Friday, January 4, 2013

Another "civilized" collectivist country heard from (reminding me of something else).

This from brave Anonymous in response to the post below 2013: Resist or Disarm --
Anonymous said...
PLEASE, oh PLEASE, do put your money where your mouth is (I know, a bad metaphor for a broken down crippled old man living off government largesse without two coins to rub together, but you get the drift). PLEASE do criminally break any new laws that are passed so your dumb fat ass can end your days on this planet in a cell. Or, if you insist, you may go to your grave for violently resisting agents of the law. It'll save you the trouble of having to saw off various body parts as the diabetes does its work.
You and your depraved kind are a laughing stock to the civilized world.
You know, you just have to laugh at such malevolent people who are utterly convinced of their own moral superiority. How pathetic. He does remind me, though, that it is time to remind those wonderful readers whose voluntary subscriptions keep us going that it is a new year. For that, I truly thank this bitter collectivist.

Piers Morgan rendition back to the collectivist hellhole of his choosing?

Unfortunately, no.

Whether the Semi-Auto Ban Passes May Depend on What Happens to the Senate Rules

Lasrry Pratt and Company have been walking the halls in DC full time these past few days. Here is the latest warning.

David Codrea: ATF head, D.C. police chief challenged on selective magazine ban enforcement

Dear Director Jones and Chief Lanier, A crime has been committed, your agencies are involved, and someone is lying.

Kurt Hofmann: That depends on the game being hunted, Senator Muñoz

"You don't hunt with a 50-caliber weapon, my friend," Munoz derisively told NRA lobbyist Todd Vandermyde before the panel voted for the weapons ban by a 6-4 vote.

2013: Resist or Disarm. Start deciding now what form your resistance will take.

"The meek, he had been told, would inherit the earth, but only when the last soldier left it to them in his will." -- Captain Richard Sharpe, in Sharpe's Company by Bernard Cornwell, Chapter 10.
Piece of Mind.
Sebastian, the ultimate pragmatist, has presented his read on the bills now entered, or about to be entered, into Congress: "We have a lot of work to do on the magazine issue. Most people, at this point, even pundits and elites, know the “assault weapons” issue is a crock of shit. The magazine issue is a different story." I left this comment on his blog which was not approved:
It doesn't matter what they pass, enough of us will defy it to make the choice mandatory for the rest of you. Fight or disarm.
Sebastian and other Fudd "pragmatists" may continue to hide from this reality if they choose, but J.D. Longstreet understands this in his piece The Next American Civil War:
At first glance it appears to be lunacy of the highest order—and yet—here we are on the cusp of violence to defend something the political left, an authoritarian cabal itself, cannot abide, AT ALL: personal freedom, individual freedom. . .
And now they intend to disarm us.
Look. There is so much pent-up anger in America today that if this argument over gun control ever gets beyond the talking stage it is reasonable to believe there will be violence on a scale not seen since the 1860’s in this country.
These fears are reinforced by the promises of the antis to 'pry guns from cold, dead fingers'.
But the time has not come to begin shooting -- yet. Feinstein's Intolerable Act has not yet passed, let alone begun to be enforced. The raid parties are not yet forming. However, the time HAS come for each of us to decide what form our resistance will take.
Some of us, myself included, are already on the public stage so we might as well dance. For us, the struggle will be a political one of letters, demonstrations, passive and active resistance designed to put the regime on notice that this line they have drawn will not be crossed without further resistance, even righteous, justifiable self-defense of our lives, liberty and property. We shall be the rattlesnake's rattle, the low growl of the wolverine, saying "Don't tread on me." Our job is to put them on notice so that they don't blunder uninformed into this civil war that the unintended consequences of their actions will spark. Our job will be to get in their faces and say plainly, "If you try to take our firearms we will kill you." This is the same moral requirement that we would be under if a convicted home invader and rapist out on parole met us in the street and announced that he was coming to our home that night to rob, rape and kill. Would we be justified in killing him on the spot? No. But we would be obligated to warn him that if he attempts it we will kill him. Those who also have a record of robbing and raping the Founders' republic and killing its citizens to work their will upon them deserve the same sort of warning.
Some of us will also be doing political work, but behind the scenes, doing such things as privately putting each of our county sheriffs and other politicians on the spot -- here is the Intolerable Act, will you enforce it or help us resist it?
Others of us, the majority I suspect, will simply be the hidden core of resistance, using the intervening time by seeing to their own training and logistics, awaiting the day when the Feds, having lost patience with those of us who publicly defy them, finally begin killing us. These will be the folks who will execute a Fourth Generation civil war upon the tyrant's leadership -- and only them to the greatest extent possible -- with the target of breaking their will as they prosecute their treasonable war against the Founders' republic. They are willing to fight to the last ATF agent and local policeman to enforce their will. But it will be by their own aggression, and the 4GW reaction to it, that we will then discover if they are willing to fight to the first Senator, the second congressman, the third White House aide, the fourth editor, the fifth Hollywood propagandist using Bill Clinton's revised rules of engagement against the Serb's in 1999. Unintended consequences indeed.
It will be the time of One Hundred Heads, may God spare us all from its horrors.
The point is that each of us must decide now what form our resistance will take. Either that, or prepare to disarm. Time is just about up. Those who are busy subverting the Founders' republic have told us so.
"Son, you don't poke a wolverine with a sharp stick unless you want your balls ripped off." -- Grandpa Vanderboegh.

Latest news from the dead elephant party. The "problem" is the Tea Party base.

GOP scrambles to fix its primary problem
Conservatives rebel against John Boehner
John Boehner reelected speaker of the House
Conservatives gone wild.

New York Legislature to Introduce Bills Making Posession of Any AWB Firearms Illegal, Remove Grandfathering

From TTAG.

Illinois gun banners momentarily checked.

Move To Ban Assault Weapons Stalls In State Senate

"La! La! La!'

Pretty funny, but typical collectivist behavior.
Liberal Guest Covers His Ears Rather Than Listen to Question from Sean Hannity.

Another country heard from . . . Refreshing honesty from collectivist citizen disarmamnet lobby.

A Forbes editorial: "The Only Way To Disarm Is To Disarm." Good luck with that. Besides, it is bad for business don't you know?

Anthrax scare at New York-based Journal News following gun owner map

Having been the recipient of one of these I can say that it is no laughing matter. On the other hand, their fear wasn't generated by a firearm, now was it? Perhaps they can generate a printed list of all harmless white powder owners.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Latest legislative maneuvers. Banning "Assault Magazines."

Latest from David Codrea: "Coalition sends open letter opposing gun ban to Congress."
No exact language from a bill yet but here's the announcement: "Reps. DeGette and McCarthy Introduce Bill to Ban High-Capacity Assault Magazines."
The High Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act, as the bill is formally known, bans the sale or transfer of ammunition magazines holding more than 10 rounds. Such a standard was federal law between 1994 and 2004, when the assault weapons ban was in effect, and it is state law in many parts of the United States.
Note that it goes further than the AWB of '94 by banning the "sale or transfer" of existing magazines. Good luck enforcing that one, collectivist bitches. (Commentary on same found at Monderno.)

Attaboy. Sheriff votes with wallet, too.

Dana Safety Supply Stops Selling Semi Auto Rifles to Civilians So Sheriff Pulls His Business

Meanwhile, in the land of Inconvenient Reality . . .

FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year Than Rifles

Kurt Hoffman: IL Dems think 11-round magazines more dangerous than outdated nuclear plants

What the Senate (the House does not meet until the weekend) is doing instead is taking House bills that have already passed, gutting them, and replacing the text of the bill with the forcible citizen disarmament language. If/when the Senate approves the amendment (and they will probably try to do so this afternoon), the (now utterly transformed) and passes the amended bill, it is sent back to the House for a concurrence vote.

David Codrea: Gannett requested to investigate ethics of anti-gun personnel

A request to investigate violations is being filed this morning with the Chief Ethics Officer of Gannet, the media giant that owns The Journal News, which published gun permit holders' names and addresses, and the Des Moines Register, which published Donald Kaul's call for gun owners to be killed.

Piers Morgan as Lord Haw Haw.

Lord Haw Haw, William Joyce.
Now it seems that a "Piers Morgan anti-deportation petition claims 'No one in the U.K. wants him'". Pretty funny.
Bob Wright points out that Piers is the modern equivalent of Lord Haw Haw, the only difference being that he is allowed to broadcast his treasonable tripe from our soil, rather than a declared enemy's. From Did You Know:
Born in New York of an Irish father and an English mother, William Joyce lived in England from 1921. In 1933 he joined the British Union of Fascists led by Sir Oswald Mosley. Joyce made no effort to hide his admiration for Adolf Hitler and attracted by Hitler's ideology he and his wife Margaret moved to Germany in 1939 and began broadcasting Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda from a Berlin radio station in Charlottenburg. They lived in an apartment at 29, Kastanienalle, near the radio station. British troops dubbed him (Lord Haw Haw) after a statement by Professor Arthur Lloyd James of London University, an authority on English language pronunciation, who said that he thought some BBC announcers were too "haw, haw" in their diction. His broadcasts later from the Hamburg studios were listened to by millions in the UK. On September 1, 1944, Joyce was awarded the German War Cross of Merit by Dr. Werner Naumann on behalf of Hitler whom the Joyces never met face to face.
Still frame from the 1943 Allied propaganda cartoon "Tokio Jokio", depicting Nazi collaborationist radio announcer William Joyce, also known as "Lord Haw Haw", as an athropomorphic donkey identified as "Lord Hee Haw, Chief Windbag".
At the end of the war Joyce was shot in the ass while being captured by British forces at Flensburg, near the German border with Denmark. The bullet went through both buttocks, leaving four wounds. He went to his death unrepentant and defiant.
Lord Haw Haw was executed on 3 January 1946 at Wandsworth Prison. He was 39. It is said that the scar on Joyce's face split wide open because of the pressure applied to his head upon his drop from the gallows.

Don't forget the Garand.

Garand Assembly, 1942.
As Herschel Smith points out, in a critique of this New York Times editorial: "We’ve Always Had Access To Military Firearms."
But the best sentence of the commentary is this one: “But now anyone can own these guns, and millions are in civilian hands.” The editorial staff should do their history homework, or maybe read a little bit. The M1 Carbine used a high capacity magazine with a low to moderate recoil cartridge. And it has been around and used by the military since 1942, and used by the civilian population since right after World War II. I recently purchased one myself, a new rifle from Auto Ordnance
We (American citizens) have always had access to military firearms. The ready availability of firearms isn’t new. Neither, for that matter, is acts of terror against school children (see Bath School Disaster). What is new is American fascists blaming firearms owners for such events.
Doug Rink has some "More thoughts on mind blowing December gun sales," pointing out that puts into perspective the almost three million background checks, by pointing out that we built just over 4 million M-1 Garands during all of World War II.
Of course the Civilian Marksmanship Program is still the best and cheapest source of M-1 Garands today. I have been told that the CMP store racks in the Anniston, Alabama store are half empty, despite the constant effort of their twenty or so armorers to receive, tear down, inspect and rebuild the Garands there. CMP also continues to be a major source for .30-06 ammo.
We should find out later today if the Garand is one of the weapons that DiFi will attempt to ban by name or characteristic. In any case, it remains an effective battle rifle. So if you can't find an evil black rifle, or one of the M-14 clones, you might want to give the Garand a try.

More voting with wallets in New York state.

he Journal News is Armed and Dangerous
It is not clear whether the negative reaction has threatened the Journal News’ true popularity as a news source. As an anecdotal piece of evidence, the Rockland County Times confirms receiving an influx of new subscribers who stated they cancelled their subscription to the Journal News due to the gun story.