Congressman Randy Forbes
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  1. LikesSee All
  2. Good commonwealth hoops slate tonight: #19 VCU at Richmond at 7pm in Richmond and UVA vs. Virginia Tech in Blacksburg at 8pm. Who are you rooting for?
  3. Americans more downbeat that at any time since Carter administration – 39% of Americans rated the current climate of the country as positive. Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic?
  4. @PilotNews: Pentagon to announce lift ban on women in combat today - I look forward to reviewing the analysis of military leadership concerning the effect of this policy decision on the readiness of our armed forces.
  5. Honored to speak at the Annual Capitol Hill Reception for the Association of the U.S. Navy (#AUSN), working to keep our Navy strong.
    Photo: Honored to speak at the Annual Capitol Hill Reception for the Association of the U.S. Navy (#AUSN), working to keep our Navy strong.
  6. Weigh in: Secretary of State testified today in front of both the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on the Benghazi attacks today. What did you think of her responses?
  7. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. Today we remember Martin Luther King, Jr. and the impact he has had on our nation.
  8. Welcome home to the 111th Quartermaster Company to Fort Lee today- on behalf of a grateful nation, thank you for your service!
    Photo: Welcome home to the 111th Quartermaster Company to Fort Lee today- on behalf of a grateful nation, thank you for your service!
  9. Welcome Home to the Army’s 111th Quartermaster Company, which returns home this afternoon after a six month deployment to Kuwait and Afghanistan. Thank you and your families for your dedication and service to your country. We are all so grateful.
  10. I had the pleasure of joining Martha MacCallum yesterday on Fox News Channel to discuss my new legislation, the Congressional Accountability Pay (CAP) Act. I have included the interview here if you missed it.
    Photo: I had the pleasure of joining Martha MacCallum yesterday on Fox News Channel to discuss my new legislation, the Congressional Accountability Pay (CAP) Act. I have included the interview here if you missed it.
  11. Today is Religious Freedom Day, the anniversary of the passage of the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom. Thomas Jefferson requested this accomplishment as one of three highlights of his career on his tombstone. Each year, the President calls upon Americans to "observe this day through appropriate events and activities in homes, schools, and places of worship."
  12. Friends,
    I will be on CNN at 8:00am and Fox News Channel at 10:20am discussing the issues of the day along with my new legislation, the CAP Act. I hope you can tune in.
  13. Introducing legislation today to add personal accountability into Washington spending decisions. Read more from the Richmond Times-Dispatch:
    Photo: Introducing legislation today to add personal accountability into Washington spending decisions. Read more from the Richmond Times-Dispatch:
  14. The Virginia General Assembly convened yesterday and is scheduled to be in session until February 23rd. Please visit where you can track legislative proposals, see a schedule of meetings/events and contact your state legislators.
  15. Beautiful music and powerful prayer at this morning's Commonwealth Prayer Breakfast in Richmond.
    Photo: Beautiful music and powerful prayer at this morning's Commonwealth Prayer Breakfast in Richmond.
  16. Did you contact my office or receive communications from my office in 2012? We want to know how we did.

Earlier in January

Earlier in 2012