(H/T: Instapundit)

I have never been able to understand why Progressives go apoplectic every time any one says “we need to cut the size and scope of Big Government” – no one wants anyone to diss their religion.  After all, Obama did say something about collective salvation:

…that my individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country. Unfortunately, I think that recognition requires that we make sacrifices and this country has not always been willing to make the sacrifices that are necessary to bring about a new day and a new age.

Who knew that I had no choice in having to join their religion without saying “sure”?  This Obama theology is not Christian heterodoxy for sure, but it does seem to fit the parody video above (as he is going to force us, all all Progressives have to else (else we’d tell them to bug off)  to make the sacrifices to enable him to earn his salvation). Christian theology is that your salvation is not earned by the collective but by the single gift of sacrifice by Jesus Christ who died for all of our sin: one for all.

Obama, seemingly, believes and states: all for one.  And the only instrument that can encompass “all” is the force that Government can bring.  That has no place in the theology I believe in – guess that’s why I cannot believe that Big Government can ever give us the “heaven on earth” that Communists / Socialists / Utopians believe possible.  “Perfection” requires holiness – and no other fallen man can give another that which they do not possess.  Holiness is of and by God – not Man.



From Cafe Hayek (emphasis mine):

Not only capital but also people move to where there is opportunity; and this is an essential part of creating new wealth and prosperity. This was dramatically illustrated for me in 1978, during a taxicab trip from the Wellington, New Zealand, airport to my hotel. The driver was friendly, and I asked, “Tell me about your country.” He replied, “It’s really wonderful. I don’t like paying half my small salary in taxes, but we receive so much that is free: health benefits, prescriptions, free education through college and advanced graduate study. I am just a cab driver, but my son is going to be a medical doctor. He has finished his medical degree and internship, and will begin practicing next year.”

Isn’t a socialized society just grand!  I bet his son will have have a lovely career where everything is free (after, ahem, large chunks of your wages for taxes).

Oh wait – no!

In recognition of his obvious pride, I said, “How wonderful. You have every right to be proud. Is he going to practice in Wellington?” He replied, “Oh no, he’s going to Australia. You can’t make any money here.” The New Zealand economic crisis hit about two years later. New Zealand could not compete in world markets – and could no longer afford socialism.

Read the whole thing!


On the event of Al Gore (environmentalist) selling his “Current TV” to Al Jazeera (bankrolled by Middle East Big oil) for $100 Million:

“He didn’t sell to the highest bidder. We were not allowed to the table.” He added, “I am proud to say that Al Gore finds my principles reprehensible but aligns his principles with Al-Jazeera.”


There has been lots of commentary on the day of the sale: December 31, 2012.  Like many others, I point out the utter hypocrisy of Lefties like Gore that deride conservatives for wanting to pay less taxes – they say to raise our taxes!  Yet, for all of their bluster, each and every time they could pay more (like having a closing date of Jan 2, Al?), they’ll do all they can to NOT pay that extra task.

They’ll talk Left all day long, pass legislation Lefty all day long, but when it counts, they’ll do the Conservative walk because it benefits them more.

(H/T: The Corner)

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Real Fiscal Cliff(H/T: Powerline)



The Remington R-15…Chambered in “30 RAR(introduced in 2009)” Designed for…yes…well…”Hunting….”



Special-Election Nashua Ward 4 Hillsborough 31

Special-Election Nashua Ward 4 Hillsborough 31

Nashua Ward 4 (Hills 31) will hold a special election for an open New Hampshire House seat on February 19th.  This is the seat vacated by Stacie Laughton after she resigned the seat when information about a past felony conviction surfaced.  Laughton had expressed a desire to run again but has since dropped out, eliminating the need for a primary.

The special general election is scheduled for Feb. 19 with Democrat Pam Brown, of 2 Clocktower Place, Apt. 209, squaring off against Republican Elizabeth VanTwuyver, of 9 Pine Hill Ave.

In 2001, the city held a similar special election in the same ward, in which about 400 people turned out to vote, said Bergeron. “I don’t anticipate there will be more this time,” he said, predicting a low turnout at the polls next month.

It will be interesting to see what if any effort is made by the GOP to capture this seat.  I am told it is a strong Democrat district but have not chased the numbers down for this post.  But any seat they win makes a difference.



“The D.C. gun ban works – just ask James Brady…”

To follow up on Grokster Steve’s post yesterday…

No gun ban proposed for NH House by Democrats...again

Should it have been a surprise that these six RINO’s voted the way they did? No. We already had hard evidence they could not be counted upon as evidenced by the pre-election grade assigned by the NRA.

Rep. Dennis Fields (R)INO Belknap 4 -Sanbornton; NRA Grade: C

Not necessarily a Read the whole thing!


New Hampshire Democrats ran on respect and civility.  And we knew it for the fraud it was but people still fell for it.David Miller Democrat Roch NH

Part and parcel to the fraud was Speaker Norelli claiming to shake up the seating arrangements in the House to help build respect and civility,  bi-partisanship, working together…I figured it was so the Democrat majority could intimidate the minority members.  Another rep I spoke with suggested that this seating plan would make it easier for the Speaker to call close voice votes however she felt like calling them.

I can’t speak to the latter but the harassment by Democrats has already begun.

Today’s Respect and Civility Award goes to David P. Miller D- Rochester.

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I had the great pleasure of meeting John O’Sullivan at St. Anselm’s earlier this year when he gave a talk about women in politics.  His years serving as Margaret Thatcher’s senior aide give him some authority with which to speak on the matter of women and politics but I had no idea that he was also the father of “O’Sullivan[i]’s First Law” (a fact I probably would not have learned but for perusing National Review Online early this morning).O’ Sullivan’s First Law postulates that “All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing” and Mr. O’Sullivan defends this hypothesis saying:

I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don’t like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world.”

Read the whole thing!


Rassmussen is reporting that MORE guns in schools are the right way to go:

Fifty-four percent (54%) of American adults would feel safer if their child’s school had an armed security guard. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 26% would feel safer if their child attended a school where no adults were allowed to have guns. Another 20% are undecided.

Among parents of school-aged children, support for armed guards is even higher. Sixty-two percent (62%) of such parents would feel safer with an armed security guard at the school, while 22% would feel safer if their child attended a gun-free school.

And of course, we hear from many of the “Education Professionals” that the last thing they want to do is to disturb “the status quo” of the gun free zone (aka – “gun free victims here!!”).  But the actual Employers (aka, the parents, whose tax monies pay their salaries) are telling them otherwise).  Yet, reports are coming back that private offers of gun training for teachers and school staffs are being accepted far beyond expectations – so when you listen to “the professionals”, not all are of the mind to “lock the door and cower in the corner, defenseless.”

After all, it took the Sandy Hill police 20 minutes to arrive at that school – and they had drilled on this.  Yet, the Diane Feinsteins of the world want us defenseless even as the vast majority of us are being judged to be guilty for the acts of a few.

Read the whole thing!


YAY! I am vindicated! Pass that pint of Ben and Jerry’s right on over

January 2, 2013

Even better if it’s “Chocolate Therapy” for desert.  I’ll take the Prime Rib Medium please….: In a review of almost 100 past studies covering nearly three million people, researchers found that being overweight or slightly obese was linked to about a 6 percent lower risk of dying, compared to people considered “normal weight.“ Being severely [ Read more ]

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So, what’s the reaction been to the gun grabbers? Lots!

January 2, 2013

Once the horror of the tragedy of Sandy Hook set in, the two sets of folks I figured would appear right away, did.  The gun grabber group are certainly not letting a crisis / tragedy go to waste – tomorrow, the Chiefest one will be unveiling the details of her legislature tomorrow (via her past [ Read more ]

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Finally, Frank decides to listen.

January 2, 2013

I have been ragging on Frank Guinta since he voted to support the first Continuing Resolution that raised the debt limit (and did not stand with the Patriots who said “No” as in “no more spending” and “this  is not how we fund Government).   And then duplicated it again with the second Continuing Resolution.  And [ Read more ]

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Excuse me, Miss Sullivan….

January 2, 2013

…about that editorial….the girls over at www.icanhasacheeseburger.com said ‘Yo!’. H/T icanhascheeseburger.com

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NH House A Gun Free Zone

January 2, 2013

By a vote of 196 to 153, the New Hampshire House voted to make their little corner of heaven a gun free zone.  Six (r)epublicans voted with the Democrats to ban citizens from carrying firearms in Representatives Hall and the House gallery.   Belknap County – Dennis Fields, Sanborton Carroll County – Karel Crawford, Center [ Read more ]

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Democrat Terie Norelli Brings Civility To the New Hampshire House?

January 2, 2013

Get a load of this.  It is part of a quote from an elected member of the New Hampshire House. “What we can do is make the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave.  One way is to pass measures that will restrict freedoms that they [ Read more ]

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Extremist Circumstances

January 2, 2013

Being a part time ‘hobby blogger’ who REALLY LIKES their hobby, I try to do more than is humanly possible.  (Yes, despite being a Conservative, I am also human).  One of the inhumanly impossible things I like to try to do but often fail (see also only ever did once last year that I can [ Read more ]

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“Trained experts with guns.” I dissent.

January 2, 2013

There’s an email going around about a foiled mass-killing in San Antonio that occurred a few days after the Sandy Hook massacre. There’s something about it I don’t like….

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Watt The CFL Is Going On Here?

January 2, 2013

While the total ban on incandescents was averted the old reliable ‘heat-ball’ is still nearing extinction in the US.  When we rang in this new year, January 1st 2013 began the ban on the 75 Watt incandescent bulb.  It may no longer be produced or sold once supplies run out.  It’s smaller cousins will not [ Read more ]

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Notable Quote – Thomas Jefferson

January 2, 2013

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” -Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father   (Er, that would be OUR Government)

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How The Deal Went Down, And Some Charts From Heritage

January 2, 2013

Official photos can be funny – this was snapped shortly after the deal went down… My colleagues have already covered some of the numbers, but Heritage has a nice digest, and some charts showing the pain caused by Obamacare taxes starting today – Happy New Year! Unless you slept through the entire day, you probably [ Read more ]

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A Flip-Flop? No, more of being an on-going feature than a bug

January 1, 2013

“…does this enhance a perception by them as a Stand on Principle or a Politics as Usual?“ Steve’s post brought up that fact that when Jennifer Horn (running to be the next NH GOP Chair – oh my!), she changed her tune might fast once it was pointed out that she included one of the [ Read more ]

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Disappointing Ayotte Vote

January 1, 2013

The following is the letter I sent to Senator Ayotte after hearing of her vote today on the Democrat proposal to amend the Bush Tax cuts, H.R. 8. Dear Senator Ayotte, I am disappointed by your vote today to extend only part of the Bush tax cuts.  Democrats and the media will claim that Senate Republicans [ Read more ]

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Decisive Flip Flops From Candidate for NH-GOP Chair

January 1, 2013

Given all we know already about Andy Leach (Senator Ayotte’s Office) making calls to candidates running against Jennifer Horn for NH-GOP Chair, who then suddenly dropped out of the race for NHGOP chair leaving Jennifer to run un-opposed, until Andrew Hemingway stepped up, this seems relevant. Candidate Horn, on her Facebook page, provided two updates [ Read more ]

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For a meager mess of porridge; so what DOES the Republican Party stand for now?

January 1, 2013

From RedState Twitter Feed: RSBooBooKitty: Blank Check Barry and his Blue Journalism Gang just knocked over the Hapless Hill Savings Bank of Other People’s Money. #RSRH Such a Happy New Year start – Senate Republicans caved into Obama’s Progressive Punish the Successful campaign.  $620 Billion more in taxes.  Only $15 Billion in reduced spending.  A [ Read more ]

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