The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘The Most Important Role of My Life’

Sunday night, when Natalie Portman accepted her Oscar, the radiantly pregnant actress concluded her acceptance speech by thanking “my beautiful love,” dancer and choreographer Benjamin Millepied, for giving her the “most important role of my life.” As Steven Ertelt of reports, Portman’s maternal joy rankled some viewers. Lizzie Skurnick Tweeted: Like, my garbageman could give you your greatest [...]

Revealed: How Liberals Pretend to Be Doing ‘Investigative Journalism’

Nothing is easier than to fool a liberal, and journalists do this all the time by claiming to have exposed the allegedly nefarious and secretive actions of conservatives when, in fact, (a) conservatives were doing more nefarious than the ordinary business of political advocacy, and (b) the “secrets” supposedly exposed were never secret at all. [...]

Charlie Sheen, Victim

Last week, Charlie Sheen got himself denounced by the Anti-Defamation League after a radio interview in which he mocked Two and a Half Men producer Chuck Lorre as “Chaim Levine” (for the record, Lorre’s birth name is Charles Levine). Not surprisingly, CBS responded by canceling the rest of the show’s season. Evidently unsatisfied with partial [...]

So Madoff Should Have Gone Into Something Respectable With His Penchant For Falsehood; Say, Global Warming

by Smitty (h/t Lucianne) Ol’ Bernie is so bent as to be nearly admirable for his panache: In a series of phone interviews with New York magazine, Madoff repeatedly said he wasn’t trying to justify what he did – and then he repeatedly tried to justify what he did. “These people probably would’ve lost all [...]

VIDEO: ‘Libyan Hit Squad’ (1986)

This tune was recorded 25 years ago by my buddy Chris Cassone: (Via I Own The World.) Nice beat, easy to dance to, I’ll give it an 85.

‘Piss Karl’: Rove’s Genius Media Strategy

Ben Smith points out that New York magazine hired “Piss Christ” photographer Andres Serrano to do a portrait of Karl Rove, and I wonder if Rove expected the resulting profile feature by Joe Hagan to include such sentences as this: The woman, Karen Johnson, is a lobbyist rumored to have been Rove’s mistress before his [...]

Oh, Noes! Moammar Qaddafi Abandoned by ‘Voluptuous Blonde’ Ukrainian Nurse

In January, we told you about Galyna, the “voluptuous blonde” Ukrainian nurse whose . . . um, services to Libyan dictator Moammar Qaddafi were described by the U.S. ambassador in a diplomatic cable obtained by WikiLeaks. Now, we have a sure sign that the situation in Tripoli has reached dire proportions: Galyna Kolotnytska returned to [...]

Another Year, More ‘Why Do The Oscar Ratings Resemble Those Of CNN?’

by Smitty Props to Matt Drudge for keeping a straight face for the ‘unexpected’ bad ratings.  Should they bring in the president’s speech writers, one wonders? We understand that, in a globalized movie market, the rest of the world is entertained by the sight of Hollywood pissing down the American back. Could it possibly be [...]

Tell It to the Marines!

“There were a few gay girls who lived in the barracks. . . . The other gay girls had affairs with each other in the barracks, and ‘hit’ on other girls in the barracks. This really freaked out some of the Marines. We were all very young, and inexperienced in these types of situations. “It was [...]

Herman Cain Wins Phoenix Straw Poll

Gathering momentum: Which Republican should become the next president? Herman Cain, according to a number of Tea Party activists gathered at a weekend summit in Phoenix. Cain, a conservative talk show host and former Godfather’s Pizza chief executive, won the American Policy Summit’s presidential live straw poll on Sunday. Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas [...]

LIVE AT FIVE – 2.28.11

TOP NEWS Tunisian PM Announces Resignation Unwilling to use repression to stop renewed protests Gaddafi Asset Freeze Follows UN Vote Security Council moves with surprising swiftness Libyan Rebels Gain Firepower, Defectors UK Freezes Qaddafi’s Assets Tripoli Headed For Siege As Rebels Widen Control   POLITICS Police Allow Protesters To Remain In Wisconsin Capitol Capitol police [...]

Rule 5 Sunday: Pistolero

I’m inclined to begin this week’s roundup of Rule 5 posts a bit differently, with a link to the gallery of Oleg Volk, who does a lot of good work in the RKBA field and shoots some outstanding photographs besides. Like this one, for example, which combines a beautiful woman with good-quality weapons – a [...]

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