Blog de KingShamus

"When an entire nation thirsted to break free from PC…Andrew Breitbart opened a big bar."–Chris Muir

Fighting Chuck Hagel–Not The Worst Idea Ever

Posted by KingShamus on January 8, 2013

Why?  Let’s let Robert Stacy McCain…I mean Bear Bryant Reincarnated…explain.

…conservatives should not hesitate to roast liberals for the hypocrisy and cynicism inherent in the “Democrats for Hagel” bandwagon. If that vicious bastard Andrew Sullivan supports Hagel, this is reason enough for any patriotic American to oppose the Hagel nomination. And the obverse of this brutal logic is that we must welcome every ally to our cause of defeating Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, in order to inflict maximum embarrassment on the Democrats. They might “win” — Hagel’s nomination may be approved by the Senate — but the conservative strategy must be aimed at making that “win” as damaging as possible to the reputation of the Democratic Party.

If we can’t beat them, at least make sure we hurt them.

I knew I was sorta miffed at this Jazz Shaw piece, but I really couldn’t figure out why until I read The Other McCain’s post.

The thing is, I sorta agree with a lot of Shaw’s argument.  Hagel isn’t the worst nominee Obama could pick for the job of Secretary of Defense.  The President could always find someone less qualified, more chicken-shit or more leftist than Hagel, so fighting him might not be all that productive.

Under certain circumstances, I’d probably counsel the same thing.  If it was early in Obama’s first term, fighting against Hagel would be more painful.  The GOP would’ve had a much harder time beating up on a Hagel nomination at that point, and it would’ve cost them more to do so.

However, floating the Hagel trial balloon now means a Republican nomination fight makes more sense.  Obama’s had far too many victories lately.  He won a bitter election just a few months ago.  He just got the GOP to cave on taxes during the fiscal cliff train wreck.  The President has momentum and the Republicans should being trying to halt it using any opportunity at hand.

What does a fight actually cost Republicans?  Congress’ approval ratings are a burning-hot eighteen percent.  Serious conservatives, people who at one point identified with the GOP brand, are kinda done with the party.  In a way, the Republicans almost have to have a fight, if only to remind people that they still exist.

Even more importantly, it’s not like Chuck Hagel is some beloved conservative stalwart.  Yeah, I guess he helped spike the Kyoto Treaty back in the day.  When pondering that, it’s also important to remember that the sun shines on a dog’s ass every once on a while.  Meanwhile Hagel was against the surge in Iraq.  Hagel has said no to a military strike against Iran, which won him the enduring respect of Iran’s mullah-run media.  Even fellow RINO maverick John McCain doesn’t like the guy.

Hagel has been wrong about a lot of stuff.  Wrong about military stuff.  That should be good enough for Republicans to pick a fight with him and his BFF Commander-in-Chief.

The era of Republican reasonableness should be over.  They have nothing to lose by confronting Hagel.  They have a lot to gain.  Obama is the one with his political capital hanging in the wind.  It’s time for the GOP get a win–any kind of win–against the President for a change.

Posted in Domestic Happenings, Politicians behaving badly | Tagged: , , | 2 Comments »

Music Monday Corgan – “Panopticon” by The Smashing Pumpkins

Posted by KingShamus on January 7, 2013

Here’s a song I overlooked last year.  My bad.

This little ditty is taken from The Smashing Pumpkins’ latest full-length disc Oceania, which came out in 2012.

Lead Smasher Billy Corgan can be such an arrogant doucherocket, even by platinum-selling guitar hero standards.  He’s never really matched the consistent high quality of the Gish/Siamese Dream/Mellon Collie era.  He had a seriously lame mid-period lull in the late 90′s/early 2000′s because he had to over-analyze and over-produce every single idea that breezed through his head.  He somehow alienated the ultra-adorable Paz Lenchantin when she was in his other band Zwan.

But when Corgan nails a song, it’s amazing how good it is.  Forget about his big radio hits.  That’s hunting cows with a grenade launcher.  Homeboy designed the singles to be irresistible earworms.

How do you know BC is talented?  Look at some of the Pumpkin’s deeper tracks.  ”Tristessa“ filters a bit of punk rock simplicity through Jimmy Page’s cranked Marshall stacks with excellent results.  ”Geek USA” is exuberant rock music that doesn’t fall into Corgan’s hyper-cerebral trappings.  Da Punkins somehow figure out a way to simultaneously celebrate and mock the mopey goth-kid ethos in the woefully underrated “Here Is No Why“.

The Smashing Pumpkins’ enduring genius was, and still is, the ability to meld hippy-dippy kumbaya dreams with carefully orchestrated heavy rock riffs.  From what I’ve heard of Oceania, Billy Corgan might just be ready to embrace this legacy rather than run away from it.  I’m still not sold on SP version 3.0–or is it 4.0?–but still, “Panopticon” is pretty great.

One More Thing:  Billy Corgan has a habit of hiring lady bass players.  Why not run through a partial list?

Darcy Wretzky

Darcy Wretzky

Darcy, again


Melissa Auf Der Maur

Melissa Auf Der Maur with Bass

Melissa Auf Der Maur

Ginger Pooley

Ginger Pooley 1

Ginger Pooley 2

Ginger Pooley

Nicole Fiorentino

Nicole Fiorentino

Nicole Fiorentino1

Paz Lenchantin




Does this count as a Rule Five post?

Posted in Music Monday, The Posts of Morale | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

#WhyIsMyPaycheckLessThisWeek–Helping Soothe Liberal Hurt Feelings

Posted by KingShamus on January 4, 2013

Turns out lefties are freaked out about paying their fair share.

I mean, PAYING THEIR FAIR SHARE!!!!111111!!!111!!!!

Earlier this week, many Americans realized the “fair share” fiscal cliff deal didn’t seem so fair. One Democratic Underground commenter was a little behind yesterday and was shocked — shocked! — to learn that the fiscal cliff crapwich didn’t extend the payroll tax holiday. (They don’t call ‘em DUmmies for nothing.)

“What happened?” he asked. “My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don’t feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease will hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over $400,000.”

Forgive me gentle readers, but let me address this emotionally distraught person directly.

Dear Mister Why Is My Paycheck Less This Week,

I see that you are surprised to note that your paycheck is less than it was back in 2012.  Let me first say that I too mourn for your lost revenue.  It is money that you will most likely never see again, what with the annual trillion dollar deficits our government–completely dominated as it is by the US House Republicans I must add–just keeps running up.  

But do not worry.  There is a bulwark against the GOP’s destructive maddening destructiveness.  President Obama, with his bountiful business experience as a community organizer, adjunct part-time college lecturer, lawyer and Chicago politician, knows best how to use your cash better than you ever could.  In the glorious future ahead of us, we can all look forward to more great job-creating wage-raising successes like Solyndra, Abound Solar and A123 Systems.  

As a good Democrat, you’ll be happy to know your President is using your money for many other important investments.  Such as the Guantanamo Bay detention center.  And drone strikes.  And giving guns to Mexican freedom fighters or something.  So feel comfortable knowing that while revenues have been raised from you and many other kind-hearted liberals like you, these funds are being well spent on things that you truly agree with.

Now, there will be those outside of the totally mainstream Democratic Underground message board who will disagree with this obvious wisdom.  They will tell you that by voting for President Obama, you have in fact chosen to pay higher taxes and thus you should not be surprised to see a lighter paycheck.  They’ll assert, while smoking a cigar and kicking a puppy no doubt, that our President actually wants higher taxes.  The fascist wreckers in our society believe Obama sought out a higher payroll tax as part of the fiscal cliff deal.  

This is obviously not true, as I have succinctly pointed out to you.

Now rest your head, friend.  I’m sure this is a lot of information for you to process.  I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.  Just know that smartersavvier people than you have it all taken care of.  

Posted in Domestic Happenings | Tagged: , , , | 13 Comments »

“The Last Stand” Trailer and Jaimie Alexander

Posted by KingShamus on January 4, 2013

Oh look, Arnold Schwarzenegger is back making movies again.

I guess he’s been back at it since “The Expendables”, but this is the first post-Governator film where he’s the lead.  At least that I can remember.  Whatevs.

My inner 8th grader wants to like Arnold as an action movie dude again.  His work from “Conan the Barbarian” to right around the mid-90′s is pretty much untouchable.  On the other hand, his running of California was damn near impeachable.  Ahhhnold ran as the anti-Gray Davis, then proceeded to become…Gray Davis.

On the other other hand, a sixty-five year old guy is trying to do what he does best.  Fine.  Good luck with that, homie.

Co-starring with Schwarzenegger is up and coming actress Jaimie Alexander.  She’s best known from the Thor flick that came out a while back.  And, yeah, she’s kinda cute.

Jaimie Alexander

Jaimie Alexander, one more time

Jaimie Alexander, nice pins

Jaimie Alexander again

Jaimie Alexander, enabling alcoholism

So this woman is an up and coming actress who is not shy about her looks or her drinking habits.

Fair enough.

But I have to draw the line at dog-eating.

Jaimie Alexander dog eater

For shame, Jaimie Alexander.  For shame.

I posted pics of this attractive lady for many reasons.  Mostly because Manhattan Infidel and Bunkerville gave me crap about the lack of Rule Five posts lately.  What can I say?  I succumb to peer pressure.

Posted in Celebutards!, The Posts of Morale | Tagged: , , , , | 4 Comments »

Al Gore Sells Current Network To Al-Jazeera

Posted by KingShamus on January 3, 2013

Al "Cash Money" Gore

Alternate Headline:  Two Bloated Government-Subsidized Anti-American Entities Collide.

Al Jazeera, the pan-Arab news giant, has long tried to convince Americans that it is a legitimate news organization, not a parrot of Middle Eastern propaganda or something more sinister.

It just bought itself 40 million more chances to make its case.

Al Jazeera on Wednesday announced a deal to take over Current TV, the low-rated cable channel that was founded by Al Gore, a former vice president, and his business partners seven years ago. Al Jazeera plans to shut Current and start an English-language channel, which will be available in more than 40 million homes, with newscasts emanating from both New York and Doha, Qatar.


Current doesn’t even sorta compete with bottom-crawler MSNBC.

Whatevs.  If the Old Grey Lady wants to soft-pedal Al Gore’s failure as a broadcaster, that’s fine.  Every breathless teeny-bopper wants to believe her idol is infallible.

Now, here’s the best part.

Mr. Gore and his partners were eager to complete the deal by Dec. 31, lest it be subject to higher tax rates that took effect on Jan. 1, according to several people who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

Because when Mitt Romney uses legal ways to avoid taxes, he’s a ghoulish blood-sucker.  When Al Gore does it, there is nothing to see here.  Thank for clearing that up, New York Times.

UPDATE:  Time Warner Cable liked this deal so much they dropped Al-Gorezeeeera from their channel roster.  Hey Qatari media geniuses–if you’ve got $500 million dollars just laying around doing nothing, this blog is officially for sale.  Direct message me on Twitter.  Let’s make some magic happen.

Posted in Celebutards!, Media Silliness | Tagged: , | 1 Comment »

Manhattan Infidel’s Best of 2012

Posted by KingShamus on January 2, 2013

I dunno about you, but all this political talk gets me down sometime.  2012 was sort of a bummer.  No matter what happens, the fiscal cliff deal is a trainwreck getting nuked in a supernova.

That’s why I read Manhattan Infidel.

For those of you who don’t know, Manhattan Infidel…’Mister Infidel’, if you’re nasty…has been serving up fresh helpings of politically-tinged pop culture-friendly satire on teh intertubes for almost six hundred years.  In that time, I don’t think he’s ever done a ‘best of’ post.  Since he won’t, I figured I’d do one for him.



Stop, Drop and Roll! (What to do in the Event of a Liberal Outbreak)

Help Chaz Bono Get a Penis!


Muslims Outraged!

Happy Blogoversary! The Leakage Edition


Your Guide to the Upcoming Race War Between Blacks and White Hispanics

Lonely Men Flock to Georgetown!


Secret Service to Increase Whore Stipends

My Exclusive Interview with President Barack Obama’s Dog


More Victims of Romney’s Bullying Come Forward

An Intimate Conversation with the Polish Ambassador to the United States


From the Manhattan Infidel Future Archives: Fifty Years Later – A Look Back at the Historic Obamacare Supreme Court Decision

Manhattan Infidel’s Favorite Cherokee Recipes


Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson Break Up; Was the Tea Party Responsible?

The Obama Effect: The Director’s Cut

How to Safely Observe Obama


Yankees Lose; Declare War on Women

Manhattan Infidel Presents Your (Updated) Updated Kennedy Malfeasance Template™

Blogging: Pros and Cons


Madonna Threatens to Strip Naked if Obama Wins Reelection; Polls Surge For Romney

Ferocious Cherokee Warrior Addresses DNC


My First Time by Lena Dunham

Manhattan Infidel Presents Your Middle Eastern Man Arrested for Bomb Plot but We’re Still Confused as to his Motive Template™


America Votes for Free Stuff

Manhattan Infidel Presents Your Lindsay Lohan Malfeasance Template™

What Would Chris Christie Do for a Chance to Get a Hug From Bruce Springsteen?


Manhattan Infidel’s Exciting Book Deal!

Lonely Lesbian Librarian Oppressed by Patriarchy

Okay, folks there you have it.  The best of Manhattan Infidel, 2012 edition.  At least as I see things.  Feel free to differ with me in the comments.

Why not go over to his place and check out what he has going on in this brand spanking new year?

Posted in Chuckles | Tagged: , | 2 Comments »

2012–Obama’s Ascendancy or Conservative Reform?

Posted by KingShamus on January 1, 2013

Let’s face facts, people.  Conservatism really took it on the chin in 2012.  After all, Republican Mitt Romney got his ass beat by left-wing ideologue Barack Obama.  The Supreme Court, led by John “No Seriously, Dubya Nominated Me!” Roberts, upheld ObamaCare.  The US Senate remained in the hands of Democrat Majority Leader embarrassment Harry Reid.

Look at some of the dire metrics going against conservatives. The fiscal cliff deal is all tax hikes, no spending cuts and a whole lot of kabuki theater nonsense.  The media remains a statist bullhorn and progressive piggy bank all in one.  The education establishment is committed to indoctrinating America’s youth in the ways of Karl Marx while failing to teach them how to read.  According to conventional wisdom, the Right should spare themselves the embarrassment of a messy end, get into a dark corner, curl up in a ball and quietly die.


Just like it croaked in 2009, right?

Seems as if once more, conservatism didn’t listen to it’s sworn enemies or it’s fair-weather friends.

Consider the following sequence of events.  On Election Night, Barack Obama’s hottest sexual fantasy was fulfilled when Mitt Romney delivered a submissive beta-male concession speech.  Just over a month later, Governor Rick Snyder made right-to-work the law of the land in union-dominated Michigan.

That certainly wasn’t supposed to happen.  Just like after Obama won in 2008, the left was stoked to see America morph into a slightly bigger less ouzo-fueled Greece.  Socialist values were destined to sweep away all the bitter-clingers and their retrograde obsessions with the US Constitution, free market socialism and keeping some of the money they earned through the sweat of their labors.  All that hackneyed 18th century Enlightenment jive was going out the door, replaced by Barack Obama’s brand of shiny happy grievance-group buy-offs.

The Mitten State, of all places, was thought to be one of the strongholds of Barack Obama’s national progressive realignment.  Big aggressive labor groups pumping piles of money into Democrat campaign coffers has been the great idea in the Donkey-Puncher playbook since the Paleolithic Era.  Now that beloved Donkey-Puncher strategy is in serious jeopardy.

Lest you think this is an isolated right-wing victory in a sea of conservative defeats, ponder the fact that during what was supposed to be the new Progressive Golden Age, no Republican has lost a governorship since 2007.  Thirty states have a GOP chief executive.  Twenty-one states have both a Republican governor and a GOP-controlled legislature.  Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker not only survived a nasty recall race, he annihilated the competition and looks poised to win a second term.

Seen this way, it’s clear many states welcome right-of-center politics.  They’re comfortable letting conservatives–or ‘Republicans‘ at least–run their governments.  Why didn’t all that translate into a win for Mitt Romney?

Maybe because Romney just didn’t offer enough of a contrast to Barack Obama’s galloping socialism.  Forget for a moment that the former Taxachussetts governor got less votes in ’12 than that famous arch rightwing stalwart John McCain did in 2008.  Instead, look at how well the Libertarian Party candidate did.  Gary Johnson scored 44,000 votes in Florida.  Ohio gave 47,000 votes to the former New Mexico governor.  He snagged 48,000 votes in the Keystone State.

To be fair, with the exception of Florida, none of these vote counts could’ve put Romney ahead of Obama.  But you can look at these Gary Johnson voters, along with Mitt’s overall lack of support, as indicative of a general conservative dismay with the Republican nominee.  If the GOP presidential candidate isn’t going to stand up forcefully to the President, why should anybody else?  Many voters made the entirely reasonable conclusion that Romney was a weak specimen, and they looked at other options.  This in turn created a min-Perot effect, where the traditionalist/conservative vote was split in several states and was depressed across the country.

The Romney campaign seemed to take an awful lot of voters for granted.  Social issues like abortion were never really addressed, except in the quietest most defensive way possible.  Gun enthusiasts got a few perfunctory interviews in various National Rifle Association publications, but that was pretty much it.  It seemed as if Team Mitt felt these voters–who make a large chunk of the Republican base–were just going to fall in line.  Those Republicans were not swayed by Romney’s sotto voce strategy, and it ended up costing Romney dearly.

Worse, by not going out and arguing against Obama’s anti-life positions or his thinly-veiled hatred of the Second Amendment, the GOP nominee allowed David Axelrod and Co. to define him as an out of touch racist gay-bashing plutocrat who wanted to chain women to an ironing board while simultaneously giving them cancer.  In retrospect, the Romney campaign ran an absurd race.  While Mitt wanted the election to be about jobs and the economy, Obama and the media (sorry for the repetition) made it about what an unlikable piece of shit Romney is.

Sadly the Democrat’s plan worked, because the Republican nominee was unable to defend himself from a barrage of attacks. Nor could he articulate strong positions that excited important parts of the GOP base. Worse, he couldn’t effectively pivot any of his policy positions into personal or political slams against Barack Obama.

In short, conservatism’s problems in 2012 were much the same as they were in 2008.  Nationally, their standard-bearer was n astoundingly poor choice to represent the vast center-right coalition that should be natural Republican Party supporters.  In contrast, state level conservatives are enacting serious reforms.  Once you look beyond Washington DC’s poisonous liberal assumptions, there is a muscular conservatism to be found in the rest of the nation that is making progress against the utterly unsustainable blue state model.

Maybe the Right should do what Rush Limbaugh says.

Let’s try conservatism, just for a second, just to see how it feels.

Now in the short term, conservatives will certainly take some licks.  Their nominal party just lost an election.  That tends to have painful consequences.  More ominously, the Republican’s caving in to the fiscal cliff deal might just be the final nail in the Party’s coffin.  That means precious time will be lost as conservatives coalesce behind a new opposition party.  If that process is done quickly a regenerated Tea Party, flush with new supporters, could become a more effective bulwark against the Democrat’s hateful statism than the feckless GOP.

Looking at the situation in total, 2012 gave conservatives plenty of heartburn.  But in some ways, the failure of the Republican Party’s presidential campaign and the success of the state-level GOP gives the Right options it did not have in 2011.  We have principled leaders in positions of power who have started tearing down liberalism’s failed policies.  The Right can tout their successes and compare them to Obama’s catastrophes.

Even better, conservatives no longer just have to accept what the Republican Party tries to spoon-feed them.  The Right has gotten very little out of it’s coalition with the Beltway GOP besides a pair of busted presidential campaigns and a very strained frenemy-esque relationship.  Perhaps it’s time to remind the Republican Party who really is the junior partner in the firm.

Posted in Domestic Happenings, Foreign doings, Media Silliness, Politicians behaving badly | Tagged: , , , , | 1 Comment »

KingShamus’ Best of 2012

Posted by KingShamus on December 31, 2012

Hey, here’s some of my old crap! If there’s any consolation, I picked two or three posts from each month.  That should limit the suckage.  I know, this is sorta lame, but if I Instapundit can do it, so can I.


Mitt Romney Sucks And I Miss Reagan

Music Monday Zep – ‘We’re Gonna Groove” by the mighty Led Zeppelin


Beer Review – Assorted Samuel Adams Winter Suds

Mike Bloomberg’s Very Busy Week

Presidential Election Doomwatch–Placing The Blame For Mitt Romney’s Ascendency


Support Conservative Political Mommy Bloggers!

Ameritopia and the Fable of The Frogs

Barack, Trayvon and The 2012 Election


President Barack ‘Dog Meat’ Obama Is An Admitted Dog Meat Eater Who Has Eaten Dog Meat

Rick Santorum’s Exit


Wait, Faster Than Light Travel Isn’t Hip in Science Fiction Anymore?

Music Review – ‘Harmonicraft’ by Torche

DeWayne Wickham: Get Back On The Democrat Plantation, Gay Republicans!


Municipal Debt Bombs: The Other Source Of Fiscal Collapse

Because Fashion Is A Passion For The With-It And Hip

Grade School Bully Gets Bullied By His Teacher Who Is In Fact A Bully


The Shootings At Aurora-A Real Villain and Real Heroes

Hey Everybody! ‘The Obama Effect’ Is Coming Out Today!

General Electric and Barack Obama: The Magical Relationship Continues


Why Clint Eastwood’s Republican Convention Speech Worked

Nathan Lane: Prince Barry’s Court Jester

Hey @MSNBC! Here Are All The Speeches You Didn’t Cover From Last Night’s #RNC.


NFL Replacement Refs Making The Game’s Faults All Too Obvious

The US Doesn’t Have To Fix The Middle East

Who Could’ve Foreseen The Highly Unlikely Scenario Of Terrorism At The US Consulate In Benghazi?


#MyFirstTime–Best Political Ad…EVAH?

DVD Review–Prometheus


(Really, can’t we skip this month?  It was sorta yucky.)

Mayor Mike Bloomberg: “The NYC Marathon is on; let the boroughs eat running shoes” (Update!)

Post-Presidential Election 2012: Splitting Headache Edition

Personal Values, Political Choices

Lawrence O’Donnell Was For Secession Before It Was Cool!


Living And Breathing Left-Wing Politics

Guns Crime Facts, Gun Crime Feelings

Okay folks, there you have it.

BDKS 2012 is done.  On to the new year.  Thank God.

Also, thanks for stopping by Blog De KingShamus.  The readers and commenters are who make this place cool.  For that I am humbled and grateful.   Happy New Year and may your 2013 be full of happiness, success and a fully-stocked MRE bin.

Posted in Celebutards!, Critiques, Domestic Happenings, Foreign doings, Media Silliness, Politicians behaving badly, The Social Scene, The Sporting Life | Tagged: , | 3 Comments »

Demand Celebrities Go Fuck Themselves

Posted by KingShamus on December 31, 2012

Hollywood, in conjunction with Mayors Against Illegal Guns (Second Amendment hater Mike Bloomberg’s pet project), have an answer for gun violence.  Thank God.  I was wondering when the people who get paid to make pretend in front of a camera would tell me what to think about complex political issues.

Let the over-compensated shitbag moralism commence!

I know I feel way more enlightened by watching Sarah Silverman and Will Farrell put on their best acting school pouty-faces.

This video came out a few weeks ago, and I wasn’t going to comment on it.

Fortunately Youtube contributor Ma5one picked up the slack with his own rebuttal.

Seriously, Hollywood.




The entertainment business makes a fortune glorifying guns and gun violence.  Ask Beyonce’s hubby Jay-Z how many records he would’ve sold if he’d pushed a consciousness rap style rather than his big pimpin’ pistol-poppin’ persona.  When Jon Hamm isn’t playing a chain-smoking boozed-up scumbag, he’s a gun-toting tough guy.  The only film where Jamie Foxx isn’t spraying a Bushmaster like a garden hose is “Ray”, and that’s only because the title character is a blind piano player.

Then these same moronic drugged-out degenerates, who require an army of stylists, hairdressers and make-up artists just to get out of the house, think they can lecture the rest of us about guns.

Here’s a hint for conservatives:  Hollywood hates you.  They loathe your politics.  They despise your traditional faith.  They do everything they can to denigrate your lifestyle choices.

Oh, don’t get me wrong.  La-La Land loves your money.  They don’t get paid if you don’t buy their wares.

Now, I’m not saying you shouldn’t watch movies or tv shows or listen to music.  You don’t have to pull out of the culture.  That’s sorta silly and counter-productive.

Instead of boycotting the entertainment industry, subvert them and their cretinous morality.  Mock them anywhere, anytime and anyhow you can.  Laugh at them without mercy.

They like to think of themselves as the brightest stars in America’s enlightened class.  If that’s the case, how come they all talk the same way and think the same way and whine the same way about every fucking thing ever?  Make fun of their brainless herd mentality.  Hit them where it hurts, their faux-intellectualism.  Get past their outer crust of smug do-goodery.  They know they’re idiots.  Constantly remind them–and everybody else–of that fact.

Make them live by their own rules.  For instance, Hollywood actors push radical environmentalism every chance they get.  Meanwhile, they have carbon footprints bigger than some countries.  None of these hypocrites could live the ascetic goat-herder lifestyle they demand we embrace.

It really isn’t that hard.  These are people who have to be told what to say and what to do and where to shop.  Other people write their scripts and pen their songs.  Besides playing guitar, impersonating somebody else and shooting heroin these people have no discernible talents.  They’re actors and musicians, for God’s sake.  We’re not talking about rocket surgeons.

Posted in Celebutards! | Tagged: , , , , | 3 Comments »

About The Human Reaction To Violence

Posted by KingShamus on December 27, 2012

Specifically, horrifying violence like the Newtown atrocity.

As I said in a previous post, the peak year for mass killings in the United States was 1929.  Violent crime has actually decreased substantially in just the last five years.  And yet, even with all that, we react in genuine–and maybe not so genuine–horror each time we hear about an episode of mass death.

Most people living in the 21st century recognize that crime can lead to violence on a large scale.  When the local Latin Kings faction goes to war against their rival Folk Nation set in some South Side Chicago social dysfunction hell-hole, sane people will denounce the death and destruction that inevitably ensues.  Yet, on an intellectual level, they’ll understand why this sort of violence occurs.  The massive revenue streams that come from drugs, gambling, prostitution and other criminal rackets aren’t controlled with stern looks and strongly worded letters.

People tend to get why two gang cliques would fight and die to maintain possession of turf.  People hate what criminals do to the innocent victims.  They’ll denounce the gangs that create mass death.  But citizens also grasp the ugly reality that drives our modern crime wars.

In a way, there is a cold comfort to be found in processing out the cause-and-effect of most crimes.  By doing that a person can figure out how to deal with the problem, at least on a personal level.  They can shun places they know are high-crime areas.  They can encourage friends and family to stay away from gangs.  They can organize neighborhood watch programs.  They can take any number of positive steps to avoid becoming a victim.

On the other hand, when a mass killing like the Newtown occurs, it is in every sense of the word irrational.  There is no identifiable cause.  As of this writing, nobody can discern why the Newtown monster committed this abhorrent act.  He wasn’t fighting to protect his turf.  He wasn’t avenging a fallen gang-banger in his clique.  He wasn’t even trying to intimidate a rival.  So far as we can tell, the Sandy Hook shooting is truly a random act of violence.  It’s the kind of violence that could occur anywhere at anytime to anybody.

The human mind can’t really comprehend the brand of death brought by the Newtown atrocity.  It’s almost impossible to deal with, because there is no understandable cause-and-effect to take solace in when an insane person commits mass murder for no reason.  When something like this happens, it overwhelms rational thinking.  Especially when it first occurs, it creates an immediate and powerful fear response.

A persons’ reaction to something like Newtown is very different from his reaction to the news that two gangs smoking each other over prime crack-dealing real estate.  The act of a madman cannot be handled in the same way that people deal with crook-land violence.  There is no defense against arbitrary evil.  This sickening truth, that at any moment a madman could be on a collision course with us or our loved ones, hangs over the Newtown massacre.

Worse, the fact that random violence is still a part of human existence shatters the patina of order that we create for ourselves.  We delight int the routines we construct to give our lives purpose.  The shooting in Newtown is a terrible reminder that evil can come barging into our lives unannounced, prepared to destroy everything.

SORTA RELATED:  This is why I can almost forgive some of the egregious anti-gun idiocy going on these days.  Guns can be scary for folks who have no experience with firearms.  Even the weakest caliber weapon can be deadly, and can be dressed up to look even more menacing.  Add a mass murderer to the equation and it’s inevitable that people will have completely irrational thoughts.  It’s their way of coping with the terror of indiscriminate violence.

What I cannot excuse is the brain-dead hypocrisy of the American Left.  These are the same people who were against a military response after the September 11th 2001 attacks.  America was supposed to sit on it’s hands and let the UN or the World Court or some other useless organization of feel-good do-nothings sue Osama bin Laden for wrongful death and for being a grouchy little meanie-head.  Above all else, many elements of the Left wanted President Bush to chart a restrained course.  In their view America had remain calm and not fly off the handle making rash decisions based on the raw emotions immediately after 9/11.

Yet, after the Sandy Hook shooting, what’s been the nearly-united response from American liberalism?


Which quickly moved to…


Followed shortly thereafter by…


Note that it hasn’t even been two weeks since the Newtown atrocity, and the country has been bombarded by a barrage of preachy moral attacks by liberals.  They were picking targets to freeze, personalize and polarize almost as soon as the last shot was fired.  This became a self-righteous partisan crusade within hours of the Sandy Hook shooting.

So much for the sane rational measured logical Left.

Posted in Domestic Happenings, Media Silliness | Tagged: , , , , , , | 6 Comments »

Merry Christmas 2012

Posted by KingShamus on December 25, 2012

Kris Kringle’s Good Behavior/Bad Behavior Surveillance Program went from “charming” to “Orwellian” overnight.


Santa Claus:  Just another liberal fascist?

More importantly…Dear BDKS homies, have a very Merry Christmas.

I hope jolly ole Saint Nick gives you everything on your wish list, without all the newfangled voyeuristic spying.

I also want to say thanks to all the readers who come to Blog De KingShamus.  You guys and gals rule.  Thanks for stopping by and making this goofy little webzone cool.  My posts always get intelligent commentary, often smarter than the actual posts themselves.  That’s pretty awesome and for that you have my eternal gratitude.

So Merry Christmas to you, Gentle Readers.  May you be blessed with faith and fellowship on this great holiday.  Stay safe in your travels.  Keep the reason for the season in your hearts.

Also, wearing a tin-foil hat to stop Santa’s mind-reading rays might not be a bad idea either.  ;-p

Posted in Chuckles, Domestic Happenings, The Social Scene | Tagged: , , , , | 2 Comments »

Guns Crime Facts, Gun Crime Feelings

Posted by KingShamus on December 20, 2012

Some loosely connected facts.

Item One:  A look at mass shootings, courtesy of John Fund over at National Review.

Mass shootings are no more common than they have been in past decades, despite the impression given by the media.

In fact, the high point for mass killings in the U.S. was 1929, according to criminologist Grant Duwe of the Minnesota Department of Corrections.

Incidents of mass murder in the U.S. declined from 42 in the 1990s to 26 in the first decade of this century.

The chances of being killed in a mass shooting are about what they are for being struck by lightning.

Until the Newtown horror, the three worst K–12 school shootings ever had taken place in either Britain or Germany.

But why let the truth interrupt a Democrat/Media Party narrative?

We must do—–something.  What?  Who knows?  But something has to be changed, even if the change is pointless and counter-productive.

Item Two:  What is the worst school massacre in US history?

On May 18, 1927, a part-time caretaker at a school in Bath, Michigan, killed 45 people, including 38 children, when he blew up a school and then killed himself, along with two first responders at the scene. Another 58 people were wounded.

The 38 children were in grades three through six.

Forty five people dead by the hand of a mad bomber.  An evil person motivated to commit murder will often find a way without firearms.

Item Three:  Gun crime in the United States has gotten worse over the last ten years, right?


Gun Crime Chart

Note–just as gun crime rates started going down, the national assault weapons ban had been lifted the year before.

I mean, if all the statists can do is emote and demagogue the Newtown atrocity, I can engage in a shameless ‘correlation equals causation’ argument.

Item Four:  Chicago, run by former Obama Administration chief-of-staff Rahm Emmanuel, has some of the toughest gun laws in America.  How is life in a gun-free paradise working out?

The City of Chicago just saw its 436th murder of 2012, surpassing 435 murders from 2011.

That figure was as of October of this year.  Sadly, the Windy City’s murder statistics are probably much higher than 436 by now.

Item Five:  What is the violent crime rate per 100,000 people in the United States?

USA 2011:  386.3

Item Six:  What is the violent crime rate per 100,000 in the very gun-unfriendly United Kingdom?

Anarchy In The UK

Gun crime in America is becoming less frequent.

The United States doesn’t have a violent crime problem, at least when compared to other countries.

America is safer than almost every other Western industrialized nation on the planet.

The facts are on the side of self-defense.  The facts are on the side of empowering law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.  The facts are on the side of judicious reasoning and measured responses.  The facts are on the side of the Second Amendment and its integral place in the US Constitution.

The trouble is, we are being asked by our enlightened betters to disregard these truths.  We are being told, in ways ranging from slightly vulgar to mostly idiotic to completely ham-handed, that the country must throw away the hard-won civil rights gains made in the last several decades.  We must relinquish the tools that have made both ourselves and our property more secure then they’ve been in half a century.

Why?  Because a vile deranged man cannot be trusted with firearms.

Never has the Left’s sneering contempt for ordinary citizens been more blatant:  ’A psychologically-troubled lunatic cannot be trusted with guns, therefore neither can the rest of you slack-jawed bitter clingers.  Now hand over your weapons.  It’s for your own good.’

Make no mistake.  The Left is not calling on gun control because it’s proven to be effective.  There simply isn’t an overwhelming amount scientific data to suggest that an assault weapons ban would’ve prevented a shooting like the Newtown tragedy.  They are simply reflexively reacting to a gut-wrenching crime.

Many left-wingers assign a malevolent nature to an inanimate object.  Some find guns to be too rural to ever align with the self-congratulatory cosmopolitanism so many on the Left identify with.  Some just fear firearms because they look scary and dangerous.  For these basically anti-intellectual instinctive reasons, liberals dislike guns.

Alas, the progressive caucus’ collective instincts are terribly wrong.

Conservatives are going to try to reason Obama and the Democrats out of their anti-gun position.  Under normal circumstances, that might work.  The problem here is that, even more than usual, liberals never actually reasoned themselves into their current pro-gun control stance.  The stupid ugly retrograde Second Amendment needs some serious progressive remodeling and that’s good enough for them.

Posted in Domestic Happenings | Tagged: , , , , | 17 Comments »

The #Newtown Atrocity, Children and America’s Priorities

Posted by KingShamus on December 15, 2012

By now, you know that monstrous evil has visited Newtown, Connecticut.

After killing his mother in her Newtown home, 20-year-old Adam Lanza drove her car to Sandy Hook Elementary, where officials said she taught, and gunned down 20 children and six adults before killing himself.

Most of the dead were found in two first-grade classrooms, police said.

Students described being ushered from their classrooms hand-in-hand, with their eyes closed, to the safety of a nearby fire station as police converged on the school. Anguished parents rushed to the scene.

State police sources told The Courant that Lanza had his brother Ryan Lanza’s identification, which initially led to confusion about his identity, police said. He was dressed in black fatigues, police said.

His motives are unknown.

We may never know what made the shooter commit such a heinous crime. From our current information, we do know that he turned the gun on himself.  The last act of a monstrous fiend, who murdered innocent children for some insane reason, was to take the coward’s way out.

Sickly appropriate.

While the rest of America was still trying to sort through this heinous crime, the American progressive movement rushed to take advantage of a crisis.  We’ve heard the Hollywood Left bleat out their usual cliched stupidity.  David Frum and the rest of the news media vultures have thoroughly beclowned themselves.  They’re playing the same tired old gun control song and dance that they always do.

Why do these folks carry on like this?  Because they’re stupid.  Gleefully stupid, in fact.  The ever-present race for gun control can only be explained by the foolishness of the people making the argument.  They’re uninformed idiots who react to everything using their dopey emotion-rich logic-deficient ideology.

So let’s not fall into their trap.

If we really want to do something to prevent gun violence at schools, ponder a glaring inconsistency in our society.  The citizens of the United States are very comfortable hiring armed men and women to guard places like banks and credit unions.  This is seen as a reasonable deterrent to thieves who try to steal our property.

So as a nation, we’ve made the decision to guard our money with armed security officers.  Great.  At the same time, when Americans send their children to school, what guards them?  School secretaries.  Video cameras.  Metal detectors.  Gun-Free zones.

In other words, nothing.

Parents routinely drop their children off at schools that cannot deal with a mad man determined to bring death on a large scale.  They do this because we cannot imagine that this kind of isolated incident will happen in our communities.  For whatever reason, Americans think that it can’t happen to them.

Then a malignant human cancer comes along and violently shatters our delusions.

If this country really loves its kids, we’d better start protecting them at least as well as we protect our cash.

Posted in Domestic Happenings | Tagged: , , | 9 Comments »

Living And Breathing Left-Wing Politics

Posted by KingShamus on December 11, 2012

Bob Belvedere points out a strength–or is it a weakness?–of the Left’s mindset.

For the Left every aspect of life is, indeed, political — it has to be for any Ideologue. This is because an Ideologue sees everything as needing to conform to the system of ideas they have accepted as being necessary for Life to be good and worthy.

The Ideologue designs a blueprint for how Life must proceed and every material to be used in it is governed by the design. Any deviation and the structure risks becoming unstable. Like a building plan, an Ideology must be followed to the letter and, therefore, it has to dictate the specifications for everything needed to make a building efficient [electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc.]. Thus, an Ideology must encompass every facet of Life. It must pervade every nook and cranny.

Read the whole thing.  It’s strong work.

Just to build on Bob’s idea, think about progressives and how they relate to their cultural signifiers.

For many people on the Left, Jon Stewart is a comedic genius.  He’s also the scourge of evil Rethuglicans.  He’s also the voice of a generation.  He’s also a total dreamboat.

Sorry ladies, he's taken.

Sorry ladies, he’s taken.

It’s just too bad he and his buddy Stephen Colbert don’t get the same ratings as “Swamp People”–even when you add the viewers of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report together.

But because Jon Stewart is a vociferous liberal who routinely buttresses leftist assumptions, he is covered in accolades far beyond his actual influence or ability.

The mental and emotional gymnastics needed to be a liberal must be exhausting.  You have to support undertalented overrated court jesters.  You have to laugh at their tired clap-humor.  You have to recite their dopey bits at parties as if they were the second coming of Richard Pryor.

And that just covers the television socialists that have to be fawned over.  There are many musicians who put their liberal politics well ahead of their songs.  From Bon Jovi to Bruce Springsteen, the pop world if chock full of lippy leftists who haven’t made relevant music for decades because they’re too busy to sniffing the Democrat Party’s jock.  Those luminaries of the left must be coddled and worshiped as well.

The best recent example of Karl Marx getting a permanent invite to a recording studio is Green Day, seen here acting ‘zany, yet disaffected’.

"Support Cap-N-Trade, or I will choke out Tre Cool and Billy Joe!"

Sorry ladies, they’re dip-shits.

If you recall, Green Day was a post-grunge snot punk band who had pretty much worn out their welcome with music fans right around the point when “Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)” became the feel-meh overplayed hit of 1997.  After that triumph of tedium the group released a folkie rock album that went directly into the bargain bins.  A pair of greatest hits/b-sides compilations killed some time as the new millennium rolled along.  For a while, it seemed like Green Day might do the honorable thing and break up due to lack of interest.

By 2004, most of the American public graduated from middle school and moved on from Green Day.  The dream of one day living in a world untainted by Bill Joe Armstrong’s pathetic fake-British accent was almost a glorious reality, but the band still had one more trick to play: Knee-Jerk George Bush Bashing.  Even though the group had largely eschewed political statements throughout their career,  American Idiot was rock opera based around the astoundingly novel concept that America is awful, traditional values are a cancer and neoconservatives are ghouls.

Naturally, American Idiot was a huge hit that revitalized the band’s career, mostly because it courageously told Hollywood and the New York Times exactly what they already believed.  Green Day became the go-to band for college freshmen looking for My First Agitprop while providing pop-culture cover for the arm-patch jacket hipster brigades.  With “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” grinding away on the ipod, one could finally read Noam Chomsky’s “Manufacturing Dissent” without immediately falling asleep.

The problem is that as a piece of art  American Idiot is jaw-droppingly weak.  Besides the title track’s frenetic energy, the songs just aren’t there.  The album is too polished for punk, too emo for metal and too pop-oriented for either.

As muddled as that sounds, the real sonic failing is the pair of overambitious 9 minute long song/suites.  Making a rock opera is difficult when the writers have talent. It’s even harder when lead guitarist Billy Joe Armstrong has only a tenuous grasp of his instrument. “Jesus of Suburbia” in particular is a cobbled-together dog’s lunch of decent to mediocre guitar riffs interspersed with Billy Joe’s faux-literate complaints about small town America.  The lyrics are tedious, but the song itself suffers from the lazy transitions and ramshackle construction of the tune’s not-so-great components.

If American Idiot was not a pointed blast of hate directed at George Bush and red state America, there is no way the media and the progressive movement (alas, I have repeated myself) would’ve lauded Green Day to the degree they did.  If American Idiot’s lyrical content had been apolitical, it would’ve been perceived as just another craptastic Green Day disc.  No loving reviews, no Grammy awards, no high-toned Broadway adaptation–none of that would’ve occurred based strictly on the artistic merits of  American Idiot.

In other words, liberals had to talk up a ham-fisted piece of creative shit just because it aligned with their socialist tastes.

This is no way to live.  It’s emotionally barren and neutered.  We on the Right should avoid this trap with all our strength.

I keep making this observation, but I think it’s worth making several dozen more times: Although conservatives pride themselves on “Not worshipping the government” and “having interests and lives outside of politics” — as contrasted with liberals — in fact, if you consume conservative media, you will find our media completely rubbishes that claim, because the expressly conservative media is almost entirely about government and politics.

Even when the conservative media notes the occasional fiction book, the review is often largely about what the book says about politics or morality. That is, even in a review of fiction we seem over-concerned with the politically didactic usefulness of art.

No insult to Matthew Condinetti, and I should note it’s not exclusively about those things — I cite this just as a for-instance. I see this a lot. K-Lo will put in a positive review for an Adam Sandler-produced movie like Deuce Bigelow (yeah, I think I remembered she liked it), but will spend the bulk of her praise talking about how the movie illustrates Deuce’s central decency and how that is a Good Message and… yawn.

Is it a funny movie? Does it achieve its goals? Does it entertain? Does it provoke? Those are the proper grounds for review of a film or book. Sure, given a conservative audience, you’d also want to note the objectionable material or positive messages in a sentence or two, to alert conservative-minded people about them. But such things are not properly the main grounds for appreciation of a fiction.

Rest the rest of Ace’s piece.  It’s very good.

Here’s something that may sound a little too simple, but it’s still true–Conservatives should critique art.  Conservatives should confront the culture head on.  More importantly, conservatives should get a glove and get in the game of creating art.  What conservatives should not do is automatically get behind a movie or book just because it’s sympathetic to the Right.

Let the Left have a monopoly on being knee-jerk applause clowns. By all means progressives, keep barking like trained seals for corrupt propaganda pieces.  Liberals have already more than filled America’s quota for sycophantic entertainment knob-polishers.

Posted in Celebutards!, Domestic Happenings | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments »

Great News–Lovable Fresh Faced Moppet Set To Become US Ambassador To England

Posted by KingShamus on December 9, 2012

The least diplomatic person in the fashion world is about to become an American diplomat. Makes perfect sense.

Two years late, give a warm hug to a million brain cells short.

In 2010, we set up an interview with the Syrian leader’s wife, Asma al-Assad, a Western-educated former banker and a woman with a reputation as a force for reform in the Middle East. Like many at that time, we were hopeful that the Assad regime would be open to a more progressive society. Subsequent to our interview, as the terrible events of the past year and a half unfolded in Syria, it became clear that its priorities and values were completely at odds with those of Vogue. The escalating atrocities in Syria are unconscionable, and we deplore the actions of the Assad regime in the strongest possible terms.

Shorter Nuclear Wintour: Sorry I believed the Assad Regime’s bullshit and then published it verbatim in my bubble-headed fashion magazine.

I know Anna Banana put out this little half-assed apology back in June, but it’s become a tad more interesting given that the Vogue Meanie-In-Chief may be getting a new job.

There’s a rumor in Washington that the United Kingdom may soon be welcoming a very stylish emissary. According to a report by Bloomberg News, Anna Wintour, the powerful editor of Vogue magazine, is being considered by President Obama for the prestigious post of U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom.

I know a lot of us wanna tee off on this Ambassador Wintour thing like it’s a huge outrage.  It’s understandable; I kinda wanna go ballistic too.  But the more I think about it, the more I think this more annoying than anything else.

After all, what is an ambassador, really?  I know we’d like to think of them as thoughtful diplomats who understand all the foreign-type gobbledeegook that the rest of us forgot in World Cultures class.  Unfortunately, a person usually gets the job because she donated the biggest chunk of cash to the winning presidential candidate.  The late Christopher Stevens seems to have been one of the few ambassadors who actually understood the language, customs and culture of the country he was assigned.

More importantly, an ambassador’s job involves kissing ass.  This isn’t a quality one would normally associate with Anna Wintour.  But think about it this way:  If Vogue and Wintour can figure out a way to grovel in front of Dictatorette Asma Al-Assad, surely striking an obsequious pose for England shouldn’t be too difficult.

So yeah, floating the Wintour ambassadorship trial balloon is indicative of the Obama Administration’s habitual unseriousness.  It’s governance by D-List niche celebrity, of the type President SolidGold Wonderful seems particularly fond of.  Oh well.  It’s Barry’s presidency and I guess he’s allowed to run it like an America’s Next Top Model episode.

Besides, if we’re going to get annoyed over something here, how about the injustice of poor mistreated Sarah Jessica Parker not getting her own ambassadorship?

More, Slightly Related Kinda:  Here’s a picture of Anna Wintour’s favorite power-couple taking in the Parthenon, in Athens Greece.

The Couple Who Oppresses Together Stays Together

Even Better:  Here’s Jim Geraghty.

I suppose we’re expected to believe Wintour has distinguished credentials, qualifying her to represent the United States to one of its closest allies, beyond her political affiliation or contribution. And I suppose we’re also to believe that Anna Wintour has risen to the standard of proven excellence in the U.S. State Department’s mission in representing this country abroad.

Never mind Wintour being the most-qualified person to be our next ambassador to the U.K. or France; she’s probably not even the most qualified Obama bundler for the job.

Just like Joe Biden is the smartest most able vice-president Barack Obama could’ve picked.

Posted in Domestic Happenings, Foreign doings, Media Silliness | Tagged: , , , , | 6 Comments »

“High On A Mountaintop” By Chris Cassone–A Tribute to the Heroes of Benghazi

Posted by KingShamus on December 8, 2012

Chris Cassone understands something about President Obama and his administration full of feckless spineless cowards that most of the Palace Guard Media refuses to acknowledge.

High On A Mountaintop

I heard the man on the radio, said, “My son is gone and what’s to show?”
Defending who knows what for who knows why.
Half a world away they watched for real, they saw the soul of a Navy Seal
“Who gave the order for my son to die?”

Evil men telling evil lies
Just to win a vote you let them die
While that drone would only hover.
Finger pointing. They’re on the run.
Investigations have all begun.
How much more will they uncover?

High on a mountaintop. That’s the only place where I can stop this crying
High on a mountaintop. Closer to God and further from all this lying.
You know it stands to reason, and it’s shaping up like treason, we all know.

He didn’t even have to venture in, but when his brothers, they all needed him,
He was on the spot…not flying to Vegas.
Real leaders lead when they are called,
Never thinking that they’ll drop the ball
But drop to their knees for Him who has made us

9-11, baby, you should have known
Al Queida coming and they’re all alone
But where is the outrage for THIS story?
Laser target, in his sight
60 to one, yea the odds looked right.
You’ll never understand their glory

HOAM. It’s the only place I can go to stop this hurting.
HOAM Justice will come one day, I know for certain.
-I know I cannot runaway, but give us just another single day
-These heroes live forever but a coward dies a thousand times.
-You know it stands to reason but it’s shaping up like treason, we all know.

Half a world away they watched for real, they saw the soul of a Navy Seal
“Who gave the order for my son to die?”

A great song which asks important questions.

Prediction:  Right around 2016, the brave truth seeking mainstream press that constantly pats itself on the groin for speaking truth to power will finally have enough time to report on what actually happened on September 11th in Benghazi.  The story of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and Sean Smith will be a huge fifty word featured blurb on page E-12 of the New York Times.  The heroes of Benghazi will fall below a fawning profile of Michele Obama’s victorious Senate run, a Paul Krugman op-ed praising Supreme Court Chief Justice Joe Biden for enshrining the constitutional right of dolphins to have same-sex marriage and a full page meditation on America’s heartbreak over Lindsey Lohan’s eighteenth stint in rehab.

That is, unless we in the blogosphere keep this story alive.

I snagged this link and video from Jim over at the great Conservatives on Fire blog.  Thanks, mi amigo.  Read his series of posts on taking an incremental approach vis-a-vis the upcoming collapse of the Western world.

Posted in Domestic Happenings, Politicians behaving badly | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments »

Best Idea Ever–Female Frontline Soldiers

Posted by KingShamus on December 3, 2012

Jeff over at Protein Wisdom gives us the scoop on the latest doings on the female empowerment front.

This is actually quite interesting:  “The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), representing four military women and the activist Servicewomen’s Action Network (SWAN), has filed a San Francisco lawsuit demanding that female soldiers be forced into direct ground combat (infantry) battalions.”

The lawsuit is being filed because female soldiers have been proven to be just as good ad their male counterparts.

This despite “numerous studies and tests conducted over the past 30 years, in the direct ground combat environment” showing “women do not have an equal opportunity to survive, or to help fellow soldiers survive.”



It must be sexist or racist or sexist-racist (sexiracist?) to keep women off the front lines, so let the litigation commence.

BTW:  I’m with Jeff.  If a woman can physically and mentally perform to the same degree as a man, she should be eligible to serve in any Obamafied kinetic military actions.

But that’s not what this lawsuit is about.

It’s about making women ‘equal’ to men, no matter how badly we have to torture biology and physics and math to make it happen.

Whatever.  I for one have had it trying to protect thumbsucking anti-American leftoids from the consequences of their moronic policy proposals.  Every day, members of the reality-based community furiously beat their spoons on their high chairs demanding the rest of us give in to every one of their thoughtless childish whims.

So fuck it.  Give the ACLU everything that it wants in this case.  Marxists think women in combat is like the bestest idea ever?  Cool.  We should make Gloria Allred an eleventy-star general just to celebrate this marvelous achievement-free achievement.

As a matter of fact, if you look at the history of America, women have gotten off pretty easy when it comes to fighting in combat.  Since the Revolutionary War, the overwhelming number of soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen have been men.  The US government has been guilty of creating a disparate impact on our male citizens-soldiers.  This sort of blatant sexist discrimination against almost half of our population cannot and will not stand.

Currently, the US Army is 13% female and 87% male.  Those numbers need to change.  If we’re serious about righting the long-standing historic wrong our government has perpetrated against men, we must not only must allow women serve in combat.  We have to go further, and make the Army an 87% female force.

Call me a radical feminist, but America will never be an equal society when women don’t have to shoulder the burden of defending our country.   That means our Army must stop taking in male recruits, while at the same time creating a massive new program to recruit and retain female Army candidates.  It’s the only way we can right one of the great civil rights failures in America’s history.

I mean, why not let a Katy Perry video help determine our nation’s military policy?

Update:  Linked by Theo Spark! Thanks for the shout-out.

Update II:  Linked by Edge Of The Sandbox.  Check out her post for the sexxxiest picture of Moochelle Obama ever.

Posted in Domestic Happenings | Tagged: , , , , , , | 9 Comments »

Lawrence O’Donnell Was For Secession Before It Was Cool!

Posted by KingShamus on November 27, 2012

Lawrence O’Donnell, seen here angrily yelling at Cathy Seipp for disagreeing with him.

Lawrence O’Donnell:  Brave years-ahead-of-the-curve trendsetter.

Liberal loudmouth Lawrence O’Donnell was born in Massachusetts and graduated Harvard. He was an aide to the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a New York Democrat. He is also the host of a popular show on MSNBC, “The Last Word.” Back in 2004, he advocated secession — for blue states that voted for John Kerry.

On “The McLaughlin Group” after George W. Bush’s re-election, O’Donnell said, “The big problem the country now has, which is going to produce a serious discussion of secession over the next 20 years, is that the segment of the country that pays for the federal government is now being governed by the people who don’t pay for the federal government.”

“Did you say secession?” fellow guest Tony Blankley asked incredulously. “Are you calling for civil war?”

“You can secede without firing a shot,” O’Donnell responded.

Read the rest of the article at the link.  So much ooey-gooey schadenfreude.

Oh, but I’ve been told by all the important lamestream media hand-wringers that being pro-secession meant being a toothless illiterate hillbilly from the deep red South.  


I am truly puzzled by this stunning development.  Why, it’s almost as if the MSM narrative is completely wrong or something.  This is a mystery may never be solved.

The Left is really good at projecting its weird pathologies on conservatives.  When this secession talk starting popping up in the post-election aftermath, I was fairly annoyed with some of my fellow righties.  It felt, and still does feel, like petulant foot-stamping.  I didn’t like seeing folks from my side act so unseemly, so childish, so…liberal.

Then it turned out I was more right than I realized.

But it’s okay that Lawrence O’Donnell had a separatist temper tantrum on a highly rated nationally syndicated Sunday news program.  He really didn’t mean anything by it when he got a skinned knee over Dubya’s re-election and told liberals that secession was a viable option.  He supports the Obama personality cult and free abortion pills and endless entitlement spending and gay marriage, so he gets a pass.

I snagged this link from Instapundit.  Muchas gracias

Posted in Media Silliness | Tagged: , , | 6 Comments »

If You Were Missing National Hockey League Action

Posted by KingShamus on November 26, 2012

Shop-Rite has a solution for all your NHL lock-out needs.

Here’s the problem the NHL has right now.

I’m a hockey fan.  I’ve been rooting for the Rangers since I was in middle school.  And I am slowly but surely getting used to not watching the NHL anymore.

I’ll be frank; I’ve got plenty of options besides ice hockey to fill my time.  The Giants are a first place team.  The Knicks are having a resurgent year.  The Yankees might sign Josh Hamilton.  My teams are bringing drama and excitement every day of the week.

Mind you, those are just the sports entertainments I’ve used to replace my hockey enthusiasm.  If we wanna get further afield than just professional athletics, there are many other things to watch, listen to, read, and play.  ”The Walking Dead” is finally turning into the gripping drama critics thought it could be three years ago.  ”Tale of The Tigers” is a great read from a terrific conservative blogger.  Black Ops II just might get me back to giving third eyes to hapless noobs; *CQBDevilGod999* could pwn again.

Like I said, I’m a long-time supporter of American hockey and I’m moving on in relatively painless fashion.  Think about the more casual fans out there.  The guys who don’t go see a ton of games live.  The people who don’t buy merchandise every five seconds.  Those soft hockey fans probably barely noticed that the NHL isn’t running games.  Worse, they might not come back once the league decides to end the lock-out.

I don’t know all the details of the work stoppage.  I don’t know everything that the players and owners are fighting over.  My gut tells me that the owners probably more at fault than the players, but I could be wrong.

But ultimately, all that is a moot point.  This is about the NHL bleeding fans who may never return once the lock-out is done.  Whatever short and medium term financial issues at stake have to pale in comparison to the long-term sustainability of the National Hockey League.  I mean, can the league continue to exist when the owners and players seem determined to alienate the people who support them?

Posted in The Sporting Life | Tagged: , , , | 3 Comments »

Good Thing We Got Mean Old Egyptian Dictator Hosni Mubarak To Relinquish Power

Posted by KingShamus on November 24, 2012

Because newly-minted Egyptian dictator Muhammad Morsi is totally not becoming the new dictator of Egypt.

With a constitutional assembly on the brink of collapse and protesters battling the police in the streets over the slow pace of change, President Mohamed Morsi issued a decree on Thursday granting himself broad powers above any court as the guardian of Egypt’s revolution, and used his new authority to order the retrial of Hosni Mubarak.

Mr. Morsi, an Islamist and Egypt’s first elected president, portrayed his decree as an attempt to fulfill popular demands for justice and protect the transition to a constitutional democracy. But the unexpected breadth of the powers he seized raised immediate fears that he might become a new strongman.

B-b-b-but…youth and revolution and Facebook and stuff.

This  #ArabSpringFail has been brought to you by President Barack Obama, who insisted that the relatively reliable American ally Hosni Mubarak get the hell out of Dodge.  Why?  Because he wasn’t down with the new-fangled 7th century Koran-thumper lingo those Islamofacist hep-cats are all jazzed up about these days.

But hey, maybe we should see how this Egyptian Dictatorship Version 2.0 thing works out before we judge it.  I mean, what democratic reform movement doesn’t start out with numerous charges of sexual assault carried out against women counter-protesters and end with legalized female circumcision?  That’s how George Washington did it when he wrote the Constitution all by himself back in 1492.  And if you dispute that fact, you hate the Founding Fathers.  Why are you chugging the anti-American haterade, hater?

I wonder what Mona Eltahawy, the brave defender of free speech when it lines up with her brand of delicate soft-focus socialism, thinks of the enlightened Egyptian autocrats sanctioning genital mutilation for Egyptian girls.  It’s sad that full-time PLO apologist and part-time Columbia University professor Edward Said isn’t alive today.  He could’ve written a beautiful 20,000 word propaganda piece about why the Muslim Brotherhood was completely justified in sending out the rape-squads to deal with those lippy female protesters at Tahrir Square.

At least President Barack Obama finally recognizes his error in supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and is now doing everything he can to stop the creation of a new dictatorship in a vital part of the Middle East.


UPDATE:  Linked by the great Bob Belvedere!  He asks a very good question:

How long will the pyramids last?

I’d say it all depends.  Does Not-Dictator Morsi value tourist dollars?  The only reason anybody outside the Middle East gives a shit about Egypt is the archaeology.  World opinion–and a lot of cold hard cash–would turn very heavily against the Muslim Bothering Brothers if they vaporized the Sphinx in a fit of Islamodouche pique.

On the other hand, the Taliban turned the Bamiyan Buddhas into piles of rubble.  Nobody cared.  Sure, there were some weak outcries and some concern troll pooh-poohing over the loss of priceless works of megalithic art.  But that was pretty much it. There are plenty of  wackos in the MB who want to finish the job of cleansing Egypt of it’s pre-Islamic history the same way the Taliban did in their country.

Egypt is more connected to the world than Afghanistan was or is today.  That means there might be enough relatively sane Islamists who know just how valuable the Pyramids are to the nation.  Hopefully that is enough to save Egypt’s national treasures.

Posted in Foreign doings, Politicians behaving badly | Tagged: , , , | 5 Comments »


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