The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Subsidized Stupidity

Posted on | January 3, 2013 | 15 Comments

Woman tries to buy iPad with her food stamp EBT card:

Weekly Vice via Fox Nation:

Tracy Browning, a 38-year-old Louisville woman, was jailed after she allegedly tried to purchase several iPads with a food stamp card, then fled to another location where she tried to make the same transaction.
According to Louisville police, Browning went to the Valley Station Walmart and tried to purchase two iPads with an Electronic Benefit Transfer card. When the transaction was denied, she assaulted a store clerk, pushed another employee to the ground and fled from the store with the merchandise.
Investigators say Browning went to another Walmart in the area a short time later and again attempted to buy several iPads with an EBT card. She was apprehended at the scene while attempting to flee with the merchandise.

We’re subsidizing stupidity and, as everyone who has studied economics knows, when you subsidize something, you get more of it.

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  • Joan Of Argghh!

    Every farmer knows that if you feed something it grows. If you starve it, it dies.

  • scarymatt

    Except when you try to Starve the Beast. That never seems to work. Nothing seems to work.

  • Joan Of Argghh!

    We’ve never really tried, actually. Just lip service.

  • Will Profit

    What a bitch. She should have stuck to buying the basic necessities that an EBT card is intended, such as beer and cigarettes.

  • Evi L. Bloggerlady
  • McGehee

    The Beast always claims it’s being starved when its daily ration isn’t increased steadily.

  • scarymatt

    Where can I sign up for baseline dining?

  • Charles

    She just wanted her Electronic Benefits.

  • jsn2

    Obama money encourages Eating, Breeding & Transmogrification. Hence the initials.

  • Rob Crawford

    “When the transaction was denied, she assaulted a store clerk, pushed another employee to the ground and fled from the store with the merchandise.”

    Assault, battery, and likely felony-level theft. Someone should have shot her.

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  • Veritas

    What does this say about that segment of our population that demonizes any reduction in this welfare give away?
    Wake up America.

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