The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

@DailyPundit, Optimist At Large

by Smitty But since [the re-election of Rep. Boehner as Speaker] just a squabble over the leadership of the minority faction of the Ruling Party, none of this has a great deal of meaning in the larger scheme of things. No matter who is in charge of the GOP faction, everything will continue to go [...]

Alternate Headline for Current TV Deal

The top of Memeorandum is cluttered with news that Al Gore’s Current TV was sold to Al-Jazeera, but Allahpundit nails the real story: Al Gore opposed to paying his ‘fair share’ Liberal hypocrisy, thy name is Al: Al Jazeera did not disclose the purchase price, but people with direct knowledge of the deal pegged it [...]

Gun Control and the Politics of Ignorance

“Senator Feinstein’s latest attack on the Second Amendment relies entirely on public ignorance of firearms and their legitimate uses,” writes William A. Levinson in an American Thinker article answering the question, “Why Does Anybody Need a 30-Round Magazine?” It’s important to consider worst-case scenarios: Suppose that you found yourself in a conflict with multiple assailants, each armed [...]

Green Energy Underpants Gnomes

An item at Doug Ross’s blog inspired this business plan: Raise big bucks for Obama’s campaign. Start a “green energy” company. Get an Energy Department grant. Profit!

Should Hagiography Wait Until The Subject Has, Regrettably, Passed?

by Smitty Maybe Tina Brown was literarily spoofed by someone wanting her to appear the demented love child of Andrew Sullivan and Rachel Maddow: The idea of losing Hillary has seemed especially unbearable at this political moment. It’s as if she has become, literally, the ship of state. She stands for maturity, tenacity, and self-discipline [...]

Subsidized Stupidity

Woman tries to buy iPad with her food stamp EBT card: Weekly Vice via Fox Nation: Tracy Browning, a 38-year-old Louisville woman, was jailed after she allegedly tried to purchase several iPads with a food stamp card, then fled to another location where she tried to make the same transaction. According to Louisville police, Browning [...]

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.03.13

– compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS House Refuses To Take Up Sandy Relief Christie, NJ congressmen blast Boehner for delay in vote SecState Clinton Discharged From Hospital Docs confident she’ll make full recovery from clot Workers’ Taxes To Increase Despite Fiscal Cliff Deal Social Security payroll tax cut expires; rate goes back to 6.2% POLITICS [...]

Tina Brown’s Mysterious Career: How Much Is That Zeitgeist in the Window?

Cheap easy-to-use digital self-publishing software has made many things obsolete, including overpaid magazine editors who once allegedly had an inerrant instinct for finding The Next New Thing: Audaciously drawing grand (and almost completely unsupportable) conclusions from small things. Carnival barking in print form. Everything’s the Most Important, the Latest, the Best. News You Can Use; Is Your Hair-Dryer [...]

Obama ‘Has Brought Us to Our Knees. He Is Lowering Our Standard of Living.’

Jennifer Stefano of Americans for Prosperity was a guest today on Neil Cavuto’s show, and she wasn’t pulling her punches: “The president has lied on a number of issues. He promised not to raise taxes on the middle-class — he raised taxes on us today. . . . If any of us are stupid enough [...]

Ted Cruz Vows to Lead Opposition to Dianne Feinstein’s Gun-Grab Bill

Incoming Texas Sen. Ted Cruz vowed Wednesday to “speak out loudly” against anti-gun legislation proposed by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein and supported by President Obama. Cruz said it was “wrong, cynical and misguided” for liberals to “exploit” this month’s shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, as an excuse to promote legislation that he denounced as “unconstitutional.” The [...]

Kathy Griffin, Andrew Sullivan and Other Desperately Unfunny ‘Faggot’ Jokes

Really, @andersoncooper: I think she kissed your dignity good-bye.… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 1, 2013 BREAKING NEWS: Andrew Sullivan is a risible caricature of overblown pomposity. DEVELOPING … — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 2, 2013 Next year, CNN should get Andrew Sullivan to co-host New Year’s Eve with Anderson Cooper and [...]

The Demographics of Envy

“No one has been through the fire more so than our congressperson, and we in the district have sent him back because we have faith in him, and that he has our interests in mind, and quite frankly he’s one of us.” – Keith L. T. Wright, co-chairman of the New York Democratic Party, praising [...]

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