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Smaller Sandy Relief Bill Insures Oceanside Homes Will Be Protected Courtesy of Taxpayers

January 4, 2013
Smaller Sandy Relief Bill Insures Oceanside Homes Will Be Protected Courtesy of Taxpayers

TweetThe National Flood Insurance Program, backed by the U.S. Government, was set to go broke this week without additional taxpayer funding. It’s bailout time. After House Republicans revolted last week at the bloated Senate-passed $60 Billion Sandy Aid Relief legislation, today the House passed a $9.7 Billion bill to fund the National Flood Insurance...

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Boehner, Abdicator of Leverage, Remains Speaker: Musty Mitch Ready for Battle – bwwahahahaha

January 3, 2013
Boehner, Abdicator of Leverage, Remains Speaker: Musty Mitch Ready for Battle – bwwahahahaha

TweetCongressman John Boehner (R-OH) was re-elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives today. While I will not name a better candidate because it’s irrelevant, I will charge that Speaker Boehner betrayed his duty after the first debt ceiling negotiation/vote soon after the 2010 elections when The People sent a clear message to Congress...

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Senators Voting for Fiscal Cliff Bill Had 3 Minutes to Read 154 Pages – Voted Without Reading – Pledge to America Trashed Again!

January 3, 2013
Senators Voting for Fiscal Cliff Bill Had 3 Minutes to Read 154 Pages – Voted Without Reading – Pledge to America Trashed Again!

TweetOnly 8 Senators refused to participate in the obscene last minute vote on a 154-page bill known as the fiscal cliff legislation. Republican Senators who voted against the legislation are Shelby (AL), Rubio (FL),  Grassley (IA), Paul (KY), Lee (UT). Kirk (IL) – did not vote, DeMint (SC) – did not vote. Democrats Bennet (CO)...

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Joshua Boston USMC to Dianne Feinstein: Proclaiming the Evils of an Inanimate Object Which Your Bodyguard Carries

January 3, 2013
Joshua Boston USMC to Dianne Feinstein: Proclaiming the Evils of an Inanimate Object Which Your Bodyguard Carries

TweetUSMC Cpl Joshua Boston has written to Senator Dianne Feinstein and in few but concise words expressed what we should all be telling this California Liberal Senator, our Senators, and our Representatives. If this doesn’t inspire you to keep fighting for your rights, nothing will. Beyond all the passionate rhetoric from Hollywood and Liberal...

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E15 Gas Approved by EPA Slammed by AAA – Carmakers Will Not Honor Warranties

January 2, 2013
E15 Gas Approved by EPA Slammed by AAA – Carmakers Will Not Honor Warranties

TweetHere’s some information for you to consider if your vehicle is older than a 2012 model. According to the information in the following video, the new E15 gasoline is in some gas stations now, and is surely coming to one near you. At least ten car companies are now saying they will not cover...

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Age to Age His Glory Appears: Hillsong by Brooke Fraser

January 2, 2013

TweetMy friend and Christian blogger Carl Middleton left this on my Facebook page. I hope you will take a few minutes to rest your mind and spirit in this video of Age to Age His Glory Appears from Hillsong, sung by Brooke Fraser, written by Marty Sampson and Darlene Zschech. “I look to the...

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The Gun Free Zone – Stop Crime (Video): Unarmed Citizens of 2 NY Counties Officially Outed as Easy Targets

January 2, 2013
The  Gun Free Zone – Stop Crime (Video): Unarmed Citizens of 2 NY Counties Officially Outed as Easy Targets

TweetIn 2011 Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) introduced H.R. 2613, the Citizens Protection Act of 2011 which, if passed, would have abolished “gun-free zones,” allowing armed protection on school grounds. The legislation didn’t make it out of committee. The Journal News in Rockland and Westchester Counties, New York published not just a list of gun...

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Al Jazeera Comes to New York: Al Gore Sells Out to Oil Rich Qatar

January 2, 2013
Al Jazeera Comes to New York: Al Gore Sells Out to Oil Rich Qatar

TweetAl Jazeera has bought Al Gore’s Current TV. They will open offices in New York City and visit living rooms across the U.S. as Al Jazeera America. In Summer 2012, the former Vice President said America needed “an American spring — you know, the Arab spring,” Gore’s Current TV co-owner said of those interested in...

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Faith War: The Faithless Lose in America – Video

January 2, 2013
Faith War: The Faithless Lose in America – Video

TweetHere in this short video are answers to arguments about the separation of church and state, America’s Christian founding, and the rights of each of us to “worship according to our conscience,” courtesy of Wild Bill for America and Kathleen Coad O’Brien on Facebook Before my comments are filled with haughty hate over “the...

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House Roll Call Vote for Fiscal Cliff Bill: Unseating Boehner – Flipping Off Reid Verbally, Really!

January 2, 2013
House Roll Call Vote for Fiscal Cliff Bill: Unseating Boehner – Flipping Off Reid Verbally, Really!

TweetAmong U.S. House Republicans, 151 Congressmen/women voted against the so-called “fiscal cliff” (more laughably, but more accurately called the “spending bill”) legislation on New Year’s Day 2013. Joining them were 16 Democrats. Only 85 Republicans in the Republican-conrolled House joined Democrats including most of the delegation from my home state of Oklahoma, including the...

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The Smutty Redhead and CNN’s Giggling Boy – Video

January 1, 2013
The Smutty Redhead and CNN’s Giggling Boy – Video

TweetIf Anderson Cooper doesn’t have the cojones to keep the redhead, who-shall-not-be-named-here, off all future sets with him, he has no clout at all, but then maybe she was just faking it and he really doesn’t have cojones. He admits he giggled through the evening. I watched parts of the midnight hour in New York,...

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Arranging Thanksgiving and Christmas: Mothers and Homemade Pie Crust

January 1, 2013
Arranging Thanksgiving and Christmas: Mothers and Homemade Pie Crust

TweetIn gratitude to findalis. I was relieved after the November 2012 elections I had something to take my mind off of the results. After all, Thanksgiving was nearing. In the meantime, my 91 year old mother, who is sound of mind, walks with a walker, plays bingo, poker, bridge, pitch and Mexican Train, as...

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Beginning 2013 Without Feedburner: What Will Kaspersky Do Now?

January 1, 2013
Beginning 2013 Without Feedburner: What Will Kaspersky Do Now?

TweetI am beginning 2013 without a Feedburner account. My account was officially deleted this morning, January 1, 2013. A few days ago I explained in a post that an anti-virus program located in Moscow, Russia (Kaspersky) is telling readers that Maggie’s Notebook is a dangerous place to visit. Readers running Kaspersky on their computers...

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Happy New Year! Bwahahahaha!

January 1, 2013
Happy New Year! Bwahahahaha!

TweetLast year on New Year’s Day I wished for you and yours, and me and mine, “love and happiness in the coming year.” I should have added “good health” to that wish. I also wished for the Senate, the House and the White House. I did have love and happiness in 2012, and good...

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Critical Thinking on Twitter: Response to Moonbat – Best of the Year

December 31, 2012
Critical Thinking on Twitter: Response to Moonbat – Best of the Year

TweetThe following Twitter exchange between Piers Morgan (Larry King’s replacement) and WGN Radio Host Carol Roth is classic. Please read the entire story at Daily Caller. Does it get any better than this? FYI: Piers Morgan is a British citizen, living the good life in the U.S.A. Morgan has said he may leave the...

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Hobby Lobby Fined $1.3M PER DAY Beginning January 1 2013: Sotomayor Defers to Muslim Inmate’s Belief – Refuses Emergency Injunction for Christian Family

December 30, 2012
Hobby Lobby Fined $1.3M PER DAY Beginning January 1 2013: Sotomayor Defers to Muslim Inmate’s Belief –  Refuses Emergency Injunction for Christian Family

TweetThe Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that Hobby Lobby’s owners, the David Green Family, must pay the ObamaCare fine of $1.3 Million PER DAY, beginning January 1, 2013 if they refuse to provide the Morning After Pill (Plan B in the U.S.) and The Abortion Pill (RU-486 in Europe and Mifeprex in...

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Norman Schwartzkopf – The Soldier Who Liked Soldiers: Promoting the Cautious and Mediocre

December 29, 2012
Norman Schwartzkopf – The Soldier Who Liked Soldiers: Promoting the Cautious and Mediocre

TweetOn Friday morning, retired Major General Bob Scales was interviewed by Fox News about the death of retired four star General Norman Schwartzkopf. Scales graduated West Point and was a student of Schwartzkopf while at The Academy. In later years he and Schwartzkopf became friends. After praising “The Bear” as a wonderful family man,...

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First They Came For The Guns…

December 29, 2012
First They Came For The Guns…

And took them out of their hands in Great Britain. They promised the population that they would be safe, that crime would reduce to almost nothing. It didn\'t happen. In fact, crime increased. Crime with knives increased. So now they will ban the knife.

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Virus Warnings, Feedburner, Google, Avatars and Kaspersky

December 28, 2012
Virus Warnings, Feedburner, Google, Avatars and Kaspersky

TweetA couple of months ago a financial blogger (and cyber friend) at GaltStock notified me that he received a warning from his Kaspersky anti-virus protection program when he came to Maggie’s Notebook. To make the long story short, this blog was (and is) absolutely clean, and yes I used various scans to make certain...

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Rest In Peace General Schwarzkopf

December 28, 2012
Rest In Peace General Schwarzkopf

Americans mourned a military legend after retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf died Thursday at age 78, leaving behind a legacy that most famously included driving Saddam Hussein\'s forces out of Kuwait.

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How Iran Celebrates Christmas

December 27, 2012
How Iran Celebrates Christmas

Pray for the safety of Pastor Yosef Nadarkhani. This is a true Man of G-d, whose love for G-d and his fellow man knows no bounds.

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The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part I & Part II)

December 26, 2012
The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part I & Part II)

Look at the threats to Obama. Start there. The accusations of racism. Then look at the polls, and especially the judicial decisions about voter ID laws. Bought and paid for, or where there was any potential for problems, the judges got the message, loud and clear. Then look at the voter fraud.

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In The Beginning…

December 24, 2012
In The Beginning…

And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas – and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth."

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What Happened When Guns Banned in Australia

December 23, 2012
What Happened When Guns Banned in Australia

Be forewarned! If your guns are taken from you once, they will take all your other freedoms away. Never assume that the government can keep you safe. In Australia they were promised safety if they gave up their guns. It was the opposite. Same is true in Great Britain,...

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Just A Thought

December 22, 2012
Just A Thought

A semi-automatic, or self-loading, firearm is a weapon that performs all steps necessary to prepare the weapon to fire again after firing—assuming cartridges remain in the weapon's feed device or magazine. Typically, this includes extracting and ejecting the spent cartridge case from the weapon's firing chamber, re-cocking the firing mechanism, and loading a new...

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God Rest Ye Merry Anti-Semites

December 22, 2012
God Rest Ye Merry Anti-Semites

A new report from NGO Monitor reveals that several Christian organizations that support the Palestinian Authority are using Christmas to attack Israel. Holiday propaganda ranged from half-truths aimed at portraying Israel as oppressive to “crude anti-Semitism” based on historic Christian accusations of Jews being prophet-killers, the group said.

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Latest member of the Zionist Attack Zoo: Super-Rhinoceroses

December 21, 2012
Latest member of the Zionist Attack Zoo: Super-Rhinoceroses

In what might sound as something out of a fantasy video-game or Nordic mythology, sources close to TX revealed on Sunday evening via email that Israel is working on a heavily-funded bio-engineering program which is funded by a select group of retired elites within the Israel Defense Forces on 'hybrid animals'.

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Another Christian Minister Imprisoned In Iran

December 20, 2012
Another Christian Minister Imprisoned In Iran

A 32-year-old Iranian who is a U.S. citizen and a Christian convert has been imprisoned without notice of any formal charges while visiting his family in Iran, according to his wife and attorneys in the U.S., who are now hoping that a media campaign will help set him free.

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My Confession

December 18, 2012
My Confession

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her: “How could G-d let something like this happen?” (regarding Hurricane Katrina). Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said: “I believe G-d is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling...

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It’s Not The Guns, It’s The Madman Doing The Killing!

December 17, 2012

TweetAfter the tragedy of last Friday, the leftist of the nation, headed by President Barack Hussein Obama, are demanding that the nation dismantle the 2nd Amendment and take guns away from the citizens of the land.  It seems that every time a tragedy happens, the left want to remove the guns as if it...

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Scum Sucking Bottom Feeders At Westboro Baptist Church To Protest At Sandy Hook Elementary School

December 16, 2012

Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment.

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The 40 Best Political Quotes of 2012

December 15, 2012

32) As a Catholic myself, and a supporter of Catholic institutions, what Sandra Fluke is telling me is that her birth control needs trump the needs of my family. She wants my hard earned dollars to go not to pay for my kids’ braces, their college educations or my retirement, but to subsidize her...

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December 14, 2012

Authorities say at least 26 people, including 18 20 children, were killed Friday when a gunman clad in black military gear opened fire inside a Connecticut elementary school.

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Buy Israeli Goods For Chistmas/Chanukah

December 14, 2012
Buy Israeli Goods For Chistmas/Chanukah

Now while Chanukah is winding down and really isn't a big gift holiday. (Chocolate coins, money , etc...) Christmas is up coming and that is a big gift holiday. A few weeks ago I posted Stand Up Against Boycotting Israel at Monkey in the Middle and Maggie's Notebook. ...

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Geminid Meteor Shower Is Underway!

December 13, 2012
Geminid Meteor Shower Is Underway!

Oh My G-d! The sky is falling! Call Al Gore! This must be caused by Global Warming! It's not yet 12/21!!!

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Democrats Say The Darnest Things!

December 13, 2012
Democrats Say The Darnest Things!

TweetHat Tip to Texas Fred Once again one of the greatest idiots of the House has spoken up and shown her ignorance. Houston Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee has the conservative blogosphere in a tizzy again today. The target of right-wing wrath is the liberal Democrat’s contention that Congress should look “carefully at how we reform...

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Kept In The Dark To Let Iran Go Nuclear.

December 12, 2012

Secret talks with Iran to be held for 4 to 5 months. Just enough time for Iran to build a bomb. Enough time to give Iran the time they need to complete their project. This will not stop Iran from a nuclear weapon, but insures that Iran achieves their goal. ...

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Looking At The United States By The Numbers

December 11, 2012

TweetStolen From Hat Tip Faultline USA By James Shott As the end of 2012 draws near, here are some interesting and revealing statistics about our country. The Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate has been anemic all year, but had its biggest increase in the 3rd quarter, rising 2.7 percent. That was double the 2nd...

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Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2012

December 10, 2012
Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2012

These reports of the persecution of Christians by Muslims around the world during the month of October include (but are not limited to) the following accounts, listed by form of persecution, and by country, in alphabetical order—not according to severity.

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Has Assad Used His WMDs?

December 9, 2012
Has Assad Used His WMDs?

While I cannot verify the validity of this video, and don't know if the rebels are using Pallywood techniques, or if the rebels used WMDs themselves for their own purposes, but if this video and report is correct, Assad has gone over the edge and used his chemical warfare.

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