
Welcome to your obligatory End of the World celebration post.

It’s time to look back in wonderment and hysteria at the past millennia and find something to celebrate. So without further adieu, let’s get started.

Top Ten Things to Mourn Losing due to the End of the World.


In no particular order:

10. Weapons of Mass Destruction – Cause y’know, we never got to really use them to destroy the world.

9. LOL Kats – No list is complete without LOL Kats. And Bunni.

8. Deja-Vu – Cause there’s nothing like that feeling that I dreamt this world has ended before.

7. Bar-b-Que – Need I say more? I mean, BAR-B-QUE! Right?! Yuuumm!

6. Nostradamus – I’m going to miss speculating about End of the World scenarios.

5. Statism/Socialism/Communism – Because I will miss the opportunity to see it fail miserably in America and see liberty vindicated once and for all.

4. Slow Dancing – Really, you don’t need this explanation, do you?

3. Random Roadside Cavity Searches – What’s not to miss?

2. Breast Implants. – No 2 for a reason. I could just end the list right here but then we wouldn’t get to number one and a countdown isn’t complete without the one, is it? Hey, wait. If we don’t get to one, the world  can’t end! Yea!!! But then the list is for naught, so I’m caught in a catch 12/21/12, aren’t I?

Oh well, so be it. Blame it on me for starting the final countdown on an obscure website read by as many as four people, some of whom have multiple personalities and count themselves as three.

But you didn’t read that. Let’s just keep it amongst ourselves, shall we?

‘preciate it.

Now, where were we?

Oh yea. A Top Ten List.

And the thing we will mourn the most as the world comes to and end is:

Drumroll please….





1. Beer! – We can’t watch the End of the World without a frosty adult beverage now, can we? Of Course Not!!!

Here’s a little EotW music to serenade our goodbye.

A toast to you, my friends.

See you on the flip side.


A small sample of the putrid news I’ve come across recently. Hold your nose while you examine the disastrous effects on our military by pro-islamic policies enacted by the Obama administration.

Cadets at West Point, the military’s future officers, our future generals, are being trained in the fine art of muslim appeasement or dhimmitude. – SICKENING: The Muslim-in-Chief turns West Point Cadets into submissive ‘dhimmis’

At relatively the same time, the generals who would offer those same soldiers practical information regarding our muslim enemies are maligned and labeled extremist by the media and anyone associated with the administration. – William Boykin, Anti-Muslim General, Withdraws From West Point Speech After Outcry

‘Extremist’ speaker withdraws from West Point event after protests

Why did General Boykin withdraw from speaking at the academy? Was the offer withdrawn? Was he intimidated in some way?

Muslim Brotherhood ‘infiltrated’ U.S. gov’t – Lt. Gen. Boykin: Radical Islamist group deep inside defense, national security

How terror-tied Islamic groups infiltrated U.S. military.

Barack Obama: Appeaser-in-Chief – Lara Logan Exposes Obama’s Lies About Islam

The military is even going so far as to relieve from duty teachers who reference islam in a negative way. – Muslim Influence in Pentagon Prevails

Islam 1, Christianity 0 : When the Military Keeps Score

I guess it’s all to be expected since the Obama regime has seen fit to remove all negative depictions from military teaching and training materials. – ‘Anti-Islamic Content’ Banned from Military Training Materials

Sharia in the US Military: Latest Islamic Training Guide for Military and Contractors

What Obama and the ones charged with defending US are doing to our country is truly sickening and their actions dishonor every US veteran and lover of freedom. Impeachment isn’t strong enough punishment for the betrayal of trust they exhibit.

And people wonder why I’m so hard on leftists.

Excuse me while I puke.

Is this blog on?

I guess it depends on one’s perspective.

It is “on” in the sense that it is online, masquerading as a harmless website, ready to ambush any unsuspecting web surfer with various out dated ideas such as limited government and liberty. But as far as “on” in the sense of being alive with frequent posts full of verbiage espousing those virtuous ideals, I must admit, that it is not “on” of late. And for that lack of content I am solely responsible. Sadly, my cranial circuitry has been distracted with offline activities and too bummed-out about current events to muster any more than a measly mewl.

With the disgusting realization that our country is racing headlong toward an economy-collapsing granite mountainside (ha! you thought I was going to say fiscal cliff, didn’t you? Fiscal cliff! Fiscal cliff! FISCAL CLIFF!!!),  I’m struggling with the quandary of what to do with the pixelated space before you and how often to do it. So there’s that.

While we wait on that crisis of content to remedy itself, much like we patiently await the dishes in my sink to wash themselves, you could check out the neat little NewsMax sidebar link thingy that mysteriously implanted itself into the blog code. And by “check out” I mean “CLICK THE LINKS” contained therein to make it appear that both of you actually read some of the drivel contained in these here posts, mkay?


And after you do that, or before, don’t forget to show Bunni some love.

Don’t miss this opportunity to help a blogger in need.

Leg Iron is hosting an auction for our Beloved Amusing Bunni to help with her medical expenses. The item he’s auctioning is a 1/24th scale Jaguar XK-120 with driver and passenger fitted with optical-fibre cigarettes. – How cool would THAT look on your model shelf?

Be sure to head over to his place for the particulars.

The Bunni Auction

Alternately, you can make a donation to Bunni’s medical fund at her PayPal account.

No, I’m not talking about Obama’s recent first timer political campaign ad or his inappropriate remarks about oral sex with Michelle. *shudder* My complaint with the president is due to his disrespect of his office in a larger sense: He is being just as flippant with regard to America’s security as he is with his sexual comments.

Is the Obama administration, by turning a blind eye, encouraging members of the government and military to engage in sexual activity that inherently threaten national security?

The answer appears to be “yes.”

Even though the recent Petraeus scandal is an obvious smoke screen meant to distract from the attacks and murders of our personnel in Benghazi and thee subsequent cover-up, the fact that high ranking officials would allow themselves to be compromised by participating in questionable extracurricular activities points to a larger problem with dangerous national security implications.

For instance:

In wake of the Secret Service Colombian prostitution scandal last April, a report on the events cited advance White House personnel were involved. It was further uncovered that a pattern of solicitation of prostitutes had developed over the preceding years.

In addition, recent reports accuse some Department of Defense personnel of accessing porn sites from government computers putting secret government data at high risk of hacking.

Bloomberg quotes a cybersecurity expert saying the Missile Defense Agency’s use of porn is concerning because “many pornographic websites are infected and criminals and foreign intelligence services such as Russia’s use them to gain access and harvest data.”

The only possible response is: Duh.

Now, further reports suggest the problem is systemic and growing out of control, pointing to many federal and state government employees and officials trafficking in child pornography.

There is a national crisis of federal employees engaged in the child porn industry and a related epidemic at the state level.  I’ve documented two states, Vermont and Maine, that appear to be running state protected child trafficking rings with evidence of cops, judges, lawyers, clergy and government employees covering for each other. This kind of racketeering creates powerful, and extremely profitable, pedophile rings.

Barack Hussein Obama’s statement that America is no longer a Christian nation may be a Freudian Slip pointing to his own wishful thinking – a clue to his hope that there is no Christian God and thus, no judgement. Or it may be another attempt to discourage the America people from believing in such a God, which would further encourage an amoral society and degenerate our country. Either way, his blatant disregard for our national security is of grave concern for the soul of our nation.

It is up to us to keep these issues front and center in hopes members of congress like Darrell Issa will uncover the truth in these matters and bring those responsible to justice.

Bill Whittle recites Rudyard Kipling’s poem, The Gods of the Copybook Headings. How is Kipling relevant to today’s political and cultural atmosphere? Find out.

How much do you value your privacy? How much privacy can we expect to have in the modern age of GPS enabled smartphones, WiFi, and search engine companies like Google releasing ISP records to the government on a regular basis?

These unsettling questions come to mind as I watch our military and intelligence community prove just how un-intelligent they can be regarding their own privacy and the government’s want for ever more information about our personal lives. The implications are staggering.

Here’s a great question found in a telling article @ Schneier on Security – E-Mail Security in the Wake of Petraeus – H/T Doug Ross

“If the director of central intelligence isn’t able to successfully keep his emails private, what chance do I have?” said Kurt Opsahl, a senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital-liberties advocacy group.

Be sure to read the whole thing.

Meanwhile, as if they don’t have enough power to spy on the public, Senator Reid and the Democrat controlled Senate have flipped a privacy bill into a spy-on-the-public bill.

A Senate proposal touted as protecting Americans’ e-mail privacy has been quietly rewritten, giving government agencies more surveillance power than they possess under current law.

Leahy’s rewritten bill would allow more than 22 agencies — including the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Communications Commission — to access Americans’ e-mail, Google Docs files, Facebook wall posts, and Twitter direct messages without a search warrant. It also would give the FBI and Homeland Security more authority, in some circumstances, to gain full access to Internet accounts without notifying either the owner or a judge.

It’s an abrupt departure from Leahy’s earlier approach, which required police to obtain a search warrant backed by probable cause before they could read the contents of e-mail or other communications.

From Senate Bill Allows Feds to Read Your Email – Gateway Pundit

This is, of course, an example of the government going too far for security. And you know the old saying so often attributed to Ben Franklin, “Those who would trade in their freedom for their protection deserve neither.”

Also, I can’t stress more, here, that is the Democrats doing this. This is not a GOP effort.

FreedomWorks has an action item on this:

From Bait and Switch: Law Goes From Protecting Your Email to Allowing Gov’t Into Your Email – Warner Todd Huston @ Wizbang who also has a very good video of Judge Andrew Napolitano addressing this issue and others.

Again, please take the time to RTWT.

Buckle up, freedom loving patriots, we’re in for a bumpy ride.

Due to the constant deflection, disinformation and outright opacity of the Obama administration concerning the events on Sept. 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya, The Robotic News Service™ has spared no expense employing a multitude of crack-head reporters to uncover the truths about that night and the circumstances surrounding the horrendous attack on the American consulate. The RNS™ newshounds left no rock unburned, sifting through the facts and fallacies of this story for as many as ten minutes to bring you the following unmitigated amalgamation of previously undisclosed information pertaining to the Benghazi conflagration.

The Real Story of Benghazi

Unbeknownst to Ambassador Chris Stevens, Navy SEAL commandos Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty or computer expert Sean Smith, who lost their lives defending those clandestine US interests, the Benghazi “consulate” was actually a front for an ultra secret Libyan love nest, a Bedouin Brothel, if you will, dealing sex for Stingers or in some cases, sodomy for shoulder-fired missiles. (You can make up your own punch line for that last one.) The code name for the covert operation, according to anonymous imaginary sources was “Humping for Hamas.”

These same sources also claim Generals Petraeus and Adams were frequent “visitors” to the facility, conducting numerous hands-on “inspections” and “performance reviews.” Other sources claim the unmanned drone in the air during the attack was secretly filming these “visits” and the CIA had planned to use the resulting Sex Tapes to blackmail the generals or, depending on circumstances, to promote their forthcoming Secret Service Porn Channel, tentatively called “The De-Briefing Room.” ~ Hey, I didn’t name these things. It’s the government running a whore house here, remember?
Titles of some planned feature length fornication films include:

Whoa! Hot Hijab!

Secret Servicings

Lusty Libyan Lesbians

Busty Beauties of Benghazi – Lascivious Libyans and their High Ranking, Randy Boy Toys

The Big Libido-ski – Tag line: “Is that a rocket launcher in your pocket? Or are you just glad to see me?”

Bodacious Burqa Babes

Al Qaida Concubines in Corsets

Blonde Suicide Bombshells


MANPAD Masochists

Given that General Petraeus pre-screened the home movies testified behind closed doors this week, I think we can safely assume the release of at least one of the new films is near. Perhaps launching the pron career of Jill Kelly will succeed in further distracting the American ADHD public from the contemptuous, treasonous actions of our Complainer in Chief and his merry band of miscreants.

I, for one, am hoping for the opposite effect.

My friends, I come to you with a plea for help on behalf of someone too humble to ask for themselves.

Our dear friend Amusing Bunni, one sure source of humor in the ongoing battle for our country, is in need of prayers. And lots of them. She’s been diagnosed with liver cancer. Inoperable. Stage Five.

Bunni described her diagnosis in an email to Zilla:

There is no good way to put this, so the cold hard truth is:
I was in hospital for 8 days, after all the tests, biopsies, bone scans, mri, cat scans, ultra sounds, etc. etc.  It’s confirmed I have 5th stage inoperable liver cancer, HCC.  There is NOTHING to be done to treat it.  I have been given 3 to 6 months to live.

This hits me hard.

A little less than a year ago I lost my Mom to cancer, or I should say it was the chemo and radiation that finally wore her body down til it could take no more.

It doesn’t need to be said, but I’ll say it anyway.

Cancer freaking sucks.

Anyone dealing with or acquainted with someone dealing with that dreadful disease understands the terrible toll it takes on a family’s emotions and finances.

Friends, Bunni and her family are in need. To quote Zilla:

Bunni is now (obviously) unable to work and she has mortgage and other bill payments still to worry about and she will need help covering medical and other expenses as well. Here is her PayPal button.

Please, if you can, consider a monetary donation to Bunni’s Medical Fund.

Afterwards, please head over to Amusing Bunni’s Musings to offer some encouragement. She needs to know how much we love her and appreciate the joy she has brought into our lives.

Also, if you’re a blogger or just want to add your name to the list of supporters, be sure drop by Zilla’s place to add your name to the Roll Call.

God bless my Bunni Lass.

I’m depressed. I can’t lie. The results of the election is a punch in my gut that isn’t going away. So rather than post a long diatribe about that, here’s something more forward looking. The diatribe may come later.

For now, here’s Bill Whittle with an interesting take on where we are and proposition moving forward, laid out in the latest Stratosphere Lounge.

The good folks at Watchdog Wire and The Franklin Center are covering the election like no other. Be sure to catch the live stream here at 6pm ET.

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