Houston Elections Blog

Blogging the vote with the Houston Chronicle staff

It’s a blood sport: Dem, GOP surrogates going mano a mano on VP debate (VIDEO)

Even hours before it is to kick off, Democratic and Republican operatives are engaged in verbal skirmishes about the VP debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. And no one’s giving ground. We give you two of them who frequently go toe to toe here in the nation’s most populous state — Los Angeles Mayor [...] [Read More]

The next George Soros?

What is it about Hungarian-born billionaires and political activism? Meet Thomas Peterffy, who is emerging as the conservative yin to the liberal yang of fellow countryman George Soros. The 68-year-old discount brokerage pioneer and Greenwich, Conn., transplant, who Forbes.com estimates is worth a handsome $4.6 billion, is creating quite the buzz in the political world [...] [Read More]
Categories: General

Paul Ryan’s biggest gaffes, lies and misstatements

When it comes to gaffes, Paul Ryan is no Joe Biden. But he has managed to develop a reputation as a “serial exaggerator,” typified by his claim that he had run a marathon in less than three hours. Here is a sampling of Ryan missteps: An unbelievable marathon time Paul Ryan is a sports-guy, but [...] [Read More]

TIME’s Paul Ryan beefcake photo shoot

Last year, back when Paul Ryan was being considered for the Person of the Year cover, TIME Magazine  sat down with the Wisconsin politician for a photo shoot — but not just any photo shoot — a gloriously ridiculous P90X beefcake photo shoot. The magazine released the photos today, just hours before this vice-presidential debate. [...] [Read More]
Categories: General

Top Ten Joe Biden gaffes (with VIDEO)

If political gaffe-making were an art, Vice President Joe Biden would be Pablo Picasso, a prolific artist going from one campaign stop to the next creating vibrant and colorful abstractions of all shapes and styles. Biden has mastered almost every gaffe-making technique in the book, ranging from the foot-in-mouth blurt to the comically unintentional innuendo [...] [Read More]
Categories: Debates, Joe Biden

Presidential flak DeeDee Myers on how to handle a debate gaffe (VIDEO)

Denver — Oh, you know one is going to drop in Thursday night’s VP Debate. A gaffe. Don’t know who, don’t know when, but it will come. And for the campaigns — watching from their sequestered areas — there is nothing they can do until the debate is over except spin it wildly on social [...] [Read More]

Ten years ago today

TEN YEARS AGO TODAY: On October 11, 2002, the U.S. Senate vote in favor of Joint Resolution 114. Both houses of Congress passed the resolution to support U.S. President George W. Bush in the use of force against Iraq.
Few things in the past ten years … [Read More]
Categories: General

Eating on the campaign trail 101

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Categories: General