This Moment….

Is huge, to say the least. I haven’t posted since pre-debate in Denver when Mitt turned this whole thing around. I was of the opinion that he was probably ahead anyway, that the  media just needed some kind of an excuse to actually report it. But I digress.

You’re not here if you’re here at all to rehash the Denver debate. The importance of this election tonight, can’t be adequately put into words. For the most part I disengaged from the campaign….at least where this blog was concerned. I never disengaged otherwise. Others were more suited and better able to give you your day to day coverage and analysis of the goings on inside each campaign.

The bottom line for me is this. Mitt Romney absolutely has to win tonight. He has to win for the country to survive. Plain and simple. I honestly don’t think America survives another four years of Barack Obama. Even more than that, we don’t survive a majority of Americans who would actually elect the guy a second time given the fact that we know what we know about him and his policies and plans for this country.

Is it really that dire? Is it really that cut and dry? I believe so. I watched this awesome video that Erika Johnsen posted at Hot Air a little bit ago. If you haven’t watched it, you need to. This election isn’t about, nor has it ever been about Mitt Romney. He’s just the name by which we all converge in our single minded quest to save us from ourselves. What’s awesome about Romney is that I think he really completely understands that. He understands that something grand is at work and that it’s not about him at all. He’s just the vessel to be used at this moment in time.

The contrast between Romney this year and Obama now and four years ago couldn’t be more stark. Obama always thought it was about him. He still does. He’ll take it very personal if he loses. But honestly Mr. President, it’s nothing personal, we just love our country and we want to save it. We have to save it from you and those like you.

Glenn Beck mentioned on his show this morning that tonight will show us what our life will be like from now on. Tonight will show us what our children’s future will be like. That’s a very scary thing. In years past, if some joker was elected we’d endure until he was gone and then try and right the ship. We’re in the midst of trying to right the ship today, if we fail, I’m afraid there may be no turning back.

Many have wondered if we’ve reached the point of no return. I myself have wondered that often. I think tonight will give us the best indication in many years as to the path we are on. Whether we begin to right the ship, correct a mistake, or whether our course for destruction is set.

Since Denver I felt that Romney would win. Really even before that. But in the last few days I’d begun to question whether my confidence was misplaced. My prediction is that Romney will win in a landslide, at least 321 electoral votes; but the chance is still there that he won’t. And because of that slight chance, this moment….is one for the ages.

No regrets. Well, other than if you voted for Obama in 2008.

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Don’t We Want A President That Hugo Chavez Hates?

When nasty dictators start talking about how wonderful your President is and proclaiming that he’d vote for him if he could, there’s a problem.

“I hope this doesn’t harm Obama, but if I was from the United States, I’d vote for Obama,” the socialist Chavez said of a man he first reached out to in 2009 but to whom he has since generally been insulting.

Chavez is running for a new six-year term against opposition challenger Henrique Capriles, while Obama seeks re-election in November against Republican candidate Mitt Romney. Venezuela’s election is next weekend.

“Obama is a good guy … I think that if Obama was from Barlovento or some Caracas neighborhood, he’d vote for Chavez,” the president told state TV, referring to a poor coastal town known for the African roots of its population.

If we had a real media, the first question at tomorrow’s briefing the Butt Puppet would get is, “What does President Obama think about Hugo Chavez’s flattering words?” What will we hear? Crickets.


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Are You Worried About Ohio?

You really shouldn’t be. Sure the media has Obama pounding Mitt Romney in Ohio as well as Florida, but let’s be honest, this thing is far from over. Obama knows this and so does the media. Still, it’s hard not to be frustrated by the daily deluge of how wonderful the Obama campaign is and how feckless the Romney campaign has been. Pure spin.

Probably a good rule of thumb is this: Whatever the media is saying, the opposite is likely true.

Two very good pieces that bring a little bit of perspective on the polls and Ohio in general come to us from Byron York and R.S. McCain. Makes sense. The media knows nothing about making sense other than spinning polls and news to fit their world view.

Dealing with the mainstream media reminds me of several years ago when my wife and I lived in our first home. Renters moved in two houses down. They had a huge bloodhound that they kept shut up during the day but let run loose during the night. He tormented the neighborhood with his barking all night long, and what’s more, he used to come and crap in my front yard. Not just in the yard, but a big steaming pile used to greet me every morning on my way out to work.

Finally, I’d had enough. I made a ritual of everyday, shoveling the deposit up, walking two houses over and throwing it back in their yard. I did this consistently for months. Finally, they got the point and began to keep the dog in at night.

What’s the moral of the story? When dealing with the mainstream media, when they shit in your yard, shovel it up, and throw it back in their proverbial faces. It’s annoying, but it eventually works.

More proof:

Ohio poll over samples Dems by 17%.

Ohio voter registration down, especially for Democrats.


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Skewed Polls, Jackasses, Cuss Words, And Reality

I generally don’t cuss in mixed company. And since I have no control over who frequents this blog, I save the profanity laden rants for private conversations with my wife, and yes, my mother. So in advance I’d like to apologize to any female readers, or male readers who may be offended at some of the questionable language that I will be using in the next several paragraphs.

One good reason for not using profanity when writing my take on the news of the day, is that I didn’t want to offend the Google gods who might use that as an excuse to bury a post on page 3 of a search and thereby killing it. To that I say who gives a rip. If you want to read news without profanity then you can read the New York Times or MSNBC. You won’t find profanity but what you will find is piles and piles of bullshit. Hot, steaming, bullshit. I’m talking about the skewed polls that supposedly reputable polling companies continue to release and the media outfits that report them as news.

Nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody with half a fucking brain believes that Barack Obama is sitting as pretty as Quinnipiac and the New York Times want us to believe. But then again, are they really trying to make us believe that, or are they simply trying to convince themselves that The One isn’t a totally rotten, miserable, fucking failure? I think it’s more of the latter than the former.

We’re the ones with all the common sense. We don’t live in a vacuum. We live in the real world. Reality. Reality is something that Chuck Todd wouldn’t recognize if it came up and slapped a hickory stick across his smug ass. Chris Matthews wouldn’t recognize reality if it dragged him across a freshly mowed field of hay with his balls strapped to the back of a John Deere. He wants a tingle up his leg? That would do it.

Reality tells us that the country is in the crapper and the party that is mostly responsible is trying to garner enough of the morbidly stupid together to keep Obama’s worthless, lying ass in the White House. Those of us who truly understand the realities of the day know that an Obama re-election likely means the death of the country. You can take that to the bank.

My gut still says that Romney is going to win. Not only that, he’s going to win big. My guess is, unless you’re one of the morbidly stupid that I just spoke of, your gut tells you the same thing. Go with your gut. To hell with what the New York Times, ABC, MSNBC, or CNN is trying to push off on you. They don’t function inside of reality, you do.

It’s unfortunate that someone has to create Unskewed just to wade through the shit that the mainstream media is trying to smear in our faces; but someone did. When I look at this, it feels much more in line with how we see the realities of the world.

Folks, it’s this simple. There’s what the media says is going on and there’s what truly is going on. It couldn’t be said better than in the movie Major League. Cleveland Manager gave his team a pep talk about reality vs. what the media was writing about them. He said, and I quote:

I’m for wasting sportswriters’ time. So I figured we ought to hang around for a while and see if we can give ‘em all a nice big shit burger to eat!

Let’s waste the media’s time. On election day, I’m for hanging around and giving Chuck Todd, Chris Matthews, The New York Times, MSNBC, the sell out pollsters, and the rest of the brain dead, intellectually dishonest mainstream media, a nice big shit burger to eat.

What’s even better is that the largest portion of this excrement sandwich will have to be consumed at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


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Susan Rice, Obama Administration In Full CYA Mode

Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice continued to insult our intelligence today when she appeared on This Week to proclaim that the attack in Benghazi was indeed spontaneous. Never mind that Libyan officials say that the attack was premeditated for perhaps months, to coincide with the 11th anniversary of the attacks on September 11th.

Here are but a few of the comments on Jake Tapper’s blog, that may or may not be scrubbed depending on the mood of the Administration:

Rice’s commentary seems to contradict all of the known facts about the timeline and details about the weaponry, knowledge of the safehouse location. It also seems strange in light of Al Queda’s statement that their attack in Libya was in retaliation to the recent death of one of their top leaders in Pakistan from American drones.

Democrats live in a fantasy land, unable to process actual factual information. They cling to their agenda and “progressive” bible tenets no matter WHAT happens in the real world.

Yeah, Susan…these guys just coincidentally happened to have their AK-47′s and RPG’s on them when they passed by the embassy and thought, well heck, why not? They’re only infidels. Let’s have some “spur of the moment, non-premeditated” fun, Islam style.

It has become apparent to nearly everyone here in the US, that incompetence on the part of the current administration allowed this to happen. So, this statement is the beginning of the current administration’s attempt to yet again rewrite history.

Dear Susan, you should consider a new line of work. McDonalds is hiring, and they too have talking points, “Would you like to super-size that order?”

So the president trots out an official spokesliar for damage control. Typical.
Anybody who still trusts this government has to be either drugged or lobotomized.

Looks like Debbie Wasserman has competition in the alternate universe pagent. Spin away Rice, it ain’t working just like your foreign policy. Next time you try to piss on us, you might want to check the wind current first.

Make no mistake here. Rice’s comments are Obama’s comments. She speaks for the Obama regime. Obama will keep lying to the American people because once everyone knows it was premeditated, Obama will (rightfully) look incompetent and will be exposed for weak and pathetic foreign policy. Once again, he’s making the previous worst POTUS in history, Jimmy Carter, look good.

It’s amazing these comments have survived this long.

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America, We Hardly Knew Ye

Let me be blunt. If Barack Hussein Obama isn’t defeated on November 6, 2012, America is no longer America. Sure, we’ll still occupy the same land mass that we do now. We’ll still be sandwiched in between Mexico and Canada. We’ll still be fifty separate states that bordered together make up one big country, but The United States of America, the idea, will cease to exist.

As others have pointed out, the picture above should be the straw that broke the camels back. It should be Obama’s Nixon moment. The moment when he said “You’re not going to have Barack to kick around anymore,” as he boarded Marine One and waved goodbye. Unfortunately to too many Americans, violating the oath of office to “protect and defend” the Constitution isn’t the same as being privy to a second rate burglary.

The reason? I suppose it’s because there are so many who believe that their Constitutional rights are the only ones that matter. Who cares if the President violates the 1st amendment rights of a fellow citizen, as long as his views are different from theirs. But that’s when we cease to be Americans. That’s when we cease to be America.

Let’s ignore for a moment, like the mainstream media has done, the fact that the unrest in the middle east would have taken place regardless of what movies were currently playing on YouTube. Let’s pretend that this American Citizen’s right to express himself freely was indeed the reason savages acted like savages. Isn’t that precisely the time when we need our President to “protect and defend” our Constitutional rights? If not then, when?

Shouldn’t we all (at least those with a different viewpoint than the President) be afraid that if our views offend our enemies, the President will side with savages and scoop us up in the middle of the night for questioning? If this doesn’t prompt the legal, civilized, and democratic ouster of Obama in November then America will cease to be America. And we let it happen.

This is the way America ends

This is the way America ends

This is the way America ends

Not with a bang but a whimper.

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Clueless, Brainless, Very Dangerous, Obamaites

It’s easy enough to ignore someone when they tell you that Obama is dangerous when all he’s doing is seeking to take from the haves and give to the have nots. You can easily shrug off his plan to spend us into oblivion. You may even find it easy to explain away his seeming contempt for success in this country or this country’s founding.

But when an extremely volatile, dangerous, and now violent situation is explained away so matter-of-factly by the Obama mouthpiece and his minions in the media as being simply in protest to a YouTube video; when this President refuses to take any responsibility or show any leadership whatsoever, the target of your contempt has to move away from the obvious (Obama), to the perhaps more dangerous (Obama supporter).

Dave Blount at Moonbattery sums it up well:

Nothing could be worthy of more profound contempt than the mentality that put people like Obama in charge of our country.

There was once a time when political and ideological differences were just something to be debated in this country. Now, our very way of life is at stake.

How is it that anyone with a shred of intellectual honesty could look at what’s going on in the world today, and come to the conclusion that Barack Obama deserves a second term as President of the United States?

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