Saying farewell to Neal Boortz

To say Neal Boortz has created a bit of controversy over his many years on the radio may be a bit of an understatement, but as he signs off the air, I can’t let his departure go by without making clear that it certainly has been fun to be part …

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Looking back in Congress on guns

As the Congress begins to consider President Obama’s plans for new gun controls, it’s important to look back as we try to figure out what will happen in coming weeks and months on these matters.

Even the President acknowledged this week that it will not be easy to get any …

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President Obama calls for action on guns

As President Obama urged Congress to quickly act on his new plans to deal with gun violence, there was little to suggest that lawmakers would drop everything and get cracking on an issue that is clearly the subject of a serious political divide over the Second Amendment.

“I thank the …

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Obama executive actions on gun violence

Here is a list of the executive actions taken by President Obama on gun violence, as provided by the White House. 

These are separate from the main proposals unveiled by the President on Wednesday at the White House, which include a ban on assault weapons, universal background checks for all …

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House approves Sandy relief bill

After several weeks of wrangling, the House on Tuesday evening approved a $50.4 billion package of aid for Hurricane Sandy, as a coalition of almost all Democrats and a small group of Republicans pushed the bill over the finish line, sending it on to the Senate.

“We have an amergency …

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House readies vote on extra Sandy aid

The U.S. House will start debate Tuesday on plans that would add up to $50 billion more in relief for victims of Hurricane Sandy, as critics of the funding will have a chance to offset at least some of the spending with across-the-board budget cuts.

House GOP leaders set up …

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House skirmishes over additional Hurricane Sandy aid

As the House returns to work this week, there will be a legislative skirmish over a second disaster aid bill for victims of Hurricane Sandy, as some Republicans question whether all of the spending is actually needed.

Already dozens of amendments have been filed to the base Republican bill sponsored …

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The Capitol gets ready for Inauguration Day

Preparations are fully underway at the U.S. Capitol for the Inauguration of President Barack Obama for his second term in office, as the West Front of the Capitol has been a beehive of activity for several months, with the construction of the special Inaugural platform and more.

Thousands of white …

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Still no new Commerce Secretary

Think about where you work now or have worked in the past. Imagine if there was no boss of your organization for six months. Yes, there was still someone technically in charge, but no one was officially in the top job, just a senior manager temporarily taking on that position.

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Executive orders and gun controls

Vice President Biden’s statement to reporters on Wednesday that the Obama Administration might take action to restrict guns created a firestorm of criticism about the constitutional legitimacy of such moves, as the debate over gun controls continued to simmer on the front burner in Washington, D.C.

“There are executive orders, …

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