The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Friedrich Hayek vs. Ace of Spades

“Yeah, I know political journalists aren’t supposed to believe in ‘omens.’ Still, there’s something vaguely . . . hinky about the way Perry’s stealth campaign has been operating here in Iowa. “Call me crazy. Attribute my forebodings of doom to irrational prejudice. Say what you will, and I don’t care, but I felt a need [...]

If You Secret Santa Any Of These Gifts, Ensure It Looks Like Your Foe Bought It

by Smitty Our first product comes via email to Mrs. The Other Smitty.: I mean, really: If your intent is to give yourself more than a sanctimonious hit of feel-goodery, why not foster or adopt a. . .human being? Adoption is noble. Ask any Christian who has studied the Galatian Epistle at length. The polar [...]

New Cain Campaign Video: ‘Put an Executive in the Executive Office’

The Herman Cain campaign today released a new online video focusing on job creation and economic issues: A press release (see full text below) from the campaign called the video a “new Iowa ad,” although the length — 51 seconds instead of 30 seconds — would make it incompatible with standard broadcast requirements. The statement [...]

Herman Cain to Neil Cavuto: Affair Accusation Came ‘Out of the Blue’

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain says a woman who claimed to have had an affair with him was among “many people” to whom he has provided financial assistance, and that her accusation was “out of the blue.” “I have helped many people financially . . . She’s not the only person I have helped,” Cain [...]

Q: Can You Tell The Difference Between The World’s Youngest Blogger And The U.S. Attorney General?

by Smitty A: One of them lacks the maturity for public office; the other one is four months old. Consider the WYB’s overly precise exposition of both this administration’s Fast & Furious operation, and Eric Holder’s non-approach to explaining to the American people just what these shenanigans mean: Again, he’s four months old. We can [...]

Exploring ‘Explaining Postmodernism’ By Stephen Hicks 6: Four Whore’s Men

by Smitty The stunning conclusion. The Four Whore’s Men of the Apocalypse If there was any redeeming value in the thought of their predecessors, then Michel Foucault, Jean-François Lyotard, Jacques Derrida, and Richard Rorty scuttled it. God save their souls, and damn their ‘ideas’. These chaps have done Western civilization no favors whatsoever. Let their [...]

CRISIS LOOMS FOR HERMAN CAIN CAMPAIGN IN NEW HAMPSHIRE UPDATE: Cain Tells CNN He’ll Make Decision ‘Within the Next Several Days’

Sources close to the Herman Cain presidential campaign in New Hampshire say that the candidate will be flying into a firestorm of trouble when he arrives in Manchester for events tonight. Reporters for New Hampshire news organizations today contacted Cain campaign insiders in the state asking if they were aware that at least seven Republican [...]

Doubling Down On Ehlinger’s Argument

by Smitty Emphasis mine: Quit wasting your time and the country’s time trolling Teh Algorez Internetz trying to find the next Presidential messiah. Figure out who your Reps are, figure out if they are worthy of your support or opposition. Your country needs them and you to focus on what’s important. And no b.s. carping [...]

Exploring ‘Explaining Postmodernism’ By Stephen Hicks 5: Aerial Bacon

by Smitty Awaiting The Winged Pig The last episode ended in the mid-20th century with the Left seeking a new prophet to replace Marx for the cult of Postmodernism after certain difficulties arose around the Soviet Union. Rousseau was not alive enough to decline the dishonor. To review, Marxisism is a class analysis with three [...]

As If the Campaign Wasn’t Weird Enough

Say hello to competitive bodybuilder Kimberly Vay, whose photo I’m posting not just as eye-candy for muscle-girl fetishists, but because she is relevant to the Herman Cain campaign. No, no — not that way. Quite the opposite. Ms. Vay was the business partner of Cain’s alleged mistress, Ginger White: The female bodybuilder who once ran [...]

LIVE AT FIVE – 11.30.11

– compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS McConnell Opens Door To Payroll Tax Cut Extension GOP open to extending cut, but not to additional expansions or surtaxes American Airlines Files For Bankruptcy Parent company AMR and AA go Chapter 11 Will Herman Cain Drop Out? Candidate reassessing run in wake of latest bimbo eruption POLITICS Romney [...]

#tcot @AceOfSpadesHQ So, You’re Still Kinda Butt-Hurt About Rick Perry, Huh?

Look, I’ve just endured my own Disastrous Month of Pain, OK? But I seriously doubt that 78 days from now I’m gonna be grousing bitterly about Gloria Allred and Ginger White. So why — 78 days after the Tampa debate — is Ace still ax-grinding against Michele Bachmann? What’s especially interesting is that Bachmann signs [...]

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