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Resolve to Conquer or Die

Written By : Chuck Norris
January 1, 2013

When President Barack Obama was re-elected, the winds waned behind many patriots’ ships’ sails. My wife, Gena, and I felt that sock in the gut for our country and posterity, too. But instead of cowering in defeat, I believe we need to discard conventional (unsuccessful) strategies and advance in new directions.

The future of our country is going to hinge not upon the Republican Party’s reinvention (as so many think) but upon each of us patriots asking what isn’t working about our approach and modifying our attacks for greater impact in the culture and political wars. You don’t fight and win unconventional wars with conventional weapons; that’s why we lost in November.

The majority voted to continue to be pelted from within the U.S. by the Obama administration and from without by the United Nations’ rogue usurpation of Americans’ rights. In the past six months alone, the Obama administration has teamed up with the U.N. to enforce Internet intrusions, clamp down on gun rights, further regulate the airline industry, utilize billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to expand U.N. global warming control and expand global abortion. And who can forget the proliferation of Agenda 21 and growth of Interpol to enforce its new international law?

Will the next four years of Obama intensify the secular progressive assault against our republic and your freedoms? Without a doubt! Read “Fool Me Twice,” by Aaron Klein, for a preview of the bombardment, or watch the insightful and compelling documentary “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” which foretells America’s future.

The big question is: Will the next four years result in the fundamental transformation of the U.S.? The answer to that is: Only if we let it. Freedom is lost not by a single election but by surrendering to everyday assaults on our liberties.

In the Revolutionary War, Gen. George Washington faced blistering and humiliating setbacks. One of them was in the Battle of Long Island. Even with the inspiration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence at his back, on Aug. 27, 1776, British forces under the experienced general Sir William Howe routed the American Army. Defeat was never nearer. The end seemed near.

According to, “General George Washington knew he had badly miscalculated.”

But as you know, the difference between a good leader and a great one is his ability to learn from his failures and miscalculations and recalibrate for victory.

As a world-class fighter, I learned a long time ago that it isn’t going down that creates defeat; it’s staying down and sticking to the same ol’ tactics that guarantee future loss. As the adage goes, if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you’ve always been.

When Washington was cornered by the British and faced what appeared to be impending doom, he stayed the course but almost always revamped his strategies.

What Washington wrote to the Continental Army before the Battle of Long Island should be inscribed on every patriot’s wall now, given November’s defeat: “The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their Houses, and Farms, are to be pillaged and destroyed. … The fate of unborn Millions will now depend, under God, on the Courage and Conduct of this army. … We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die.”

As we walk into 2013, Gena and I have been asking again how we can best be used in the fight for God and country and seeking in particular how the God of our Founding Fathers would have us respond to November’s political mudslide. We believe we know. And part of it means altering our strategies and approach as Washington did.

I’ll say this much: If you don’t see Navy SEALs on the battlefield, don’t assume for a moment that they’re absent from the battle. They merely have gone stealth, underground (or underwater!), cloaked and engaged in covert measures and unconventional methods of warfare.

Washington’s words should be reread at the turn of this new year, especially by anyone who feels that the end is imminent.

Follow Chuck Norris through his official social media sites, on Twitter @chucknorris and Facebook’s “Official Chuck Norris Page.” He blogs at

  • Robert11110

    Patriots need a political vehicle through which to make those changes manifest in the real world. Mitt Romney lost the election because he was nothing more than a hand picked establishment Republican with left of center political beliefs. There is so little patriotism left in this nation and I can understand why. Years of illegal and legal immigration from the third world has broken the back of America’s national identity. Talk of George Washington, the Constitution and the Revolutionary War have little impact on a nation that is transforming into Brazil both demographically, politically and economically. This country desperately needs a spiritual revival coupled with a new plan forward for this nation. What is this plan? You only need to look to the past during the zenith of America’s power and prosperity to see what needs to be done. Nationalism, both political and economic, are essential for restoring this once great nation.

    • daffydukz28

      Untill we get a hold of the media,,the job is impossible.

    • lakerskid

      “: Years of illegal and legal immigration from the third world has broken the back of America’s national identity.”…….Yeah, the Irish and Wops just ruined this place !!!!

      • Robert11110

        What is the point of posting such worthless tripe? Ireland and Italy are not third world countries.

        • lakerskid

          You are historically ignorant buddy. They were when America was inundated with immigrants from Europe.

          • Robert11110

            I know you’re just trying to create a wedge between White Americans but I will still try to educate you on the matter.. Ireland and Italy were not third world countries at the turn of the century. They both had roads, adequate waste disposal, a transportation system, a stable government, an educated populace and a viable economic system. Yes, there was a lot of poverty in the population but these places were not on the same level as numerous places you find in Africa, Latin America or Asia today. Most of these places didn’t have these things till Westerners brought them in. Italy is one of the cradles of Western Civilization and both of these countries share a common European culture and history which most Americans shared until the immigration laws were changed and the borders were thrown wide open to the world’s open sewers.

  • lakerskid

    Hey Chuck…..try using the “cooperation” model in politics instead of the “war” model, you might actually get something done

    • daffydukz28

      Lakerskid, you just don’t get it. One does not cooperate with those who are trying to slit the wrists of America.

      • lakerskid

        On the contrary, the fighting and bickering is the root of the problem, you’re fear of wrist slitting is overboard. Try being less “extreme”

  • Breadforguns

    “Will the next four years result in the fundamental transformation of the U.S.? ”
    ‘Tis a connsumation devoutly to be wished.

    • daffydukz28

      Into what,,,please expand??

  • underdogster

    I so agree with Chuck. Patriots who really count are not those who just salute the flag and praise their country. They act with all their might, their cunning and they sacrifice…not just on the battlefield, but with their dollars, their standing among co-workers, in schools before school boards, in the office’s of their son’s college president whose school is indoctrinating him. They take risks.

    I wrote the following on another article on Drudge and found Chuck’s piece: I think he feels the way I do. The campaign of 2011 must NOT end. Gingrich, Santorum, Perry, et al, they must continue and so must we.

    Here is what I wrote for what it is worth. We cannot give up. We will win because we are right and thinking. We must first find listings of contacts and people and organizations with a viable network to join and know.

    “The marxists/communists/socialists in our country are here because we are letting them set up
    permanent residence and gain power while we feel helpless to do anything about it. Surely, there are conservatives and patriots out
    there capable of fighting in many a non-violent arena. Yes, Obama won an election not by too many overwhelming numbers only, but the campaign
    on information MUST go on. We are wasting time bantering and yapping about small issues…skipping the very dangerous magnitude of all of our problems when linked and put together. This has got to be a campaign on the airwaves and in neighborhood
    organizations who need coaching on how to proceed from here-on-in, to understand how this battle is more than a battle over saving entitlements, taxes; it is an onslaught on those who are undermining all
    Americans, our freedoms and our national security . It must come from all of us, not Bill O’Reilly and the conservative talking heads who love following their
    talking points that are their red herrings of the day that ultimately distract from the magnitude of
    how dangerous a man our President is. We need A PLAN folks. Don’t count on any elected official to do all the work. They cannot. It must come from you, in your communities, your workplace, your schools; and
    you have to risk not being the most popular among your friends, If you were once shy, change. You
    will need to sacrifice and take risks. If you can’t make that happen, then sit back, turn on the tv and radio and give up. But do write a little time capsule for your children and grandchildren. There is a chance. small though it may be, that they might find it and learn about the freedoms you knew if they
    are lucky enough to be find it, that is, long after you are gone. History books and your history will be the first to go and they will more likely than not never know of your roots, beliefs and freedoms you knew and treasured.

    • lakerskid

      “the magnitude of how dangerous a man our President is.”…..oh really?….

      If I asked you to provide me proof of his “danger” what would you do?

  • Red Dawn

    As a proud progressive I vist right wing web sites for their sheer entertainment value. Paranoid, delusional, childish rantings – it makes me laugh like hell. I take the most outlandish diatribes (such as this one) and forward them to like minded comrades. Occasionally when the laughter stops, we try to think of ways to get you people some government funded mental health. Guns, GOD, & Greed – go get ‘em!!!!

    • K-Bob

      Laugh all you want, “comrade.”

  • K-Bob

    One thing we need to face is that “political calcualtion” is what destroyed the primary process in 2012.

    We’re on a war footing now that people with higher “visibility” among the left are actively calling for death to NRA members and people are publishing the names of gun owners.

    It’s worth repeating that: War Footing.

    Political calculation, like whether or not to boot the social conservatives from the party, or whether or not “Gay” marriage should be accepted, or any other kneejerk move to the left: all of that is what helped lose the election, not win it. And it won’t help win the next.

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