Let the waivers begin: Missouri Company Wins Its Battle Against Obama HHS Mandate

I dislike Slate, but this was mildly amusing: Boehner wins new term as speaker in maximally humiliating fashion.

She’s “historic”: Kyrsten Sinema: A success story like nobody else’s

For someone who claims her sexuality is no big deal, the article certainly makes it one.

I loved this nugget:

“They also called me a communist, which is not true. I’m a Democrat,” Sinema says. “There’s a difference.”

20 years ago, maybe.

#BENGHAZI: Obama Linked Benghazi to Video 3 Days After CIA Eyewitnesses Confirmed No Protest There

Nakoula unavailable for comment.

Spotted this amazing photo at PJ media:

You Shall Not Pass: Greece sealing its borders; dramatic decrease in ‘asylum seekers’ results

Constitution, smonstitution: Illinois Dems advance ban on most modern firearms

A reader of mine commented:
“When it comes the time that you have to worry about hiding your guns…its past time to have started using them.”



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