The Interactives Are Coming

It?s been a very busy day in a very busy week for us, but I managed to squeeze in some time today to get a preview of the new high-tech computer interactives that will be featured throughout new Library of Congress exhibits, starting with ?Exploring the Early Americas? on Dec. 13.

In a word: WOW.

I found myself flicking across the surface of maps or spinning 3D objects as if they were actually there in front of me.? There was a very real desire to get lost in the immersive world of technology that supplements the physical artifacts in a way that is new for the Library of Congress (and will be carried out in a way that will be unique in all the world.)

I now have visions of young people waiting, perhaps a bit impatiently as young people are wont to do, or joining in groups of two or three to use the kiosks together.? Maybe even some older folks, too.

You can get a taste for what visitors will be able to see here (the on-site interactives will eventually be paralleled online)?still, there was something about seeing the touch-screens in person and putting them through their paces that made me want to explore every byte of content.

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