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Working to Reduce Wasteful Washington Spending

-- Randy’s Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

May 11, 2009

Working to Reduce Wasteful Washington Spending

Last Thursday, President Obama unveiled plans to trim one-half of one percent off his $3.55 trillion budget request. While I believe this was a step in the right direction, I am disappointed that more was not done.  Although the President touts his proposed budget savings, he is actually burdening the American taxpayers with more debt. In fact, according to the Washington Post, the President’s budget borrows so much money that it will cost taxpayers more than $4 trillion dollars in interest over the next 10 years. The Administration and Democrat Leaders in Congress need to stop spending taxpayer dollars and look for ways to reign in all the out-of-control, record-breaking borrowing, spending and debt. 

I believe we must put a stop to reckless behavior and restore fiscal reasonability in Washington. As a member of the Economic Recovery Working Group, I remain committed to finding ways to reduce wasteful federal government spending. Last week, members of the working group met to discuss ways to cut spending from the federal budget. In the next couple of weeks, our working group will make recommendations to President Obama for additional ways we can reduce unnecessary spending and save the taxpayers more money.

Every year, Washington talks about cutting wasteful government programs, but this year Washington must stop talking and take action. We cannot keep piling huge debt on our children and grandchildren. Families and small businesses across the 19th Congressional District and America are tightening their belts in these tough economic times.  It is time the federal government follows their lead.

Cap and Tax

Over the last several weeks, Democrats in the House have been working on a new energy plan. Unfortunately, this plan will lead to high taxes, fewer jobs, and larger government involvement in businesses. Instead of creating a national energy tax, I believe we must consider alternatives that will create jobs, encourage greater efficiency and conservation, and promote the use of alternative fuels.

Now more than ever, we need an all-of-the-above plan that will address America’s current and future energy needs. America must lead the way in developing and utilizing new sources of clean, safe, and reliable energy while also producing existing sources more efficiently. However, it is important that we pursue an energy policy based on science that is proven and technology that is readily available to the market now.

America needs an energy policy that chooses neither winners, nor losers, but recognizes the need for an all-of-the-above strategy without neglecting our traditional sources of fossil fuels. That is why I joined with my Republican colleagues last week as an original co-sponsor of H.R. 2300, the American Energy Innovation Act.  H.R. 2300 is comprehensive legislation that will promote alternative fuels, encourage conservation and promote domestic exploration and production.  I encourage you to click on the link to learn more about a positive solution that empowers Americans to find ways to meet our current and future energy demands.

National Police Week from May 11th - 17th

National Police Week provides an opportunity for us to reflect on our law enforcement officers' contributions to building safe communities in the 19th Congressional District and across America.  I am honored to stand behind those who risk their lives on a daily basis to keep our families and neighborhoods safe.

Although there is a formal week to recognize these committed and brave men and women, it is important we keep them in our thoughts and prayers year round, as they are the guardians protecting us.

Armed Forces Day

On the third Saturday in May, we celebrate Armed Forces Day. On this day, we recognize the contributions and sacrifices our brave men and women in uniform make everyday to keep our nation safe.

This Saturday, I remind you to give thanks to the servicemen in your community and their families.

YouTube Update

National Day of Prayer

State Champions


As always, when events unfold in Washington, I will be sure to update you. In the meantime, do not hesitate to visit my website or call my office toll free district wide at (888) 763-1611 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-4005.