The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Important Video: InstaVision With Randy Barnett

by Smitty Avail yourself of this breath of mental fresh air. Two serious legal heads not talking over our heads. Rather, a layman’s look at the situation from two gentlemen who really Get It. Included segments, with my informal comments, are: The Constitutionality of ObamaCare: Commerce clause, not so much. As a tax, still reaching. [...]

Humor Break: ‘See You In November’

by Smitty Via HillBuzz, this is quite well done and suitable for all venues: In the not-safe-for-work category, and with only cartoon malice towards anyone, Beatallica merges “Got To Get You Into My Life” and “Trapped Under Ice“: The Hetfield parody across Beatallica’s material is among the finer skewerings ever achieved.

Maloney Aids The Cause

by Smitty (via Ace) E. C. Maloney strikes again. Personally, I hope that nobody is killed while saving the country from the fascist takeover. I would that every leader pass old, and full of years, and that these lousy Progressives become fully aware of how false their ideas are. I met Maloney at CPAC a [...]

Of What Might The Current Political Situation Seem Reminiscent?

by Smitty Just a few links, ending in a question for general consumption: Atrocious legislation like the healthcare takeover has now become a multi-stage affair. The notion of amnesty for illegal aliens as a ballot-box stuffer remains a distinct threat. The Judas Congress has taken to going after big business for honestly reporting the costs [...]

On the Road Again

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — It’s time for me to hit the road back to Vegas and then fly back home, but not before I introduce you briefly to Vernon Parker, candidate for Congress in Arizona’s 3rd District. I’ll have lots more about Vernon later this week, but I wanted to make the introduction now before I [...]

How Mitt Romney Could Turn The Obama Endorsement Into A Positive

by Smitty Clifton over at Another Black Conservative posts on what the Romney campaign can only view as a swift kick in the naughty bits: a connection between RomneyCare and ObamaCare by BHO himself. Clifton then poses two genuinely interesting exit questions: We will no doubt see this clip played over and over again by [...]

VIDEO: Wayne Allyn Root, Dana Loesch Talk Tea Party on CNN’s ‘Larry King Live’

Larry is totally clueless and some of the call-in viewers are hilarious: Politics aside, I know Wayne pretty well from covering the Libertarian Party. We’re both home-schooling dads and I’m kind of surprised to learn from this interview that his daughter — fencing champion Dakota Root — chose Stanford over her dad’s alma mater, Columbia. His [...]

Cousin John Suddenly Decides to Get in Touch With His Inner Tom Tancredo

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – This probably has nothing to do with me showing up in Arizona, but still I question the timing: [John] McCain asked the Obama administration Monday to send National Guard troops to the border after a prominent Arizona rancher was found shot to death on his own property.  ”I am asking you and the administration [...]

Arizona Border Violence Growing; VIDEO: Simcox Supports Hayworth

PHOENIX, Arizona — Chris Simcox, who founded the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and was previously a candidate in the GOP Senate primary, explains why he decided to switch to supporting J.D. Hayworth’s campaign: Those of you who read Michelle Malkin know that an Arizona rancher was killed Saturday near the border in Cochise County: Cochise [...]

Compare and Contrast

Zombie has photos of an L.A. anti-war rally a week ago, which she compares to the Tea Party rally Saturday in Searchlight, Nevada. One rally featured anti-Israel slogans and giant banners proclaiming, “9/11 = Controlled Demolitions.” Can you guess which one?

VIDEO: J.D. Hayworth HQ Tour

PHOENIX, Arizona — There are two kinds of Republicans: Starbucks Republicans and . . . J.D. HAYWORTH FOR U.S. SENATE UPDATE: And I’d like to add a thank-you to Peter in Scottsdale, Ariz., for his tip-jar contribution to the Other McCain campaign.

Geirei Toshav

SCOTTSDALE, Arizona — Not that there was ever any doubt, but I’m now a Certified Righteous Gentile after attending a Passover seder Monday hosted by Barbara Espinosa’s friends Larry and Jobi Rosen. The haggadah wasn’t strictly traditional — part of the ritual telling of Israel’s deliverance from Egyptian slavery was performed to the tune of “Gilligan’s [...]

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