump.............