And now for the bad news 3 days ago

The US Debt Crisis - How High Will It Go?

It's the Spending Cliff, Stupid

Retirement no more: Median net worth at lowest level since 1969 recent study finds

Money for Nothin' Writing Checks for Free

2013: The Year Of The Zombie Dollar

The Hidden Truth of Higher Prices

The Creation of the Fed and the End of the Gold Standard Has Resulted in Massive Price Inflation

Video: Labor Secretary Solis isn't a fan of that make your brain hurt economics thing

Redskins Snyder Beneficiary of Richmond Taxpayer ...

It's Rule 5 Saturday!


The End of Cash?

The Fiscal Cliff's Structural Endgame

We're All Still Keynesians Now

Payroll Tax Increase: Do it for the pork barrel spending!

Now everybody will feel the pain of Big Government

Obama: "It's the right thing to do for the country …"

Tax Break Included in "Fiscal Cliff" Bill Will Benefit Warren Buffett

Yes, We Have No Solutions. We Have No Solutions Today.

The Cliff: A Rothbarian Policy Alternative

India Finance Minister: "Demand for gold must be moderated … "

The power to tax involves the


2012 - Year of Living Dangerously

How's this for an inflation rate? 1,544% since 1940

The Coming Isolation of USDollar

Hoard Nickels

The three legged fiscal cliff

Obama Orders Pay Raise for Biden, Members of Congress, Federal Workers

Social Security Ran $47.8B Deficit in FY 2012

Government Dependents Outnumber Those With Private Sector Jobs In 11 U.S. States

Payback! Hundreds of Homeowners Associations Threaten Banks with Foreclosure

The Farce Is Complete

For those who unfairly lump Social Security in with Bernie Madoff, in all fairness, you should point


Thank you for another great year at the Classic Liberal Blog.

It was a crazy year and there are already signs of 2013 being even crazier. These politicians we send to Washington, on both the left and the right, we wouldn't trust these people with our fantasy football money! So why do we pretend they're worthy of managing trillions of dollars and wielding abusive powers? Why do we argue with our "Democratic" and "Republican" neighbors instead of arguing directly with the 545 schmucks actually responsible for it all?

Anyway … please enjoy the following Top 50 Posts from 2012.

The infamous Rule 5 Sunday Monday!

"The battle lines between citizens and the State are always drawn. They never go away. The State is always a threat to freedom. The State is always pushing for greater control unless the citizens push back … Growing surveillance by the State is an offensive operation of the State in this never-ending war."

Here Comes Higher Steak (and Hamburger) Prices!

The Fed will be monetizing $85 billion worth of assets every month ($40 billion worth of Treasuries and $45 billion worth of Mortgage Backed Securities) ad infinitum

No Housing Recovery in 2013, Says Roubini

2013 is going to be a rough year… Starting now

Geithner Warns: US Hits Debt Ceiling Monday


The Grinch who stole retailers' Christmas

What's Up Dock?

Doug Casey on the Morality of Money

Consumers Love 'Imaginary' Money!

It seems that wherever the Welfare State is involved,


Merry Christmas!

theCL  2012-12-25  Blog, Culture, Economic, Rule 5  2 Comments

Merry Christmas!

11 Ways to Get Into the Holiday Spirit

Christmas Flap

Is Capitalism Ruining Christmas?

Deck the Halls with Macro Follies

The Economic Lessons of Bethlehem

It's Time To Put the Christ Back in Christmas … and in Christianity, ...

Infamous Rule 5 Sunday!

"Well does the State know Mao's dictum: "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." The rulers realize that the only way to retain their control over the people is to monopolize the firearms. The powers-that-be perceive that the people can never exercise their right to be free if they have no might to be free. Thus it is in part by gun control that Big Brother perpetuates his hegemony."