
2012 Memorial Day Statement


Congressman Doug Lamborn (C0-05) issued the following statement to honor our nation's fallen troops on Memorial Day 2012:


“On this day, we remember and reflect on those who answered the call of a nation who needed them.  We remember the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness exist because Americans paid the cost of freedom.   This day we set aside time to reflect on those freedoms and remember those that sacrificed their lives for the liberty of others.  We remember that our freedoms are not free, and we pay tribute to those that made the ultimate sacrifice to secure the blessings we hold so dear.

“We remember the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.  They did so without hesitation, because they understand concepts like "service" and "sacrifice."   They took an oath - they answered their nation's call.  They swore to do their duty and give their lives if required.  We remember and mourn the loss of ordinary Americans who did the extraordinary.  Let us never take for granted the freedoms we enjoy and the sacrifices made by the members of our armed forces.” – Doug Lamborn

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